500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 178 The Sneaky One

I transformed back into human-ish form as I let Leo\'s power return. Now that I was up here, I no longer needed my brother\'s help. I jumped from the wall, and the wind began to rush up, but I gathered magic.

I slowed myself down with the wind and pushed forward until I softly touched down at the garden doors to the manor. I quietly opened the door and closed it, transforming back into a cat as I listened to the voices of the girls throughout the house.

Most of them seemed to be coming from the kitchen, so I headed in that direction, watching as I went to stay out of sight. Once I made it there, I saw Breya, Senna, and all the rest of the girls, but Eliza and Chili weren\'t with them.

"Do you think we should go get those two?" Breya asked, looking at Senna, but she shook her head.

"No point. Galio said he would come, so the girls won\'t move until he does. It is starting to get late... Why is there a cat in the house?" Senna asked as she spotted me.

This time I let out a normal cat meow and ran to the front door. Senna came out, shaking her head at me.

"I am not sure how you got in here, but I heard the guards talking about seeing a strange white cat. Are you that same cat?" Senna asked me, and I seriously thought she was waiting for me to answer until she shook her head. "No, that was on the other side of the wall. Not like you are going to talk back anyways. Not like you would be a talking cat or something. That would just be silly."

Senna bent down, scratched behind my ears, and stroked my back a few times before standing back up and opening the door. I darted out the door but didn\'t leave the steps where Eliza and Chili were both waiting.

"Do you want me to bring food out to you two?" Senna asked, but both girls shook their heads.

"No, we will come in soon. Where did this cat come from?" Eliza asked as I walked over and rubbed up against her thigh. Eliza picked me up, putting me on her lap, and both girls started to pet me.

"I have never seen such a white cat before," Chili said as she scratched just behind my ear in the right spot, forcing me to start purring as I melted into Eliza\'s lap like goo.

"I have no idea. Strange though. It seems that the girls from the north gate saw a white cat very similar to this one. Said they saw another one after that looked very strange," Senna said, but her tone brought me out of my enjoyment, and I looked up to see a knowing look on Senna\'s face. Shit! I\'ve been had already, but it was not surprising.

"Really? This cat is pretty white, but it seems like a normal cat," Eliza and Senna shrugged.

"It was Brenda telling most of the story, so I would take it with a grain of sand. I also told her to keep her lips sealed. We don\'t need any more strange rumors popping up, now, do we?" Senna asked, looking directly at me. Damn, she had been playing me for a fool inside when I thought I was the sneaky one. Another point goes to Senna.

Senna stood up, looked up at the moon in the dark night sky, and then turned back to the manor.

"Don\'t stay out too long," Senna said and then went inside. Damn woman, almost ruined my surprise!

"Do you think something happened to him?" Chili asked, looking at Eliza.

"More than likely. From the way that the women have started to mob around town, I wouldn\'t be surprised if they had him tied up somewhere," Eliza said, and both girls giggled.

"Do you really think that I would let them catch me that easily?" I asked in my very deep voice.

Both girls screamed, and I was tossed in the air. I considered my actions as I cartwheeled through the air, but decided that this was the best option as I landed on all fours. The girls were on their feet and staring at me like I was some monster, both of them holding each other.

I transformed, and the girl\'s faces went from fear to excitement in a heartbeat, running over to hug me. I opened my arms, and caught both of them, pulling them both into my arms. I kissed both girls and grew my tail to wrap around them as they tried to squeeze the life from me.

Chili was the first to notice my tail, and she let go of me to spin around, grabbing my tail, and rubbing her face into it. Eliza saw, and soon, both girls were buried in my thick white fluffy tail.

"It\'s so soft! Why does it have to be so soft?! I don\'t even want to let go!" Eliza moaned, looking like she was about to try to tackle my tail to the ground.

"My tail is so thin and smooth, but this is like hugging a furry cloud!" Chili purred as her own tail twitched with excitement.

"Alright, give my poor tail a break. I will be back tomorrow night, so we can relax before being together, but I will probably be staying with Morgana. I have had to keep putting her off, and she has been stuck like this for far too long," I explained, and the girls broke away from my tails with great looks of resignation.

"You should come to see Lady Katarina tomorrow. She said she was too embarrassed to talk to me or anyone. She seems to think that this was her fault, so maybe you can talk to her? You are pretty going at making people feel better," Eliza said, and Chili nodded with a grin.

"Just let her hug your tail! That is bound to make anyone feel better! I was worried that something had happened to you," Chili said, and I shrugged.

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