500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 177 Sneaking Out

Once I had made plans with Mishal to meet at the front gates, I transformed back into a cat. Now that I remembered how to do it, the transformation was as easy as blinking.

"Will I get to see you again?" As I started for the door, Sakura asked, stopping to look back.

"Come by the manor sometime alone, and tell them "pickled cherry." They will know what you are talking about. I probably won\'t be there, but you can wait and help out until I get back," I explained in that same incredibly deep voice, but Sakura nodded without freaking out.

"Thank you! I will come tomorrow and help out until you get back! You look like you are someone that can fight, and I also do. If you crossed blades with me, that would be greatly appreciated," Sakura explained, and I nodded.

"Now, that sounds like some good fun and a good way to unwind after Bramma," I said and then turned to bound out of the tent.

Once I was outside, I ran around some women and headed over to the massive wall, stopping. I waited as the two guards from the gate walked by me, seemingly on patrol. The one that had pointed me out was watching me, so I tried to act as catlike as possible.

"Sarah, I think it\'s that same cat again. Do you think it\'s following us?" The one looking at me asked, and the other let out a long sigh.

"Brenda, it\'s a cat. Nothing more, nothing less. We see them all the time, so there is no reason for you to get all worked up about it," Sarah said in a tired voice. It seemed that this was a normal line of conversation for the two of them, so I just groomed myself.

"Sarah, I am telling you that there is something different about that one! I ain\'t never seen a cat, so snow white like that running about! It should have a bit of dirt on it, but it\'s clean," Brenda said, shaking her finger at me.

Of course, I was pure white! I was a god, after all, and my coat would always stay white. That meant nothing to these two, but Brenda was entertaining to listen to.

Sarah pulled her alone, and the two left me alone. That just left me getting back, and I only had two options. Up or around.

Around would take some time if I didn\'t want to draw attention. Going over was not an easy task either. One hundred feet wasn\'t something that I could make without such serious magical help, and that would also draw attention. Growing wings was also out, so I was left with a final idea.

I sat down and used a claw to slice my paw deeply. Blood dripped out, but the wound almost instantly healed. There was enough blood, and I quickly formed a summoning circle, targeting my brother.

The circle lit up, and twelve circles appeared around it, lighting up. I hoped that it didn\'t draw people\'s attention, but I was sucked into the circle before I could look around.

Why was I getting pulled back in? Leo had submitted it to me already, so there was no reason for this.

Regardless of what I wanted, I was being sucked along the astral highway back to Leo\'s Astral Isle. The road there was just a smash of colorful lines streaking past me.

Suddenly, I was overlooking the grassy savannah, and I took a deep breath of the dusty but fresh air. The place brought back memories of fighting, training, and many laughs.

"So, does this mean after all this time, you are finally back? Father told me that you both talked, and he is proud of you! Not really one to give out compliments, so when you called for my power, I thought I would call you over," Leo said from behind me, and I turned around with a smile.

"I really wasn\'t planning on coming by, but I can see why you might want to talk. I am sorry for abandoning my post," I said, but Leo shook his lion head, his galactic mane shaking with him.

"You have paid your price tenfold, in my opinion. I didn\'t bring you here to berate you; I just wanted to see you, my brother that has been a stranger for far too long," Leo said with a big smile and a tear leaking down his cheek.

,m I walked over and embraced my brother, and it was nice to be able to actually remember who he really was to me and the time we had spent together. Both of us broke apart, and Leo wiped his eyes.

"I am sorry about that."

"It has been far too long, my brother, so I understand. How is Capi?" I asked with a smile, and Leo rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"As lovely as she is hard-headed. My love has been busy lately with your girls. She has been trying to get the Golems to start changing their ways, but they do not follow my wife without having her likeness," Leo sighed, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Tallia was telling me that the Golems were holding the Living Dolls hostage. I assume that is the case then?" I asked, and Leo nodded with a downcast look.

"Their problems run deeper than just that, but I will let you deal with them. You are the one for the job, after all. No, I just brought you here for something of a reunion, but I can see that you look tired. What is it that you need my power for? Is there a foe?" Leo asked, and I gave him a sideways look.

"I didn\'t want to walk around," he said sheepishly, and Leo shook his head.

"I would like to say that I am surprised, but I am not. You should stop by and visit my wife. She talks about you whenever I visit," Leo said, and I nodded.

"I am going to have to make time to visit everyone, though I am a bit worried about going to see Sage. I cut Elfinia off from him," I said, and Leo scoffed.

"I was with him when it happened. I haven\'t seen Sage laugh like that in awhile. That one needs to learn a lesson, and I think you handled it quite well. Honestly, I am surprised that you didn\'t rough her up more," Leo laughed, and I shrugged.

"This shrew is far from tamed. I foresee a lot of headaches to come from Elfinia," I sighed, and Leo laughed more.

"You can say that again!" Leo laughed, and I scowled at him.

"You are getting too much enjoyment out of this! You don\'t have to deal with all these women!" I snapped, and Leo shrugged.

"These are all women are people that you have interacted with to bring them here. Not all of them are good. Elfinia was not happy when you left," Leo said.

"I still don\'t have all those memories back yet. It seems I can pull them up if I try, but I am getting nothing about Elfinia. She and the other goddesses were close to me, right?" I asked, and Leo nodded.

"We just train the girls to give them something to do while you are busy. They all disappeared when you left, but we gained contact with them all right away. Some seem to remember you, while ones like the Elf seem to be blocked," Leo explained.

"Well, I guess we all will have to work on it. Send me back now so I can get over this wall. I still have to say goodnight to my countess and then get home to my other Elf," I said, and Leo nodded.

"Good seeing you again, little brother," Leo said with a smile, but I was pulled back to my cat\'s body before I could yell at him. The doofus came into existence a fraction of a second before me and will not let it go!

I slammed back into my body, but now I looked like a mini lion, I was sure. My paws were burning with galactic fire, and I could see and feel my mane acting all crazy. I needed to get out of here quickly.

"Sarah! I told you that flash of light was something! What is that thing?!" Brenda exclaimed, and I looked over my shoulder to see the two plain guards looking at me with shock and awe.

I turned my head to the top of the wall as the astral currents flowed around me. I focused, and the distance between me and the wall vanished, leaving the guards behind.

That might not have been the best way to deal with them, but I was starting to get tired. I would have to just deal with the consequences tomorrow. Now it was time to see how Eliza\'s day went and then get back to Listenia to do some training before bed.

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