Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 423 138 - You can mess with the healer - but when you try to mess with her patient... (part 3)

Chapter 423 138 - You can mess with the healer - but when you try to mess with her patient... (part 3)

"Are you happy with what you did? That\'s what you get for not doing any research and just trying to save your own ass! Get the hell out of here, I don\'t want to catch your idiocy!"

Burushi on the other hand, went and helped Zoemi get back to bed before turning around glaring with pure hatred at the shocked brown-haired attendant and painted at the door.


Teo\'s bloody face twisted in a sorrowful grimace and she actually listened, getting up from the floor and rushing out of Zoemi\'s room.

"...this is so dumb... You are dumb too, you know? My lord? Yesterday you suddenly started feeling worse without any apparent reason and you didn\'t think that the only thing that changed was the food you ate?! How come that wasn\'t the first thing you became suspicious of?!"

Burushi scoffed while helping Zoemi get into a more comfortable position.


Zoemi muttered apologetically while gripping his abdomen with both hands.

"...little ones... could you create a cold compress for me...?"

He was in such distress that he spoke out loud a line that he originally wanted to only think off – still, his sentinels complied with his wish immediately, and a block of ice grew between his stomach and his hands within the next few seconds.

"...well – there goes your attendance on today\'s lectures..."

The blond heroine glared at him and shook her head in disapproval.


Zoemi could only repeat, before burrowing his head in a pillow.

"Miss Patishi, come here with that tray. You said that he doesn\'t have to eat anything, right? Please check what food is okay for him to eat."

Burushi couldn\'t stay angry at Zpemi for long, especially since it looked like this was just an honest mistake and not a showcase of recklessness – at least this time – so she breathed out and beckoned the trembling brown-haired girl who kept herself away from the fight.

"A-ah...! Okay...!"

Patishi gasped and nodded, stepping around the bloodstains left by Teo on the floor and approaching the bed.


Before she got wide-eyed and stopped in place, staring down at the tray in disbelief.

"I don\'t like the sound of it... How many of those would be bad for him?"

Burushi tensed up and groaned to herself before straightening her back and asking cautiously.

"I... I don\'t understand..."

Patishi muttered staring at all the food she prepared beforehand.


Burushi held back a sigh and waited for the younger girl to explain what exactly didn\'t she understand.

"This... all of this food was happy that it became delicious and that it will nourish the person that would eat it..."

The brown-haired girl spoke in a trembling voice.

"...but now every single piece of it laments that it is filled with poison...!"


She said with a ghastly-pale face and looked up at the flabbergasted heroine.

"Wait... what...?! Is that how the food always is near sick people or ones with some sort of allergy...?"

Burushi gulped down her saliva and asked cautiously.

"N-no...! Normally, if the food is intentionally made bad or poisoned it is angry at the one who made it. If that was done by accident or the person can\'t eat the specific ingredient, the food would be sad that it cannot fulfill its purpose... but this... I never sensed anything like that – not even back in the royal palace when we discovered that one of the cooks was about to poison the meal for the king!"

Patishi shook her head and declared while biting her lips in concern.

"Miss Patishi, let\'s step back for a moment."

"Eh....? Ah! O-okay...!"

The blond-haired heroine walked away from Zoemi\'s bed and pulled the initially confused younger girl with her, taking her at a distance that she originally kept from the back-haired boy because of the whole scene with Teo.

"How is the food now?"

Burushi asked, crossing her fingers and silently praying for her bad feeling to be mistaken.

" it is back to being happy for being delicious...!"

But Patishi looked between the tray and Burushi\'s face and gasped in shock.


Burushi cursed under her breath.

Just for a split second, she clung to a small chance that she was the one messing up with Patishi\'s ability, but that was proven to be completely misplaced hope.

"This is outrageous... back in the Banemor territory nothing like that would happen – Zoemi could eat everything normally...!"

The blond heroine breathed out in concern staring at the food with accusation.

"Maybe it was just some mistake – I\'ll try and..."

The flustered Patishi said unsure what to do and tried to walk back to Zoemi\'s side with the tray but then stopped immediately with a pitiful expression.

"\'s back to lamenting that it\'s full of poison..."

She hung her head down and breathed out in a deeply bothered voice.

"Did... did I mess something up...?"

Patishi asked, looking at Burushi with tearful eyes.

"No, don\'t be silly. Unless you made the food that I brought Zoemi yesterday or helped Teo prepare whatever she got him earlier today. It seems that there must be something wrong with the food itself... Which is extremely problematic if you ask me..."

The heroine waved he hand dismissively while shaking her head in denial, trying to put the worried younger girl at ease even a little bit.

"...ah... that\'s right... I didn\'t – oh! Wait – there are still a lot of ingredients that I haven\'t used because I thought they would not be suited for breakfast!"

Patishi nodded her head, before suddenly straightening her back and gasping in realization and announced with sparkling eyes.

"Big brother – don\'t worry! I will make sure to find something that you can safely eat!"

"...I\'m counting on you... just... don\'t skip classes because of me..."

She called out to the black-haired boy suffering in silence on the bed, and he raised one of his hands and tried to smile reassuringly, but honestly, each word that he spoke was causing him to become more nauseous.

"Lectures can wait! Onne and Enleve will take notes for me once they realize I will not show up, anyway! Helping you takes precedence over anything, big brother Zoemi!"

But Patishi only shook her head while already at the door and called out before leaving the room in a hurry.

"..what will we do if it turns out that I can\'t eat anything...?"

Zoemi breathed out and asked, losing all the fake positivity that he tried to muster to not make the younger girl even more worried.

"We shall contact uncle Benevirau and will get you food straight from the Banemor territory obviously. What, did you expect that you will have to pick between starving and living your life in perpetual torment? Come on!"

Still, Burushi only scoffed and shrugged indifferently, already thinking about the makeshift solution before they come up with a permanent one.

"...ah... that\'s nice..."

Zoemi snickered before the spasm of pain made him grimace.

"Also... Onne and Enleve, huh... I wonder who those two are... it sounds like they are Patishi\'s friends, and good ones too... I\'m happy for her..."

He added while nuzzling his face against the pillow in an attempt to take his mind away from the nauseating agony spreading through his entire body.

"I can the other attendants in the staff resting room about them, if you want."

Burushi rolled her eyes and said.

"...Nah... I\'m okay with waiting until Patishi would decide to introduce them on her own. If that never happens, that is also okay. It\'s her decision."

The boy breathed out and shrugged his shoulders with a soft but proud smile.

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