My Girlfriend is an S-Class Adventurer

Chapter 367 Retrospect (Part 1)

Willford was taking advantage of plant research to develop a method for creating chimeras.


A few hours earlier...

Meredith Scully\'s day started off a little slow. As much as the half-fox had woken up several times for a few minutes, only to go back to sleep, she remained in bed. Her morning was again started with Luke doing his morning workouts. A little embarrassed, she enjoyed watching her beloved train.

Pretending to still be asleep, Meredith was spying on the half-wolf performing his push-ups. Luke\'s heavy breathing was an incredible melody to the girl, who was beginning to imagine some other possible types of exercise, in this case, those done together.

Watching the sweat dripping down the half-wolf\'s broad back made her face a little red, however, she concentrated on her task of pretending to be asleep.

As Luke began to make bars on the bathroom door, he stood facing the girl\'s bed. At a distance of about four feet. Watching Luke\'s muscles twitching was making Meredith even more embarrassed that she was spying. She knew it would be okay to watch, but for some reason, the feeling of being hidden in the covers watching him was making her heart race.

The girl no doubt imagined that she was succeeding in her task, she was also skilled in the art of camouflage, however, Luke could notice her breathing changing, becoming a little short of breath. The half-wolf was used to Meredith\'s sleepy breathing, so it was obvious that she was awake.

\'Hmm, but why would she pretend to be asleep?\' thought Luke. Soon he put that matter aside and continued to train.

Luke finished his exercises, which discouraged the young woman a little, who was extremely entertained by watching her lover exercising. Just then he took a quick shower and left. Again, Meredith was alone.

My God, what was I doing,\' thought the girl. As she shook her head and rolled on the bed from side to side, her head was full of imaginations. And in her heart, it was energized with the love she felt.

"When did he get so handsome?" She questioned. Looking up at the ceiling with her face completely red.

Slowly she closed her eyes again.

"Anyway, now that he\'s gone... I\'m going to lie down some more." She said, giving a small laugh soon after.

The girl\'s morning had indeed started slowly, something she should have enjoyed, as the day would only get much more complicated from now on.

After a few more hours, the girl finally decided to get up. There was still some time before the beginning of classes at the academy. Even with so many relapses into sleep, it was still early. Luke had left his room early in the morning.

As the sun rose, the windows of the room lit up. A calm wind swayed the curtains, causing the light to dance across the room.

Meredith\'s red hair shone in a beautiful shade when it met the light. Now that the sun was beating down on her bed, the temperature under the covers was rising. After concentrating all her energy, she finally decided to get up.

Her hair was a bit messy and her clothes were wrinkled. But the half-fox\'s natural beauty was still as striking as ever.

Merit slowly stood up, stretching. Stretching her arms up as she stretched.

After putting her feet up off the bed, she soon came across the mirror that stood on the bedroom wall.

"Okay! I\'m going to need a comb." She said, observing her reflection.

Every day the girl started the same way, combing her tail and hair. She still felt awkward that she no longer had to hide her half-beast features, but it wasn\'t a bad feeling, in fact, it was liberating.

She was excited, singing a tune as she ran her comb through her long red hair.

"Hmm, maybe it\'s getting to be time to trim the ends." She said, thinking aloud.

Combing her tail was the most time-consuming part of her morning, perhaps even more complicated than fixing her hair. But the girl continued to sing excitedly as she combed her hair.

When she had finally finished her daily routine, the girl put on a casual outfit and went downstairs to eat breakfast in the academy cafeteria.

The long white corridors of the dormitory sparkled in the sunlight. The many windows of the building illuminated every inch of the place with the beautiful energy of the morning. The appearance of the academy already showed perfection in architecture, but watching the light coming in through the windows made this place even more beautiful.

The way every little detail of the building seemed to be done with care was astonishing. Even though Meredith had grown accustomed to large buildings, mainly because of the mention of Ayumi, there was something about that place that left the half-fox\'s heart with a sense of comfort and wonder.

"Hmm, I hardly see anyone walking around without their uniform." she said, walking down the halls.

A few seconds later, she saw one of the researchers in an outfit that was also casual.

She was an elf with black hair. An extremely dark shade. The woman\'s skin was very white, similar to Nathalia\'s. She was dressed in a black skirt and a red blouse. Everything about the woman showed elegance, even the way she walked. Her face was exuberant and young, but wearing glasses gave her a serious and intelligent appearance.

As they both passed each other, they exchanged glances. At that very moment, the elf gave a small smile and waved her hand. Meredith reciprocated the gesture.

Inside the academy it was the norm to wear the uniform outside the dormitories, something the half-fox had not yet completed, she did not even imagine that there was such a norm.

However, with the common fear of attracting attention. Meredith decided that she would no longer go out without her uniform.

After all, apart from the elf she had met, everyone was wearing one of the academy\'s uniforms. Both those who were working, researchers, and even students walking through the dormitory.

After walking down, the stairs three floors, she finally reached the main entrance of the building. Walking to the right, she went towards the cafeteria.

There were several tables for eating. The cafeteria was full. It was one of the few places where conversations could be heard going on normally. In any other place in the academy, it is unusual to see much noise.

In the intervals of the classes there were those who commented and talked among themselves. But both in the corridors and even on the street, even with conversations, it was hard to be bothered by the noise. Silence always reigned.

This atmosphere at the academy was wonderful for Meredith, who, with her keen hearing, had always been bothered by the noise of urban centers like Oukiwa. It was a relief for the girl, who felt free to think, without hundreds of voices bothering her.

Inside the dining hall, the conversations, although more marked, still took place in a low tone of voice. Since Meredith was in a researcher\'s dormitory, most of the subjects discussed at the tables were precisely about experiments. Development of artifacts and magic.

While she sat there feeding herself, the girl was trying to understand what she was able to hear. An effort that unfortunately was in vain. There was still a very large knowledge barrier.

After Meredith left the refectory, she returned to her room extremely thoughtful. Uncomfortable with her inability to understand the conversations that took place at the next table.

This gave her more motivation to study. She then sat down in front of a desk, where she spent the rest of her free time reading the books that the teachers had indicated.

She also reviewed her notes from the previous day, as well as making notes of what she had just learned.

She was not familiar with magic, which made the task extremely challenging. But Meredith wanted to be of more use to Luke.

She did not possess several of Gene\'s abilities like Alexis. Nor did she have the prestige, money, and contacts like Ayumi. But one fact has always been present in her life, she is a hardworking woman who would do anything for her beloved.

Meredith continued studying for hours, trying to concentrate as much as possible on the texts in front of her. But whenever she stopped for a moment to rest and drink some water, her thoughts would return to Luke.

She couldn\'t get the half-wolf out of her head. Every second that she wasn\'t reading, her heart was racing, thinking about him. Imagining the times, they would have together and what they could do. She felt a gigantic longing to be by Luke\'s side every day. She imagined what their children would be like, what it would be like to cook for him and wait for him every night in his bed.

She couldn\'t stop imagining her return to Broteforge. All she wanted most of all was to be accepted as Luke\'s wife.

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