Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 3 1

‘Cao Cao?’ She obviously would have never heard of the name.

‘Cao Cao’s most famous phrase, ‘I’d rather carry the burden of the people, than let the people bear mine.’

‘I’d rather carry the burden of the people, than let the people bear mine?’ She repeated with intrigue.

‘That’s it, actually he was quiet a callous and ambition man, in his lifetime he betrayed countless people. Even when he triumphed and achieved impressive feats, in his passing he was despised by generations. My way of thinking is his exact opposite.’

He spoke with sincerity, ‘If I don’t have confidence in Princess, the balance of your life could be in my hands. If it turns out to be a scheme between Princess and the King of Li, I rather suffer this outcome knowing that I didn’t betray Princess’s trust.’

Miao Guang was touched, she trembled.

From her first impressions she thought King Ming was extremely attractive. After several interactions, she could sense that he was well learned but remained naive. More importantly, he was easily duped by a sob story and gobbled bait up. She couldn’t but to lower her expectations of him.

But now, his frank and noble manner took her by surprise. It was the first time she had contact with someone who behaved like him.

Who wouldn’t admire his self sacrificing attitude towards others?

Her eyes were starting to sting and water began to well in them. Realizing she was losing self-control she turned her head to blink away the tears.

‘King Ming’s favor, how could I ever repay?’

‘Don’t consider it as a favor!’ he waved his hand dismissively.

‘How about we get back on track and discuss about our diversion plan for your pursuers?’

Despite being moved by Feng Ming, she had to carry out her brother’s instructions. She gathered her emotions and sat down to strategize with the King.

‘Yong Yi has already delivered the gifts from Yong Yin. He will leave the capital today. I agreed to meet him in person the day after tomorrow. I will secretly leave the capital tomorrow. King Ming can act as my body double by adorning my clothes and lead the trail east bound. About twenty li, you will stop at a river. There my aids will prepare a corpse similar to my appearance and deposit it in the river. It will appear as if I had fallen off my horse and drowned.’

Feng Ming clapped, ‘That’s ingenious! I will draw them towards the corpse. Once there is a corpse there isn’t a need to trace your whereabouts. Alas, there remains an issue. Princess you are staying at a consulate, it is heavily guarded. How could you escape without being caught?’

‘I have an idea. I will feign illness and retreat to my room and order people not to disturbed my rest. During this time I will make my escape. This excuse would buy me a half hour head start. If King Ming could secretly sneak out of the palace and hide until the soldiers stir, then you can make a run to the east with them hot on your tail.’

She smiled, ‘the men chasing you down will be Xi Rei’s soldiers, incase they catch you will you be able to manage?’

Feng Ming affirmed, ‘They would never lay a finger on me.’

‘That’s a relief,’ she gazed into the King’s eyes before reaching into her belt. She produced a small fragrant silk bag often used to carry spices and dried flowers.

‘I have nothing of value to return your kindness. Please take this pouch. It was a gift from my love.’

‘In the future, if you need to seek assistance from the country of Yong Yin, all you need to do is present bag this to Yong Yi. He will comply with your requests.’

‘Something so precious, you are willing to part with…’ Feng Ming looked at the bag in her hand.

‘King Ming, if you can accept this as a token of my good will.’ She held onto the satchel dearly, a bit reluctant to pass it over.

Feng Ming nodded.

‘Shall we proceed as discussed? We will act out independently tomorrow. Miao Guang is worried, even if I don’t manage to escape it may be the last time I will be able to see King Ming. This can also be a keepsake in the memory of Miao Guang.’

‘Alright,’ Feng Ming took the small package and hid it within the inner chest pocket of his clothing. ‘I will keep this safe.’

The pair continued to talk about minor details. Afterwards, Feng Ming returned to the palace.

--- --- --- ---

Parallel to Feng Ming’s meeting, after Rong Tian’s departure from the Prince’s chamber the King hurried to a private room to meet with Li Er.

‘Your Highness, brother has sent news.’ The young man kneeled before his master.

‘What is it?’

Li Er replied, ‘Ruo Yan has not made a move, he has been handling the affairs of his state as normal. He showed no signs of concern over Princess Miao Guang in our territory. It is as if he knows he has the upper hand, with King Ming poisoned, Xi Rei wouldn’t harm the Princess.’

‘What about the antidote?’ Rong Tian was growing impatient.

Li Er dipped his head in shame, ‘We have not been able to steal it, but my brother has caught word. There is an eccentric medicine man of which Ruo Yan studied under. This man is highly skilled in his knowledge of toxicology and pharmacology. However, he likes to live in seclusion. Rong Hu has already set out in search of him, and will bring him to Xi Rei to manufacture a remedy for King Ming.’

Rong Tian let out a heavy sigh, ‘We need to make haste! Otherwise, Feng Ming would not be able to resist the poison much longer. We only have pain alleviating agent at hand. The one month mark of Feng Ming’s exposure to the poison is fast approaching!’

‘Rest assured, Your Highness. My brother is giving his all.’

--- --- --- ---

As Feng Ming whipped his horse to gain speed, he revised a few things in his mind.

He wasn’t completely airheaded enough to not suspect Miao Guang or the possibility this was all a scam.

The next day, all he needed to do was to leave the palace, hang about the city until he needed to make a run for it. It would be Xi Rei’s soldiers after him, and if he got tired of playing the scapegoat he could straightforwardly hand himself over. Especially under the watchful eye of Xi Rei’s troops, if Miao Guang or any of her co-conspirators wanted to make a move on him, wouldn’t it be a difficult task?

Their opportunities would be next to none.

It seems that Miao Guang didn’t have the intention to harm him.

Once he returned to the Prince’s hall, it was just his luck that he beat Rong Tian. Chiu Lan and the other maids were resting at a table laughing and giggling amongst themselves. Seeing their master’s return, they promptly stood up and greeted him.

‘Welcome back, King Ming!’ As Feng Ming pulled up a seat, Chiu Xing was already beside him, serving him a big bowl of a rare fruit that was recently offered as a tribute.

‘King Ming should try moon fruit! It is very fresh!’

The name was befitting to the shape of the fruit, it was around half the length of a finger and emerald in color.’ He grabbed on and popped it into his mouth, his eyes lit up. ‘It’s so juicy and sweet! It’s delicious!’ He hurriedly scooped up several more into his mouth.

He turned to the girls and encouraged, ‘You girls should try them too!’

‘We already stole a few to eat!’ Chiu Yue laughed.

Chiu Lan was getting fired up, she scolded the younger maid, ‘You are behaving more and more out of line! The moon fruit was a tribute!’

Chiu Xing came into her friend’s defense, ‘Didn’t you take part in it too?’

‘I only ate one but you and Chiu Yue had four or five each!’

Feng Ming chortled and delivered a plump moon fruit into Chiu Lan’s mouth.

He roared with laughter, ‘Alright, that’s enough quarreling. Then you should eat four or five too!’

As the group entertained themselves they were entirely engulfed with their conversation.

Rong Tian had returned unnoticed into the room. He crept up behind Feng Ming stealthily. As the younger man lifted a fruit to his lips, Rong Tian swooped down and used his mouth to steal the bounty.

‘It’s sweet.’ The King muttered as his tongue licked the tips of his lover’s fingers.

Chiu Lan and the girls quickly dropped to their knees to bid their dues before discreetly scattering out of sight.

Feng Ming yanked his fingers away, ‘You are like a naughty dog!’

‘Feed me another one.’ Rong Tian said with a sly grin.

‘No, I won’t.’

‘Then I will feed you instead,’ The King lent over and clamped his mouth over a moon fruit and lifted it up to Feng Ming’s lips.

Last night, Feng Ming had used up a sizable amount of his energy on devouring the King. Of course, tonight he was going to play it calm. It was better to submissively let the King pamper him. After all, he needed to maintain his strength for an important assignment the following day. As for getting another taste for his ‘little Tian’, he would have many chances later.

That night the pair slept comfortably with the King wrapped around Feng Ming. At daybreak Rong Tian awoke and left to attend the morning court proceedings.

Feng Ming pretended to be sound asleep, he peeped to check the coast was clear before scrambling out of bed in record time.

Just as he got onto his feet, he was met with a sudden intruder.

His locked eyes with a very cheeky looking Li Er.

‘King Ming, where are you off to?’

‘Outside,’ he replied hurriedly.

‘Yesterday, you snuck out on a trip. Today you plan to do the same?’ His playful servant giggled and blocked his path.

‘If you don’t tell me where you are running off to play, I will go alert the King.’ He teased.

‘No! Absolutely don’t!’ Feng Ming blurted.

‘Then tell me!’ Li Er offered his compromise.

Feng Ming looked around before dragging Li Er into a quiet corner.

As matters stand, he couldn’t let Rong Tian learn about his plans.

He let out a sigh before giving his servant a quick summary. He made sure to exclude the identity of Yong Yi. He emphasized that he was helping the Princess elope and his main role was to avert any pursuers.

‘Today we are going to take action. Li Er, you won’t whisper a word to the King, right?’

Li Er nodded with a grin, ‘I don’t want the King to marry the Princess, so it is better she runs off. But I sense something fishy. They might be planning something against King Ming.’

‘I factored in this possibility too but the chances are rather slim. I will be in plain sight of the public and if I yell out for help they will be immediately surrounded.’

‘If King Ming has given thought over the matter, then there is no problem.’ Li Er’s voice was full of excitement.

‘Do you need my assistance?’

‘Well, I will need to get to the market to meet with the Princess’s attendant. There he will hand me clothes, and I will quickly undergo a wardrobe change.’ Feng Ming did feel a little unease. ‘If you can help me leave the palace, you can stake out at the market and overlook the situation. Wait for my hand signal in case I think something is array. This is the only time her attendant and I will have any interaction. As soon as our meeting is over, it’s safe.’

‘Okay, in the event that this is a deception the Princess has laid out for you, as long as King Ming makes a gesture I will immediately inform the King so he can come rescue you. However…King Ming, why would you take such a gamble for the King of Li’s sister?’

Feng Ming was about to explain the reasoning behind his determination that had won over the Princess but realized they were short on time. He gave Li Er loving pat on the head.

‘Hey, how about I tell you when we get back.’

The pair left the palace via Li Er’s escape routes. They exchange their flashy outfits for ordinary clothing. Feng Ming also wore a big straw hat to hide his distinguished face. Once they reached the market, the attendant that the Princess had sent were already well camouflaged within the traffic of humans.

Feng Ming’s body was rushing with adrenaline as he was going to perform a big stage act. He turned to Li Er and whispered enthusiastically, ‘Alright, I’m going to head over to collect the package. Once I am done, I will leave the city. If you are worried you can tail me from a distance.’


With Li Er at his side, he was more at ease. He boldly stepped into the crowd to meet with

‘The Princess has left?’ Feng Ming whispered.

‘Yes, less than a half hour ago. These are some of her highness’s belongings. This lowly servant will take leave’

‘Well, I will head out of the city as soon as I see the chase.’

Feng Ming took the clothes and as he was just about to walk away the attendant suddenly asked, ‘Does King Ming know that we are under the observation of Xi Rei’s men?’

‘What?’ Feng Ming jolted.

‘Besides King Ming’s personal servant Li Er, the King of Xi Rei has sent additional men. If King Ming would so kindly cooperate by following me out of this market to a nearby alcove out of sight from your caretakers. An imposter posing as King Ming will draw them away. King Ming will then be able to leave the city.

Feng Ming tilted his head in thought.

If Rong Tian had pinned men to spy on him, then Miao Guang would have failed to make a break for it. Wasn’t it pointless to adhere to this attendant’s instructions?

He shook his head and replied, ‘Since the Princess’ plan has fallen through, there’s no need for me to hide in the alcove. Don’t worry. I will do my best to rescue the Princess.’

The attendant chuckled, ‘Oh, King Ming you are really fascinating.’ There was a devious glimmer in his eyes.

‘Our Princess is notorious for her cleverness, if she wanted to leave Xi Rei would she need King Ming’s aid?’ he jeered.

‘If King Ming doesn’t heed my instructions, I’m afraid King Rong’s life is in grave danger.’ He threatened with a raspy whisper. Those words drenched Feng Ming’s heart with ice cold water.

His eyes widened, ‘Rong Tian?’

‘Who do you think our Princess is? King Ming was purposely allowed to carry something important to her. That satchel contains a potent and undetectable drug. At this very moment, anyone who has had contact with you have become victims to it. This includes the King of Xi Rei and your attendants within the Prince’s hall!’ He hissed.

‘If King Ming doesn’t trust my words, you can sample the poison’s effect if you apply pressure on to your ribs. Can you withstand the pain?’

Feng Ming was dubious. He shot a glance over to where Li Er was positioned in the distance.

Li Er remained diligent and had his eyes glued onto the pair.

Feng Ming reached and softly compressed the suggested part of his chest. He winced at a sudden sharp disabling pain that nearly sent him toppling.

‘How does it feel? Is it unbearable as I claimed? Our King wishes only to invite King Ming as our honored guest to Li. As long as King Ming takes our offer we will provide an antidote.’

‘Miao Guang’s main purpose…was to manipulate me and take down Rong Tian?’ Feng Ming’s thoughts were going a mile a second.

If Feng Ming was poisoned, that meant he had also exposed it to Rong Tian. Given this rare chance, Miao Guang wouldn’t have used any old drug but something that was unique and difficult to cure.

Rong Tian, what should I do? I actually brought this mess upon you? How can I harm you like this?

He couldn’t think of a better way to save Rong Tian he would have to see Miao Guang immediately.

‘King Ming, time is limited if you don’t want King Rong to die. Turn around and head towards the hidden spot. We have arranged a man to pose as your double. He will flee and divert the attention of Xi Rei’s spies. Please change into the clothing in this bag and wear the mask inside. Afterwards, exit through the east gate of the city and our Princess will be there to receive you.’

Feng Ming stared fixated into the distance. His mind flooded with images of Rong Tian, who was obliviously attending Xi Rei’s affairs at this very moment.

When it came to his lover, his reasoning became clouded, ‘What if you don’t hand over an antidote for Rong Tian if I oblige?’

‘If King Ming has faith in us, King Rong will have a chance to live. If you don’t believe us then the King will meet his demise.’

Li Er strained his neck trying to catch a hint at what was happening.

Feng Ming stood silently for a moment, before determination rushed into his eyes. He nodded, with his teeth clenched.

‘Alright, I will believe you.’ He willingly followed the attendant into the hideout, completely out of sight to any onlookers.

Feng Ming chanted Rong Tian’s name under his breath, he obediently followed the attendant’s instructions. Once finished, he was shown out of the east gate.

Shortly leaving the gate, a young maid greeted him, handing him the reigns of a horse. ‘This horse knows the destination, please mount it.’ She whispered hastily.

Like an incredible drama he had no direction over, Feng Ming did not resist, he didn’t have any viable alternatives.

As he got onto the fine steed, the horse released a long neigh before dashing onwards, taking his rider to an unknown location.

About a thirty li dash later, the horse slowed down until it came to a halt in front of a fleet of carriages.

Feng Ming was used to seeing convoys traveling in a band of vehicles like the one before him. They were composed of merchants, traveling whilst selling their wares. It was an everyday sight in the capital and throughout the country.

In a timely manner, as the horse arrived several people streamed out to receive him. They ushered him in front of an unsuspecting carriage.

The curtains parted and Miao Guang’s beaming face peered out at him.

‘King Ming, you have finally arrived! You’ve kept me waiting, quickly get on.’ The Princess often had an amiable smile across her face. But Feng Ming felt her expression was completely hollow.

Feng Ming stepped onto the carriage, refusing to make eye contact.

‘My apologies having King Ming ride alone but it was crucial you left the city on your own free will. This way we wouldn’t raise the city guard’s suspicion. The King of Xi Rei has posted adequate security measures at each gate in fear you might get kidnapped. But surely he never anticipated that King Ming would willingly leave the city and walk into our hands.’

Feng Ming spat coldly, ‘Cut the rubbish, you promised an antidote. Hurry and deliver it to the palace or I will bite my tongue and bleed to death before you can even force me out of Xi Rei!’

‘Antidote?’ Miao Guang laugh echoed in his ear, ‘Oh, King Ming you are too naïve, you’d be the death of me.’ She continued to chuckle softly. ‘Aren’t you underestimating King Rong? If he could be easily poisoned, my brother would have made his move long ago. The King monitors your movements very closely. Is there anything he wouldn’t have inspected? Moreover, I was worried that he’d have someone take my gift from you and replace it with a lookalike. If I had handed King Ming a harmful present, wouldn’t it be the perfect opportunity for King Rong to take my head?’

‘You…’ Feng Ming whipped his head around to glare at her, ‘My chest…’

‘The poison was laced when King Ming was on duty in Fan Jia. King Rong knew of this but dared not to tell you. He treated you like fragile glass. He didn’t want you to worry, or else it would have exacerbated your condition.’

‘Poisoned? When did I get poisoned?’ his voice trembled.

Miao Guang shook her head, ‘King Ming, you are too unguarded to your enemies. Perhaps it is better you remain in the dark. Actually, King Rong has been providing a good number of security measures for you. He believed as long as you were under watchful eyes, you’d be safe. I relied on that arrogance to get ahead. He had been crafting a trap for me, as I had expected. I outsmarted him and beat him in his own game.’

‘Miao Guang, you horrible woman!’ Feng Ming angrily jumped to his feet.

‘Miao Guang is embarrassed to admit but without King Ming’s valuable contribution our plan wouldn’t have experience such smooth sailing. Brother will be proud of me. I really hit the big time!’

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