Epic of Bee

Chapter 313 Loud And Clear

The girls were showing me everything that was Bee-ing down around the central station where we all lived and the central operating area\'s Bee-low. I had to admit that it was a little overwhelming but in a good way. We had come so far, and we were only just getting started.

"Now we Hive access to your Hive Ship System, and Messia and I can approve any major changes, but so far, we have Bee-n doing all of them ourselves," Miasma explained as she pulled up the golden copy of the central shaft that now ballooned into a hive shaped top that was above the slowly greening hexscape. Underneath, there were golden hexagon buildings stretching down into the green.

"It really is something else; I don\'t think I could have done it without all of you," I replied as I looked at each and every one of my wives. They were all so different, but they all meant the world to me.

"Well, we wouldn\'t have been able to do it without you either," Xani interjected as she came over and hugged me from Bee-hind. "You are the one that brings us all together."

I smiled as I leaned back into her embrace and looked at the viewscreen in front of us. We had come so far, but there was still so much to do before we could truly Bee safe. As long as Trent was out there somewhere, plotting his next move, we would never truly rest easy, but Lesbian honest, things were getting back on track, mostly.

As the days went on, there was a slow tension that began to fill the air. I knew that the Queens were going to make their decision soon, but I was hoping it would Bee something that we could all work with. Judging by how they had been acting since they got here, I wasn\'t holding my breath.

Finally, after what felt like forever, they called me back into the room where we had first met. Leah and Riza were standing at either side of me, as always, as the four Queens entered in and took their seats. None of them looked happy as they leaned back in their chairs and stared at me.

"So," the Oldest Queen said after a long pause, "We have decided."

It didn\'t look like it was good news from where I was standing; her arms were crossed over her chest, and she had a scowl on her face. The other two older Queens just looked resigned, but the youngest looked furious. They all stared at me silently, waiting for her to continue speaking.

​ "We will give you one of our sisters," she finally continued after what felt like forever. "But, in return, you must grant us some concessions."

Here we go. This Otter Bee good.

"And what is it that you would like in trade, or what concessions?" I asked, but I wasn\'t looking at the one that was talking. I was looking at the one staring daggers at me. From the looks of it, I was going to be getting the unruly young Wasp Queen, but there were worse things.

"We want immunity from any and all possible retribution from the Wasp Nation. We also want a Hive of our own to start with a clean slate. Lastly, we want access to some of your technology," she listed off as if it was nothing, but I knew better than that. These were not small things that she was asking for; these were major game-changers.

I took a deep breath; this was going to take some thought. "What types of tech are you interested in. It should go without saying that weapons are not something I would consider or anything that could be weaponized. I will be keeping in contact with you so we can trade, but also so you can request aid if there is ever anything needed or if you run into trouble from others."

"We would like access to your transportation methods and some of your mapping technology. Also, anything that can help us with Hive construction or maintenance."

I nodded; those were fair requests, nothing too out there. I could understand why they wanted the tech, but I had to be careful about what I gave them. This was a slippery slope that we were on here. "Very well," I replied after a long pause, "I will have my people draw up the papers and send them over."

"And what about our other demands?" she asked as she leaned forward in her chair and stared at me. Leah and Riza both tensed up at her words as well; they could sense the tension in the room as well.

"I will look into them and get back to you. I can not just grant those without looking into the possible ramifications. Plus, it is not just me that you have to convince; I may have removed the virus, but I am far from in control of the world. What happened may not have been your fault, but immunity is something that will come after a certain proving period. This is not meant as an insult, but you are better off thinking of this as a chance to put yourselves forward as new people and maybe even get on the forefront of some intricate production that will earn you better trading rights to get better materials in the future," I explained, and they all nodded.

It was a fair deal, and I knew that even if it meant giving up some tech, it would be for the betterment of not just my own hive but everyone in the long run. There were many things that needed to happen still, but this was a good first step.

"So, I am just going to be given away like supplies in a trade?!" The youngest Queen demanded, and the three older Wasp Queens turned on her.

"You will watch your tone when you speak to your new Queen. We have all agreed on this, and it is for the best," the oldest Queen said in a cold voice that left no room for argument.

The young Wasp Queen glared at her sisters for a long moment before finally sighing and slumping back into her chair. "Fine," she muttered under her breath, but I heard it loud and clear.

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