Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 278 - Desperate For A Date

To Aira\'s disappointment, Damien pulled away. 

He chuckles when he sees her pout. Pushing a few strands of her hair away from her face, he said, "We have all night to do that. Don\'t worry. I just also want to try to beat you in Smash this one time."

"You say that every time…" she giggled, dropping her hands and putting them back down on his shoulders. 

"But okay. You\'re right. We have all night."

With a smile to match hers, he gave Aira a quick kiss on her forehead before placing a game controller in her hand and turning towards the TV to switch it on. She lets her eyes linger on Damien for a little longer before she begins to settle down.

With that, they play super Smash Bros. which lasts for close to an hour. She won in most rounds - with the exception of the rounds where he cheated by tickling her or straight-up covering her eyes.

"I give up…" he whined as he flopped down on his side, spreading his arms out on the couch cushions after losing a round even though he kissed her and practically elbowed her in the face.

"You\'re too good. I\'m unworthy of your reign." 

Damien languished with a dramatic sigh, a hand coming up to meet his forehead. Aira laughed as she rested her arms on the side of her hips and looked down on him, "Then, reign with me, my prince."

He blushed slightly when his eyes met hers. With a soft and gentle smile, he then sat up before taking her hand and placing his lips on it. 

"As you wish, my princess."

Aira takes her turn to blush to which Damien can\'t help but smirk.


Asher settles into the cafe\'s booth, picking up the menu. 

It had been another date gone wrong. He met a lovely lady and asked her out - his fourth date this month, only for it to be another dead end. Now, he felt like apologizing to Cassidy for going out all the way to fetch Aira from school in his place. Missing out on his pick-up duty hasn\'t been worth it.

He knew why they were dead ends, but he firmly refused to admit it. There\'s no chance in hell that he\'s going to admit out loud the reason why he couldn\'t get into a relationship.

He looked through the cafe\'s menu and eventually went with a safe option - black coffee, two sugars. Then, he pulled out his phone. Perhaps, he should do what Bryan said and get onto a dating app. 

Asher was rapidly going through the women he knew, which caused him to earn the label of a womanizer. 

He was no womanizer at all, though. He just knew what he wanted - and that the women he dated were not that.

Soon, a notification came through, telling Asher that Charles was on his way.

He had to call him as his last resort after running out of his last date\'s house - one shoe on and coat in arms. As soon as she tried to kiss him, he was off and out like a shot. He didn\'t kiss on first dates, or second, or third or fourth as a matter of fact. 

Asher was a \'no-kiss\' zone.

"You know, it\'d be simpler if you just didn\'t date. Why\'re you suddenly so desperate, anyway?" was what Bryan asked him days after he began seeing other women.

He knew his buddy was right. However, he was beginning to think that he had serious issues. Someone as old as him who never had a serious relationship with anyone - there must be something wrong, obviously. He did think that he was carrying an eternal flame for someone so out of his league he had been benched for the rest of eternity. 

But it\'s different now. Cassidy is already happy with Adrian. There\'s someone else at this point. And these ladies Asher met just weren\'t her.

As if by magic, his cellphone lit up with a face of sheer sunshine.

There she was the one lady that could send his stomach into turmoil just from something as simple as a phone call. But the strange thing was Irish never called him.

He looked down at the screen, blinking in bemusement. Her face was most certainly there - the most beautiful face in the world pouting back at him. Suddenly, his screen turned black, and he cursed himself. Fumbling around to turn his phone back on, he pulled up his contacts and hit her name.

He tapped one finger on the table impatiently as he waited for her to answer his call. It was ringing through, which was always a good sign.

"Asher? Is Charles with you?" 

Her voice came out hurriedly. No greetings. Just straight to the point.

Which is very much like Irish.

"Charlie? He\'s just on his way. Why?" he asked, trying to stay cool.

"I need you to ask him to come to my apartment…" she said then trailed off, and his brows creased as he wondered why it had to be Charles of all people. 

"It\'s kind of… urgent."

Asher wanted to ask why when another thought crossed his mind. He spits the words out to what he is thinking. While he knew he sounded pathetic and childish, at this moment, he didn\'t care. It\'s alright if Irish comes up with ideas.

"How did you know he\'s with me?" he inquired, beginning his interrogation.

"I rang Olivia first. But she was at work. So, Charles was my second point of call." 

Now, that hurt more than he thought it would. He could understand Olivia. But Charles before him - that one kind of stabbed him in the heart.

"Nothing I can help you with, then?" Asher prodded.

"Well, you were on a date so I didn\'t want to interfere," Irish reasoned. 

"And as you can probably guess, it did not go too well."

"I\'m sorry to hear that. They don\'t know what they\'re missing out on." 

He was so tempted to ask her if she knew what she was missing out on. But he held his tongue instead. This was not what both of them wanted. Then again, they never expected they\'d be in this kind of relationship at any point.

"So, is there anything I can help you out with?" Asher went on and offered nonetheless, hoping that Irish would catch on to his desire to talk.

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