Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 527: It Begins

[Isn’t that because you have met other Ootsutsuki before?]

‘Mhh, possible, but I don’t think that is the case.’

[Why would you feel like she is similar to someone you know while the other Ootsutsuki we met didn’t. Isn’t that a little weird.]

‘Oh? That’s because they were ma… *cough* looked completely different.’

[Right, selective memory. I forgot.]

Meanwhile, Naruto couldn’t help but feel tense due to Kaguya’s strong presence.

‘This will be no joke. Are you ready, Kurama?’

[Oh! Let’s win the final battle and end this nonsense, Naruto.]

“Well, it seems like it’s our turn now, Sasuke.”

Sasuke frowned when he heard Naruto’s words and focused his gaze on Kaguya.

“How did you know about her, Naruto?”

Naruto rolled his eyes as he slowly approached Kaguya.

“I really wonder how someone from an ancient clan that specialized in sealing could possibly know about someone powerful being sealed away.”

Sasuke’s frown deepened, clearly not satisfied with Naruto’s answer. However, after feeling the power rolling off Kaguya, he decided to shelf that topic for now and concentrate on the coming fight.

Meanwhile, Kaguya looked around, taking in her surroundings. First, her eyes landed on Yuna. She felt that something was unusual about her, so she activated her Byakugan to take a closer look. However, after realizing that the source of that feeling was very likely the additional chakra source inside her, she lost interest. She redirected her gaze at the two men walking toward her and inspected them as well.

As soon as she noticed the feeling she got from Naruto’s right hand and Sasuke’s left, a deep frown appeared on her face.

‘So even now, after who knows how many years had passed, my children’s children are still my enemies.’

[What are you saying, mother? You should focus on the red-haired woman; she is the most dangerous person present.]

Kaguya pondered Zetsu’s words as her gaze landed on Yuna again. To her surprise, Yuna looked at her with interest instead of fear or shock.

‘There certainly is something different about her, but that isn’t important right now. These two young men have inherited Hagoromo’s power. They have the ability to reseal me.’

Naturally, Zetsu was shocked by that revelation. However, his shock came due to a slightly different reason.

‘No way, the legendary Sage of the Six Path was actually an idiot? Why the f* would he give that power to Naruto and not to Yuna? Hell, give it to Yuna and Naruto and be done with this. I would probably advise mother to flee immediately if she had to face that kind of arrangement.’

Unbeknown to Zetsu’s thoughts, Kaguya focused on Naruto and Sasuke and started speaking with an otherwordly-sounding voice.

“It seems that even after all these years, I’m still hated by my son. Did Hagoromo give you these powers?”

Naruto stepped forward, not the least bit intimidated by Kaguya’s aura. After getting used to Yuna’s presence after she snapped, there were very few things that could still intimidate him.

“Yeah, he gave it to us, but I’m honestly not too fond of using a power that doesn’t belong to me. Do we really have to fight?”

Kaguya was actually surprised by Naruto’s words. Since the duo in front of her had the power to seal her, she was confident they would approach her with nothing but hostility. However, Kaguya’s thoughts quickly went in a different direction.

‘I see; he wants me to let my guard down. This won’t happen. I will finish this once and for all.’

[Be careful, mother. Don’t believe a word they say. These people call themselves shinobi, and they are trained to trick people with their words and actions.]

‘I see, so it is as I expected.’

“I see. In that case, let’s stop fighting…”

For a split second, a happy smile appeared on Naruto’s face before it was quickly changed into a deep frown when he felt the massive amounts of chakra Kaguya concentrated into her third eye.

“… here.”

As soon as that word left her mouth, the surroundings changed to what appeared to be the inside of a volcano with a sea of lava bubbling underneath everyone.

Yuna could feel Kaguya summoning what amounts to pretty much a different dimension, overlapping the original one, but didn’t do anything to prevent it. Doing so would cost massive amounts of chakra and wasn’t worth the effort.

So, everyone found themselves appearing above a lake of lava, and while Kaguya and Naruto could fly due to the power of the Six Path and Yuna, Hinata, and Anko could fly due to their cultivation, Lee, Guy, and Sasuke immediately started free-falling. Additionally, the almost dead Obito, who was previously controlled by Zetsu, also fell towards the lava.

Yuna shook her head at Kaguya’s ridiculous technique that spent significantly too much chakra for what little effect it had and extended two chakra arms to catch Lee and Guy. After thinking about it for a split second, a third arm appeared, catching Obito, whose body was abandoned by Zetsu when Kaguya revived. He was rather close to death and probably won’t have any role in this, but Yuna decided that he would be a nice gift to Naruto, who wanted to kill him.

At first, she considered getting Sasuke as well, but he managed to go through a few hand signs and summon a huge eagle, allowing himself to fly on its back.

“Yuna, should we open the eighth gate?”

Guy asked that question as soon as Yuna had pulled him next to her, causing her to shake her head.

“Don’t worry, Guy, Lee, it might not look like it, but everything is under control.”

Although the duo had some doubts about that, they still nodded their head in understanding.

Simultaneously, Naruto and Sasuke arrived in front of Kaguya with serious facial expressions.

“I’ll say it so that you don’t do anything stupid: We two are the most important. If either of us dies, this is over. So, if saving one of the people behind us would put us into a dangerous situation, we should just ignore them. As long as we are alive, everything will work out somehow.”

Naruto chuckled in amusement when he heard Sasuke’s words.

“Saving the people behind us? Isn’t nee-san there? Why would they need saving?”

Sasuke gritted his teeth but didn’t comment any further. For now, there was nothing more important than defeating Kaguya.

*Author Note*

This is the the final leg, so how about giving me all your powerstones!

*End of Author Note*

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