Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 371 - What do you want to do

Chapter 371: What do you want to do

Liuli’s cold face, slowly, burst with a smile,. Her eyes slightly turned, looking at Zhou,said in gentle tone, ” Third aunt, medicine can’t be taken indiscriminately, words can’t be blather, can someone prove what you said?You said it was my mastermind. Did you hear that?”

Zhou paused and choked. On that day, Liuli said that she had something important to tell her. She sent all the servants out. there were only two of them in the room, and there was no the third person could hear it. Liuli did not make a statement even when discussing it in Yu Mansion , but Lin always said a few words and then looked at Liuli, especially when discussing details. The blind could see that Lin was listening to Liuli in this matter. Although Liuli did not speak, her head had nodded.

” Zhao Liuli, you had calculated, even if I have a certificate, I’m afraid you will also say that it is all my people, and naturally help me to speak, who knows if I am persecuting it!” Zhou was smart once.

Liuli said in light way, ” Aunt, Why do you attribute your own business to me? Want to curry favor with King Yu’s side? did I pull you? Didn’t you ask me to introduce you? I just introduced you, and on the right day when they were talking about it, you rushed forward and showed skills for fear that others would not value you. How many glances did I give you, did you see? You only want to spit and talk happily, but now you’re complaining about me. Aunt, your ability to rake is not small!”

Zhou was nearly angry to fell back, feeling infinite in her heart, vicious, this Zhao Liuli was the real poisonous woman!

Everyone didn’t speak, quietly listening, quietly watching, watching this dog-eat-dog drama.

” Zhao Liuli, I really didn’t expect you to be such a person, but how can you justify it? The fact is that I can swear to heaven that every word I say today is more true than real gold and silver. If there is a false word, I won’t die easily from lightning strikes in heaven.” Zhou’s spirit is bitter and she swore to me.

Liuli still said with ease: ” the third aunt, swear but be careful. God has ears. Be careful to go out and be struck by lightning.”

Chunfeng’s heart had never been so calm. In the past, he repeatedly faced the excuses of Liuli, tears, hatred and helplessness in the face of his family. His heart was just like suffering in a pan of oil, and he felt uncomfortable because he liked this person, no matter how disappointed he was in his heart and how accused he was in his mouth, he still liked her and didn’t want to give her up.

But at this moment, he was very grateful for the increasingly mature performance of Liuli, and the deeper and deeper calculation shows that there was really no remedy for her. A person could be stupid, jealous and make temper. As long as her heart had a little kindness and a little awe, it could still be forgiven and saved, while Liuli had nothing left.

Her foolishness was vicious foolishness, her temper was killing people. Her heart was not black, it had gone.

Zhou has always been a good talker and eloquent speaker. At this moment, she suddenly didn’t know how to fight back. Her tone was suppressed in her chest and she only felt a fishy smell in her mouth and almost vomited blood.

She had been framed to have nothing, and those who had hurt themselves are still standing there acting as if nothing were on their mind, making the best of their ability to laugh at things. How could she tolerate this?

Suddenly, she remembered one thing and immediately got excited.

Abruptly swallowed the fishy sweetness in her mouth, she sneered, ” Zhao Liuli, don’t be proud of it too early. I know your mind better than anyone else. You hate not only Ye Jinxuan, but everyone in Jing’an marquis house. You want not only to destroy Ye Jinxuan, but also to destroy the whole Jing’an marquis house.”

Liuli disdain with a cold hum, loose orpiment, no evidence, who would believe? Even if someone believed it in heart, what could they do with her?

Zhou said to You, ” There’s one thing that eldest brother and sister-in-law don’t know yet, do you? I also found it by accident!”

You heart jumped, there was still a thing?

The duke’s face was black, and his eyebrows turned into a chuan character.

At that point, Zhou gave Liuli a slant with a winner’s eyes.

” It was Mingxiu who gave birth a few days ago. Liuli quietly sent someone to inquire about what happened in Jing’an marquis house. I said I don’t know. In fact, I was also very curious. I also secretly inquired about and watched what happened here. Although Jinxuan gave a sealing order, but she was kidnapped and disappeared, and the house was panic – stricken. Some people’s mouths were not so secure. I knew the truth and was scared, but knew the significance after all. Even Yulian didn’t dare to tell to. But I was more curious about what happened if Liuli knew the truth. Liuli has also eyes and ears in Jing’an marquis house.”

What Zhou said made the expression of Liuli become not so calm at last, and her face was obviously pale. Her hands hidden in her sleeve secretly held the silk handkerchief in her hand.

The reaction of You and the duke were even greater, with a cold chill in both eyes, looking at Liuli.

” So, I let people pay more attention to this. As I expected, Cuiyan, who was just sent away by Mingxiu, immediately invited by Liuli. Liuli, Cuiyan is still hidden by you now, right? What will you say you were hiding Cuiyan for? Can’t be to see her poor, and just kindly take her in?”

Chunfeng was also frightened. He didn’t even know about it. Xiaoya had no reason to hide it from him. As soon as there was a stir in the glass, Xiaoya would report it to him, that is to say, it was not even known to Xiaoya.

” Liuli, is this true?” You, at the moment, not only was anger, but also fear. Jinxuan was trying her best to cover this matter. The people of the whole Jing’an marquis house were not even daring to mention it, because the consequences were serious. But Liuli hid Cuiyan. What did she want to do? You were afraid.

Liuli tried to calm herself down. Yes, this was her limited card. If she didn’t have a good end, she would also pull a person or even more.

” Mother, I don’t know what the third aunt is talking about. I haven’t seen Cuiyan.” Liuli denied it. It’s not the time for a complete war.

” You haven’t seen Cuiyan? You are lying to ghosts. Don’t think I know nothing. I can recognize the servant in your house. Isn’t it Mama Fu who took Cuiyan away?”

Chunfeng’s face had become livid. He snapped, ” Liuli, where did you hide the Cuiyan?”

Liuli was still awe-inspiring like dead mouse feels no cold, ” I don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t pour any dirty water on me, will you?You believe what she says?”

Zhou schadenfreude said: “If you want someone not to know, you should do nothing. Chunfeng, you will know all about it if you call Mama Fu to ask?”

Chunfeng’s steel teeth were clenched and he stared bitterly at Liuli, ” Will you say it yourself or I ask Mama Fu?”

She had already hurt the second sister-in-law time and time again. This time, she was holding Cuiyan in her hands. Her mind was unpredictable. Saying she takes Cuiyan in with any kind intention, everyone wouldn’t even believe that. He must not let her hurt eldest brother and sister – in – law, or anyone in this family.

Liuli knew it couldn’t be concealed. Mama Fu was faithful to her, but Chunfeng was in Dali Temple. There are plenty of ways to pry open a person’s mouth.

Liuli took a deep breath and smiled mournfully: ” Chunfeng, have you been waiting for today?Do you think you can hold me firmly if you have Xiaoya as your eyes and ears? You know what I’ve done, but you don’t stop it, you just want to wait until this time and then dismiss me with justification, do you?”

Xia Chunfeng was shocked. She knew that?

” Do you think I’m really stupid enough to be hopeless?After the lesser came back, it was not the same as before. Do you know where the problem is?You both think you hide well, but Xiaoya’s eyes are different from yours, you know? Women’s intuition is very sensitive. ” Liuli smiled more bleak.

” I know you don’t like it anymore, even, my existence makes you suffer, but you can’t stop me, because you don’t have enough reason. Chunfeng, I really want to repent, want to live well with you, want to give up hatred. even if you just perfunctory me, I can also give myself a reason for self – deception, but you don’t even want to perfunctory, your eyes look like looking at a snake, you are as cold as iron to me, even the chill of December is not as cold as your heart, all this attributes to Ye Jinxuan, and to every one in this house.”

” What do you think is your pain, what do you think is your injustice helpless, who do you think about my feelings? Being rejected by own husband and hated as strangers, being rejected by her parents-in-laws and hated sothat haveto leave this home, only the queen mother really loves me in this world. The queen mother has gone. Who else do I have?When Xiaoya came back, how happy I was to finally have a speaker, but she was your eyes and ears ... ”

” This rectified, how did I get through it, you know? Every night, I weep silently. Although being surrounded by so many people, I know that I am only one person, lonely and lonely, how much my heart hurts and how cold do you know?”

Liuli’s eyes were full of tears, but she stubbornly refused to let tears drip down. She was Zhao Liuli, once the most delicate monarch in Jinling City, and her pride was born. Even if she was spurned by ten thousand people, she would hold her head high and maintain her pride.

What was more, she knew that her tears had not touched anyone’s heart here. They would only say that she deserved it.

Yeah, she took the blame herself, so what? Her life was turned upside down from the moment Ye Jinxuan appeared. Why couldn’t she deal with Ye Jinxuan and why couldn’t she hate Ye Jinxuan?

” Whose fault is it that caused this situation today? Didn’t I give you a chance? It’s only three. Do you understand? If you hadn’t let everyone down and despair over and over again, how could you have reached the point where you are today?” Xia Chunfeng said sadly.

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