Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Chapter 185 - The Waiting Day (1)

Two weeks after the New Year, the wedding ceremony was held within the families and friends and the after-party was in the evening at the Grand MC hotel.

 Wirata had invited Amiya and Evelyne, too. James looked very excited to see Evelyne around. Ben could not help laughing to see his friend looked so nervous as if he was a groom himself!

"Hold on, James. Don\'t drool and don\'t stumble on your own feet. "

Ben teased his mate. Now it was dancing time, the groom took the bride to the dance floor and the music played a sweet tune.

"At the moment, I seem to be dancing more often than shooting a badass. I am doubting that our baby could be a baby girl. What do you think, sexy?"

Stefan asked his beautiful bride. The handsome face was smiling happily. He led her expertly around the dance floor and people started to join them.

Wirata looked at the atmosphere. She felt as if it was a dream to see her own wedding and with the man she had never expected to be the love of her life. Wirata leaned her head on his shoulder.

 "Only a couple of weeks we will know the result. I told you to do the blood test but you are stubborn." Wirata said.

"I don\'t want just to know the gender but I want to see our baby from the monitor. He or she would be moving and I feel so excited just to imagine about it."

Stefan kissed on her forehead gently with his shimmering eyes filled with love. He could not wait to see his first offspring.

 Wirata saw Michael was sitting opposite Jacqueline. The two were busy talking to the guests.

"How is the situation with your parents?"

Wirata asked in a whispered tone. 

"As far as I noticed, it seems better. But I am not sure where they are up to now."

Stefan replied. Wirata nodded to acknowledge. Michael already knew that he was going to be a grandfather soon. He was very happy and excited just like Jacqueline. At this time he tried to do whatever it took to reconcile with his wife.

"They still love each other very much. And I pray for them to get back together very soon. So our baby will be happy when he or she comes out to meet the grandparents."

Wirata said. Stefan nodded in agreement.

"They better be quick or I will do something to help them more than I am doing now. Something like putting my mother in a ghosty room with my father, then that will be sorted everything out."

The wayward man spoke making Wirata laughing out loud to hear such a plan.

"I am glad I can make you laugh."

Stefan said and laughed with her when he imagined his mother jumped to hug his father and never let him go again ever.

 "Look at James. He has been circling around Eyelyn for countless times now. "

Stefan whispered, nodding for Wirata to look at James. He was walking and rubbing his hands as if he was unable to decide if he should ask Evelyne to dance or not.

Stefan looked for Ben and saw his man standing not far. The two men sent a signal to one another as they had planned something. Then Ben walked out of the room. Wirata looked at her man.

"I can see that. What\'s going on? You and Ben are planning something?"

She asked immediately. Stefan Mackenzie always was a ringleader to run a suspicious plan if not for himself, it would be for others!

 "Nothing much. Oh look, finally, he could make a decision."

He said and smiled to see James walked to Evelyne and asked her to dance. Stefan did not want to tell Wirata that he and Ben had run a plan for James.

Wirata shook her head in disapproving. She knew he was up to something naughty. Even at his own wedding party he still managed to have some fun by tricking other people! He kissed her cheek as he knew she knew. So Wirata had to give a smile to the crafty man. She felt amused to see his sparkling eyes when he was thinking something fun and naughty. She hoped the baby would not a complete copy of his father in this case!


James walked to Evelyne. He felt so nervous but he had to take this chance. After so many months of seeing her at the clinic. He thought it was the time he should move forward. It was so nerve-racking because he was not sure how she was going to react. But if he did not try, he would not know, would he?

She looked so lovely in a long evening pink dress. Her long wavy hair was tied up nicely. Her pretty face wore a little makeup. She had got fair skin. James guessed she hardly had time to go on holiday in the sun.

"May I have the honor? Dance with me, please."

James spoke out in a polite tone. Evelyne looked up to see the tall handsome bodyguard standing in a suit as she always saw him. His attractive face looked a little nervous. She was surprised to hear a dance request from him. But Evelyne smiled friendly and nodded without thinking too much. He was a kind man. Evelyne judged from how much he cared for Summer, the puppy. 

"Sure. Why not."

She responded, put her hand in his big hand and stood up. James\'s heart was pounding rapidly. He led her to the dance floor.

Evelyne had not danced for a long time. Because she was too busy with her studies and once she graduated, she was only surrounded by animals. She was not quite comfortable with humans, especially men.

She felt his warm hand touch her back politely. He was a good-looking guy with a tall and nice body structure as he was a bodyguard. She saw him at her clinic with Summer. He would sit with his legs crossed and wait quietly. That was his image she saw every time. She looked up and he was looking down at her so their eyes met and Evelyne hurried to look away. He looked more handsome at this close-up distance. James felt it was so right to have her in his arms like this.

 "Excuse me. Sorry to disturb you two. But something\'s wrong with Summer!"

Ben\'s voice interrupted the music, causing James and Evelyne to stop dancing.

 "What happened?" Evelyne asked immediately. Her face was worried to hear that.

"Um, I don\'t know. He is lying down and has something came out of his mouth. Please go take a look for me."

Ben said with his worried voice. His dark eyebrows knotted together. Evelyne nodded and then the three walked out of the wedding party. They went up to James\'s room.

When arriving in the room. Summer was lying on the carpet in front of the sofa. His mouth had white stains on.

James immediately turned to look at his friends. He glared at his mate with knowing eyes.

"What have you done to him?" James whispered to Ben. They were standing behind Evelyne while she was kneeling down by the puppy\'s side with her anxious expression.

"Nothing. Just keep your mouth shut and play along for your own good."

Ben whispered back in a very very light voice but James could hear very well.

Evelyne touched the puppy gently. He woke up and looked at her like he was just being disturbed from his nice dream.

"What\'s wrong with you, sweetie? But don\'t be afraid, doctor Eve is here with you. Let me have a look." She spoke softly to Summer.

"Ei! Ei! Arf!"

Summer made noise to see the people around him.

Evelyne inspected the puppy. She looked at his mouth and used a piece of soft paper to wipe it gently.

"What is it? What\'s wrong with him?"

James asked. He was sitting next to her and touching Summer\'s head tenderly. Evelyne looked at the white thing closely and she smelt it.

"Is he okay? I came up and saw him lying so still. His mouth was white like that. I was totally shocked. "

Ben explained and put a shocked face to convince her. James was sighing. This was a childish prank and he hoped Ben could get away with it without Evelyne\'s suspicion!

"Oh! It\'s only a smear of creamcake! He must have eaten cake and was full up and fell asleep."

She said with relief. The puppy seemed okay. He looked sleepy and a little shaky to see her unexpectedly.

"Oh, thank God! Oops! Sorry. The boss is calling I have to run now. Please make sure he is okay. I don\'t want the bride and groom to worry about their puppy. See you later."

Ben said. He touched the device on his ear to signal that the boss really called. Then he quickly dashed out of James\'s room, leaving James and Evelyne there with Summer! Not forgetting to pull the door closed for his friend as well!

When he walked back to the wedding party downstairs, he gave a signal to the boss that everything went according to plan. Stefan nodded to acknowledge!


In James\'s room.

"You don\'t have to panic little guy. I am going to take good care of you. James, can you find me a cloth, please? I will clean his mouth. Please wet it a little."

Evelyne asked James. He nodded and quickly moved to find a cloth for her. He came back and handed it to her.

"So, is he okay now?"

 James asked, despite knowing well about his friend\'s unconsulted plan but he had to go along with it. Since she was right here in his very room!

 Evelyne used the cloth to wipe around the puppy\'s mouth.

"Um ... it\'s really creamcake ... I think he was full and just wants to go back to sleep."

Evelyne replied. She got up to sit on the sofa, putting Summer on her lap.

James dropped himself down next to her. Now his heart started to pound rapidly again to sit very close to her like this. He reached to stroke the puppy head at the same time she did, so his hand covered hers. He hurried to pull it back.


The polite voice apologized. Evelyne smiled at him. He seemed a bit shy, more than she thought.

Summer closed his eyes and was back to sleep so Evelyne decided to put him on his bed in front of the sofa. Then she saw that James\'s bedroom door was opened, she did not mean to peep but she had to widen her eyes when she saw the rainbow bedding!

 Oh, my God! ... Rainbow bedding! ... Evelyne swallowed. Why this kept happening to her?! Why her life had to meet people who like everything about rainbows!

Honestly! Kath who was her receptionist at the clinic. That woman was crazy about the rainbow theme. The latest decoration in Evelyne\'s office made her dizzy for the whole month before she got used to it!

But Evelyne did not dare to say anything because she was afraid that Kath would be upset! Since Evelyne did not have time to do it herself so she had to depend on Kath and she let the woman did what she had in mind! And in the mind of Kath was all about the rainbows!

 Evelyne glanced at the tall body of the handsome bodyguard named James Hadson. He was very easy on the eyes and very polite.

And now she had seen his decoration and the rainbow bedding, Therefore, in conclusion, Evelyne was guessing the man was gay!

 "Um ... Would you like to have something to drink?"

James asked when he saw her sitting quietly, scanning her eyes all over his room. He left his bedroom door opened and he guessed she could see the nice rainbow bedding and hope she liked it!

"Hm, Summer is alright now. I think we should go down. "

Evelyne said and got up. But James hurried to grab her arm.

"I think we should stay a bit longer to make sure."

He said politely. Evelyne knew the man cared a lot about the puppy as he was the one who always took Summer to the clinic. She did not even bother that he grabbed her arm as she had already thought he was gay.

 Evelyne nodded easily as she was an easy-going person. She sat back down and leaning against the sofa.

"Okay. We can do that, so the groom and the bride don\'t have to worry about their puppy. How long have you been here, by the way?"

She asked with curiosity as they were now had nothing to do. So she might as well find something to talk about while they were keeping eyes on Summer.

 "Since I and Ben were in high school at the age of seventeen. The boss was still studying in England. But he was traveling back and forth until graduation. We finished university and worked for him since then. So it has been ten years."

James replied. It seemed not long ago when he first moved in here.

"So you are twenty-seven?"


"I am twenty-two but I graduated since I was twenty."

Evelyne told him. 

"Wow, so you\'re a genius. And you are the same age as my sister. She\'s working in LA at the moment."

He said and smiled. Evelyne blinked to see he got a dimple on his right cheek when he smiled, so cute!

 "Really? That\'s cool. Does she come back home often?"

"Not really, but she comes every Christmas."

"I see. That\'s great."

They were talking with ease and friendly.

"Oh, would you like something to drink?"

He asked her again. Evelyne nodded.

"Please, if you don\'t mind."

 "Of course, not! I am glad that we have finally had time to talk."

He said with his warm smile. And he walked to the fridge, opened it widely. Evelyne gasped.

Holy freaking God! He was definitely gay! He drank orange juice! From where she was sitting she could see that his fridge was full of cartons of orange juice.

Comparing to her fridge that was filled with bottles of wine, a bottle of champagne and a big bottle of Johnnie Walker! She liked to sip it occasionally just to lift her mood up after her busy work at the clinic.

 James was pouring orange juice in a tall glass. His hands trembled with excitement.

Fucking idiot! Why he had to be so nervous this much. He cursed himself in his mind.

 James held a glass of orange juice, held it very carefully because he did not trust his trembling hands. He had never been shy with women for sure but with Evelyne, he did not know why it was so different.

"Stop shaking now, stupid idiot!"

He told himself in front of the fridge and drew the air into his lung deeply before turning and walking back to her.

 He looked at her face. She was smiling widely at him and he could not take his eyes off her.

His eyes did not look at Summer until almost stepping on the puppy. He stepped over at the last minute and lost his balance!

"Oh! Shit! Evelyne!"

He exclaimed and swaying toward her, the orange juice spilled on Evelyne before the big body toppled on her!


Evelyne jerked with a shock by the incident. The juice was so cold and the man was so heavy, especially his handsome face had fallen between her breasts!

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