Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 83

“What are you doing here?”

“Didn’t you say you had finished clearing the Beginner’s Labyrinth? It means that you have to be assigned a Personal Labyrinth . I’m here to start that process . ”

Even when faced with Sungyoon’s surprised face, Jimin spoke in a calm manner .

‘... as expected of the president . When things need to be done, she is quick as a flash . ’

He had been jealous about Tim and Emily’s company expediting the legal process of receiving a Personal Labyrinth . He almost wanted to take back that previous sentiment . Jimin was obsessed over finding traces of her father in the Great Labyrinth . So, it was a joyous day for her when her employee had taken the first step in achieving her dream . Sungyoon had been naive to think that his president would do nothing on such a day . He accepted the error in his thought process .

“Then why did you bring Shinhae here?”

“I couldn’t leave the child behind . Thankfully, her summer vacation has just started . Also, this is a good age for a child to travel abroad . ”

She had equated a trip to the Moon to an overseas vacation . Sungyoon was taken aback by it .

“I shouldn’t have come here?”

Shinhae asked as she pulled on the hem of her father’s clothes . He could see uncertainty and anxiety appear on his child’s face . It seemed that his question had stoked the anxiety that was present in her .

“No way! Dad was just surprised . That’s all . ”

Sungyoon quickly shot down such an idea . He, once again, tightly hugged his daughter . It seemed that Shinhae felt relieved by his words, and she laughed as she clung to her father .

It had been a while since the father and daughter duo had reunited . Jimin wasn’t showing it outside, but she felt gratified to see their reunion . It was why she turned her head a little bit away from them . Then, there were the two people that had been relegated to third-wheel status when Jimin and Shinhae had suddenly appeared . Two people, who were strangers to Jimin, were looking at them .

“Who are these people, Mr . Sungyoon?”

Sungyoon had been too busy playing with Shinhae . When he heard the president’s question, he realized he had completely forgotten about the Ross siblings . He kept Shinhae in his arms as he stood up .

“Ah! I’m sorry! I’m late in giving an introduction . I’ve spoken to you about them . They are my party members . ”

After introducing the Ross siblings to Jimin, Sungyoon turned to look at Tim and Emily .

“She is the president of my company . ”

He spoke as he gestured towards Jimin .

“Hello . I’ve heard a lot about both of you . ”

Until now, Sungyoon and Jimin had been speaking in Korean . But now, fluent English flowed out of Jimin’s mouth .

“Ah! Hello?”

Tim hastily grabbed the hand put forth by Jimin . He looked flustered . He had come here to apologize for their drunken and disorderly conduct, but he had never expected to meet the president of Sungyoon’s company here .

“... hello . ”

Emily and Jimin shook hands . But instead of being flustered, Emily felt wary .

‘She’s very pretty . ’

Emily had never thought she was inferior in terms of looks . When it was revealed that Sungyoon was an amazing person, she had felt a sense of crisis . However, she had a vague plan about worming her way into Sungyoon’s heart using her beauty . She was beautiful enough to have such thoughts .

However, she became shocked when she saw Jimin, the president of Sungyoon’s company . They were of different ethnicity, but the president was very beautiful . It was enough for Emily to have another sense of crisis . The only blemish she could see was the cold expression on her face . However, it was as if this trait gave her character .

This was proven by the fact that Tim couldn’t take his eyes off of Jimin’s face . Emily put all her displeasure in her fingers as she pinched Tim’s side .

“... so this child is Mr . Sungyoon’s daughter? Your name is Shinhae, right?”

Tim grabbed at his hurting side, and he soundlessly howled in pain . His sister ignored him as she asked the question . She had seen the picture of Sungyoon’s daughter, but she was of different ethnicity . There was a kernel of doubt in her mind as to whether this was the same child .

Of course, she was 90 percent sure based on how Sungyoon acted in front of this child .

“Yes . She is my daughter . ”

At that moment, Tim and Emily saw an expression that they had never seen on him . Around them, he was always expressionless and gloomy . However, his current face was filled with parental love towards his child .

Emily quickly turned her gaze away . Her face was turning red . She had become used to seeing his expressionless face, so this new side of him hit her differently . It gave a fresh shock to her system .

“Let me see . ”

Tim wanted to give his sister time to calm her heart, so he approached the father and daughter duo . Of course, he was curious about Shinhae too . If things turned out well, this girl might become his niece .

“You are Shinhae?”

A man larger than her dad was sticking his head towards her . Shinhae flinched in surprise . Moreover, Tim and Shinhae couldn’t communicate with each other . This was why the little girl buried her face in her father’s chest .

“Uh? Uh? I wasn’t trying to scare her?”

At a glance, one could tell Shinhae was afraid of him . Tim was taken aback . In his own way, he had tried very hard to gain favor with the child .

“Get out of the way . You stuck your bear-like face towards her . Of course, she would feel threatened . ”

Emily dragged Tim backward . He felt aggrieved, but he didn’t resist and retreated .

“Are you ok?”

Shinhae heard a different voice, and she peeked out from Sungyoon’s embrace to check who was talking . It wasn’t the bear-like ahjussi . This time, it was a very pretty fairy-like unni . Shinhae carefully raised her gaze . Tim, who had been watching from a distance away, had an interesting expression on his face . It looked as if the sky had fallen for him .

Emily discreetly glanced backward towards her big brother . She had a triumphant expression on her face as if she wanted to rub it in, and it suddenly made him feel a surge of anger .

“My name is Emily . Your name is Shinhae?”

She spoke in a kind manner . However, Shinhae was still learning Hangul, so there was no way she could understand English . Sungyoon translated Emily’s words from the side .


“Unni is called Emily . I work with your dad . ”

Emily and Shinhae talked to each other by using Sungyoon as a bridge . Emily really was interested in the little girl, so she kept acting in an agreeable manner . This was why Shinhae didn’t hesitate to answer her questions .

After the brief greeting and introduction came to an end, Emily spoke to Sungyoon .

“She’s a cute child . ”

“Isn’t she?”

If Emily had thought that this was a method that would allow her to get a step closer to Sungyoon, she would have been very right . It was very effective . For the first time, Emily saw a bright smile on Sungyoon’s face .

Emily was unexpectedly and directly exposed to his smile, so she, once again, turned her face away . This was the only way she could hide her red face .

For better or for worse, Sungyoon was too busy playing with his daughter to notice Emily’s predicament .

“We have to start going now . ”

Tim basically watched his sister short-circuit from embarrassment . It was pathetic . So, he spoke to Sungyoon and Jimin . This was a joyous reunion between father and daughter, and it would probably be for the best if they made themselves scarce right now .

“Are you free during dinner time?”

Suddenly, Jimin asked a question .

Was she asking him out? A beautiful woman like Jimin was asking him if he was free . It was understandable for Tim’s heart to skip a beat . Of course, he knew the chances of her asking him out was extremely small .

“Yes, I am . ”

He didn’t give that answer because he had dark intentions . At the very least, a labyrinth run took a whole day . It was why the two siblings had earlier turned down the offer to go into the Beginner’s Labyrinth . However, they weren’t busy enough where they couldn’t carve out some time for Jimin .

“That’s great . It seems Mr . Sungyoon owes the both of you a lot of favor . Therefore, I would like to treat you guys to dinner . Is that fine?”

He had expected this answer . Even though he had prepared his heart for it, a part of his heart inevitably became very disappointed . Tim pushed down on such emotions as he nodded .

“I’m fine . You have time too, right?”


Emily also gave the go-ahead .

“We’ll see you at dinner in a little bit . ”

“Yes . We’ll see you at dinner . ”

“See you at dinner . ”

After saying their farewell, the Ross siblings moved away from the Chicken Coop . When they completely disappeared from their sight, Jimin turned her gaze towards Sungyoon . As soon as the Ross siblings made themselves scarce, he had started laughing and talking with Shinhae . She didn’t want to interrupt such a happy sight, but they had work to do right now .

“Shall we go too?”

“Sure . ”

Sungyoon planned on following Jimin with his daughter in his arms . However, he couldn’t do as he intended .

“Dad . ”


His lovely daughter had something to say . Sungyoon brought his ear next to her mouth .

“You stink . ”

“... . ”

Sungyoon became expressionless . He turned to look at Jimin, who had her hand on her mouth, and whose body was shaking . Her normally cold self was nowhere to be seen . It seemed that she was close to letting out a belly laugh at Shinhae’s words .

“... please wait a moment . I’ll go wash . ”

“Pfft! P . . . please do so!”

Sungyoon left Shinhae with the president, and he went to the pay-to-use shower stall . Even if this service was expensive, he had to immediately take care of his hygiene .

* * *

After he washed his body, Sungyoon brought out a fresh pair of clothes . They were the clothes he planned on wearing when he went back to Earth . As soon as Sungyoon appeared in from of her, his daughter jumped into his arms . She told him he didn’t stink and let out a trilling laugh . Sungyoon laughed along, but he was laughing a bit awkwardly, as if saying that it wasn’t his fault .

Jimin took the lead as she walked in front of the two . Sungyoon had never been on this street before .

After walking for a while, the buildings suddenly disappeared, and a large lot appeared .

This place was filled with cars . It was either a parking lot or a used car lot .

However, the cars in this place weren’t normal vehicles .

First, they were large . They were slightly larger than a bus and had a rectangular shape . They also had neutral designs . A total of 12 large tires were attached to them . They looked like they would run better on rough terrains compared to normal cars .

“Those cars are HUGE!”

Shinhae’s eyes shone as she watched the cars . In the eyes of a child, seeing vehicles with so many wheels was quite an amazing sight .

“Yes! They are huge cars . ”

Sungyoon raised the little girl higher, so she could get a better look at the vehicles .

At that moment, someone approached them .

“What brings you here?”

It was a very obese man that looked very greedy . His narrow eyes swept over the party to see if they were customers that would spend a lot of money .

Jimin stepped forward .

“I came here to pick up a vehicle . ”

“What is your name?”

“My name is Hahn Jimin . ”

“Please wait a moment . ”

The man started tapping on the tablet in his hand . He put on a smile when he found what he was looking for . He might have been trying to project a friendly and bright image to his customers, but his corpulent face made him look like a dishonest car dealer who only saw people as money .

“Please come this way . ”

The man guided them towards the lot where all the vehicles were parked . The vehicles were packed next to each other, yet the man didn’t seem to have any trouble finding his way through the vehicles . He navigated the crowded lot until he came to a stop . He pointed towards something .

“This is the item you ordered . ”

His finger was pointing towards a vehicle that looked similar to all the cars here . It was a large rectangular vehicle .

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