Revenge Sevenfold

Chapter 122 Being Still Alive

Hui Yin watched her walk away. Somehow she could feel that Guo Liqin became a little bit civil towards her these past two weeks, but she couldn\'t be sure. Who knows what was going on inside that girl\'s head? She might only be pretending to back off so that she could gain more momentum for her next attack.

An Chu Hua deflated. "I guess I won\'t go too. I\'ll join you guys next time. I can\'t leave Guo Liqin here alone."

Bao Bai also invited the other two girls, Geng Niu and Tan Na, but both of them had also politely declined. Geng Niu was going on a date with her boyfriend who was living in Shanghai, while Tan Na had to visit a family member who got sick in the hospital. Bao Bai didn\'t want to sound nosy, so she didn\'t ask Tan Na for more details.

"I guess it\'s just the three of us then," Yu Qiang said happily. She didn\'t mind eating with others, but she enjoyed Hui Yin\'s company more. And Bao Bai was tolerable enough, as long as she didn\'t get too bossy.

When Director Peng finally let them off for the day, the three girls grabbed their wallets and walked out of the apartment for the first time in the last two weeks. Director Peng had kept them busy, sometimes shooting even late into the night. Of course, since he could only keep them for ten hours, it meant that they could start out late the next day.

Hui Yin didn\'t bother to change out for her outfit, and the only addition to her apparel was the small sling bag thrown over her shoulder. Yu Qiang laughed when she saw her.

"You look like a student," she teased, nudging her with her elbow. "Should we try to pick up some high school boys tonight?"

Bao Bai, whose expression never wavered from looking serious, stared at Yu Qiang severely. "Do you want to be accused of enticing a minor?"

"Baobao!" Yu Qiang complained. "I\'m just joking! Lighten up, won\'t you?"

At night, the streets of Shanghai swarmed with people, and music from different stores blended together, creating a cacophony along with the chatter of the crowd. The three of them squeezed their way into the first restaurant that they saw, but even before they could look at the menu and order, they realized that the place was already packed.

"Look at that!" Yu Qiang pointed her finger at a table near to them. "Gah, why are they occupying a table meant for five people when there are only two of them? Do they need personal space that much?"

Bao Bai slapped her hand. "Don\'t point your fingers at people. It\'s rude."

"Why are you scolding me? Scold them! They\'re more rude than I am!"

Hui Yin sighed and dragged Yu Qiang out of the restaurant before she could kick up a fuss. In the end, they found a roadside stall that sold barbecue and bean curd. The only other customer was an old man guzzling several bottles of beer.

"This sucks!" Predictably, Yu Qiang complained as soon as they sat down. "If I knew we were just going to end up eating bean curd, I would have stayed in the apartment and cooked us a sumptuous meal instead."

"Do you even know how to cook?" Bao Bai flagged down the stall owner and asked for a glass of water. "You\'re probably just going to ask Gao Mei to cook for you again."

Since it was the truth, Yu Qiang could only grimace in chagrin.

"Baobao, can you not make me lose face every time you open your mouth?"

Hui Yin grabbed a barbecue stick and put it in her hand.

"Alright, alright, stop talking. Bao Bai was only telling the truth."

Despite Yu Qiang\'s endless complaints, they had a good time enjoying each other\'s company. After they finished eating dinner, Hui Yin gave her share of the payment to Bao Bai to give to the stall owner. Yu Qiang began another fight with Bao Bai about who had to pay for the last barbecue stick, so Hui Yin waited for them at the side of the road.

She spotted the old man she had seen drinking beer earlier stagger out of the stall and into the road, his steps aimless and unsteady. Hui Yin noticed with alarm that a city sightseeing bus was quickly heading towards him, but the old man didn\'t seem to see it and was still lurching drunkenly on the road.

Her heart jumping into her throat, Hui Yin began to run.

"Senior!" she shouted. "Stop!"

The old man didn\'t seem to have heard her, continuing on walking towards the central lane. Hui Yin hastened her pace, imagining what would happen if the front bumper of that bus hit her body.


She managed to grab the elder\'s elbow and jerk him towards the sidewalk, barely missing the rushing bus by a hairbreadth. The memories of how she died in her past life flashed in her mind, and Hui Yin\'s knees weakened.

I...nearly almost died again...

It seemed that both Yu Qiang and Bao Bai hadn\'t heard her shout, because they were still busy arguing in front of the impatient stall owner. Hui Yin pressed a hand to her forehead and giggled softly, feeling an overwhelming relief for being still alive. She collapsed into a graceless heap on the ground.

The old man looked oblivious to their near death experience, maybe because he was still drunk. He merely sat next to Hui Yin and stared at her, his rheumy eyes looking deep and unfathomable.

After a small pause, he said, "Thank you for saving my life."

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