The Tutorial Is Too Hard

Chapter 349 - - God of Hope (6)

[Ahh! Save me, save me!]

Damn it, really.

Ignoring the words of the God of Hope, I swung the chair again.

Even ordinary furniture, if infused with divine power, can have higher strength than many weapons.

This chair was uncomfortable to hold, but there was no problem with using it to swing and attack.


There was a shock wave that was hard to believe was caused by swinging a chair.

It was natural because I was swinging it with that much power.

[Ah, it hurts!]

It doesn’t hurt.

I put down the chair I was swinging excitedly on the floor and sat down.

Damn, one of its legs creaked.

[You are too much! Can’t you see my poor appearance!]

The God of Hope shouted.

Little by little, his tone changed.

He’s testing out several tones.

Like his appearance.

The God of Hope sat down on his chair, organizing the scattered bob hair.

It was the appearance of a person experiencing discomfort in their legs while climbing a high place with only arm strength and having some difficulty to move the body.

Bluffing...No, it was acting.

[I might really disappear.]

“Yes, if you keep making fun of me, I’ll destroy you here.”

A disgusting scammer.

Even if I just listened, I would always hear something unpleasant from the God of Hope.

It was twice as unpleasant.

[Did you hit me enough?]

I nodded.

Then the God of Hope nodded.

The God of Hope said in a lighthearted manner, as if he had been beaten.

[You are also human. In some ways, it is because the point of view is unclear.]

I got up again and lifted the chair.

[Oh! Why are you doing that again?! This is an objective fact!]

Sounds like an objective fact.

Tsk, I clicked my tongue and sat down again.

[If I had a figure that could be identified as an ‘enemy’, I would have lost a couple of limbs.]

I would have plucked his head.

Of course, the God of Hope does not die when his head is pulled out.

Just as a warning.

I don’t like the God of Hope, but as he said, it was also an objective fact.

[Only such irrational aspects are human.]

“Say it’s the emotional side.”

The God of Hope thought deeply about something alone, as if he couldn’t even hear me.

He is a god who is very interested in principles.

I don’t know what it has to do with hope, but that’s what the God of Hope shows.

It was my turn to ask again.

“How did you know I touched causality?”

[How did I know? Haha, you really didn’t know that?]

I didn’t know, so I asked.

I have several guesses.

It is possible that the gods noticed when they attacked the barriers on the 60th and 61st floors.

In particular, since the God of Remorse destroyed most of the barriers, he may have seen what is hidden under the barriers.

He may have seen and speculated in the aftermath of the explosion in Antarctica.

However, it is never impossible to turn time under restrictive conditions.

It is the essence of magic to trick the laws and twist the phenomenon, and the higher concept is a miracle performed under the will of God.

If you want to deceive the law of the passage of time, you can deceive it any number of times.

So even if I look at my time regression, I cannot guarantee that my abilities are in the essence of causality.

[Didn’t you win?]


[You have beaten your alter ego that had my strength.]

I did.

In Japan.


[But. It was a battle you couldn’t win. It had tens, hundreds of times more power, and the battle aspect was a simple tug of war that poured out all the power at once. It was even a perfect alter ego with the same potential as you.]

“Same thing, difference in experience.”

[How do you know that the alter ego has no experience? I bet it had more experience than you, not less. The only difference was the presence or absence of divinity, and at the last minute it accepted my power and evened out the difference. It was a fight that it could not lose.]

But the winner was me.

[At first, I thought I was wrong. I thought your strength was so powerful that I could not even recognize it. So I abandoned the holy land and ran away.]

He was the God of Hope who spoke quietly and calmly, but his voice began to contain anger.

[But it wasn’t even that. So I thought, it must be connected with your divinity.]

I was curious about the feeling of the God of Hope.

With a simple illusion, he escaped from an opponent worth fighting, and as a result, he lost his whole holy place and believers.

If the God of Hope had fought against me in the Holy Land, it would have been difficult for me to guarantee victory in full force.

Most of the power was exhausted, but in the Holy Land, miracles can be carried out without the use of power.

It was not for no reason that Seregia had advised us to return to Earth and recover with full care.

[You are a consequential god. Gaining strength through results and proving yourself. If you bring the result of a victory that has not yet occurred, even a battle that seems impossible to win can lead to victory. By completing the process through results.]


[So I guess. You have brought the results of the future to the present.]

It was a pretty accurate reasoning.

One question.

“The foundation is a bit poor, isn’t it?”

[In fact, I was just poking it. Thank you for being honest.]

Damn it.

* * *

[After all, you’re a swindler]

“Well, let’s say so.”

[Well, you’re shameless]

I’m originally shameless.

[If you abuse it, you will one day be squeezed into a twist of causality and die. Be careful, I’m in trouble if you die now.]

Thank you too.

If you can complete the result entirely through the causality that has been dragged out, it will not happen.

If it failed to do so, it would be a problem, but in that case it would be destroyed by the disappearance of divine nature anyway.

“But why are you in trouble when I die?”

Is it because he couldn’t retrieve the believers in my subspace?

Looking at it, the God of Hope said something about the rope he was going to catch.

[This part needs an explanation.]


[It’s time for the lecture again. Are you okay?]

I decided to listen first.

I was reluctant to know that I was associated with the God of Hope, but I didn’t want to refuse the information that he would let me know.

[First of all, you have to understand that our world is very far away.]

“Our world?”

[The realm of the Hundred Gods Temple.]

It was an unexpected story.

[It is not a local story. The Hundred Gods Temple has long since been pushed out of the world’s mainstream. To be precise, it is isolated. Anyway, the mainstream of the world now is the Pantheon and the vassals under it.]

There was one thing to check and move on.

“Why were the Hundred Gods pushed back?”

I didn’t understand.

Most of the gods of the Hundred Gods were powerful.

The only gods I’ve seen face to face were the God of Slowness, the God of Hope, and the God of Sacrifice.

Each one was a difficult opponent.

[Why are we pushed back? Isn’t it natural that they get isolated without being able to expand, grow, or exchange due to system constraints.]

“Are there any restrictions in the Hundred Gods Temple?”

[Of course there are. But it’s different from the Hundred Gods. If the restrictions of the Pantheon are legal restrictions that prevent them from crossing each other, the restrictions of the Hundred Gods are to detain and confine prisoners.]

Having heard this, it was understood that the Hundred Gods were struggling to get out of the system.

In particular, Kirikiri’s behavior, hoping to get out of the constraints but maintain the system itself.

Now, it seems that she is trying to ease the restrictions of the Hundred Gods Temple.

“Why are the constraints different?”

[Because of the characteristics of the gods of the Hundred Gods. Most of the gods in the Hundred Gods participated in or opposed the unification of the universe led by the God of Slowness. The system was originally created to prevent such gods, so there is bound to be a difference in restrictions.]

Among the numerous gods, my speculation that the Hundred Gods Temple had collected the troubled children was somewhat correct.

It was different that most of the gods were involved in an incident in the distant past, but it wasn’t fundamentally wrong.

[Anyway, the gods of the Pantheon and the vassals beneath them have been in territorial disputes in all universes and dimensions. We rarely face each other head on.]


[... Can’t you just listen to the explanation? The reason is that there are enemies everywhere. If you use too much power, you can lose everything to a third enemy.]

The God of Hope explained eagerly.

When he talked about the invasion of the Holy Land, he stared at me and said, pressing one word by one.

I ignored it.

[Such disputes are also entering a standstill. There is still a lot of conflict, but it is almost gone compared to the past. This is because a certain composition of power has been established.]

It was interesting.

But it wasn’t a story that touched me very much.

[In such a situation, you were exposed to the Pantheon. Does the situation make sense?]

I’m not going.

[You were not related to, and even deviated from the rules of the Pantheon system. The gods, who were relatively weak in power, were thinking that you, or they by gaining your strength, could get a chance for a new leap forward. The mighty gods also intervened under the guise of preventing confusion, and they were thinking of taking over you.]


First of all, the idea that they could have me as they wish was unpleasant.

Putting that point apart.

Is it a disturbance to the extent that a low-cost weapon without an owner appeared in the Murim River?

[You have even annihilated the apostles of the Pantheon who visited you. On the 61st floor. You wouldn’t say you don’t remember.]

Of course I remembered.

The apostles who joined Lee Yeon-hee and entered the 61st floor.

The 61st floor was my holy place.

It was not the body of the gods, but an apostle connected through a contract, so it was easy to devour.

[The violent treatment was an excuse. You and the Pantheon have definitely formed a hostile relationship. Contrary to the expectations of the Pantheon, you have become a complete deity, and your level is increasing rapidly, but rather, the gods of the Pantheon have joined forces to separate you and make you easier to devour.]

I need to revise my thoughts.

The river will be stained with blood.

“So what does it have to do with you?”

[In fact, I also have a bad relationship with the Pantheon.]

I thought so.

The God of Hope is a god who will not get along with everyone in the world.

He smirked and laughed.

[... Not like that! We were in a trade relationship.]

“Trade relationship?”

[There is a system in the Pantheon, and it is essentially the same as that of the Hundred Gods. And I have a way to avoid the limitations of the system a bit.]

Again this is the point.

[Supply and Demand. There are many gods who want to expand their power with an expedient way to avoid restrictions, and that expedient can only be supplied to this universe by me.]

If so, you must have been aiming for a profit.

[The position of a monopolist was used to arouse desperation from the gods, fueling desire and controlling supply. Most of the faith I get comes from them. Wouldn’t it be good to get along?]

The God of Hope pointed to me and continued talking.

[The problem is that thanks to someone, my holy land was blown away, my strength was reduced, and supplying them was difficult. I was on the verge of being attacked by the tributes, who gave me faith.]

That’s a fun situation.

Since the target of faith is a God, when their power is weak, they are sometimes attacked instead.

I did not hide my feelings and showed them to the God of Hope.

Clap clap clap.

“Great, perfect ending. That’s why you have to live nicely as usual.”

He said with a loud applause.

When I heard that the work of the God of Hope was ruined because of me, he really accused me.

The God of Hope said to me again and again while swaying with my sarcasm.

[... Anyway, you are the only one to cooperate with the gods of the pantheon.]

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