Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 132

Baiyi rapidly activated the hearing ability and just in time, he heard a gentle voice chuckling, “Teehee, your skin is so soft, Mia! It’s just like silk!” Is that Undine’s voice?

“Same goes to you, Sis Undine! This is my first time seeing such a beautiful person in real life!” Mia’s familiar voice rang in his ear.

What the f*ck are you guys doing?! Why are you people taking a hot bath during daytime? And the two of you together, too? Why did you even bring the hammerhead shark doll with you into the bath? I did not ask you to do that at all, okay?! Baiyi yelled in his mind.

Before they bade goodbye, he had handed over a storage pouch that contained all sorts of everyday items to Tisdale. Inside, there were all kinds of clothings and other than soft blankets and quilts, there were also the big bath tub that he had made for Mia. At first he did not want to bring that thing over but then he was worried that Mia would suddenly want to take a bath during the journey so in the end, he took apart the tub and shoved them into the storage pouch.

Still, he never thought that Tisdale would notice the bathtub and put the pieces back together again. On top of that, it looked like she had used her magic to heat the water up so that they could soak in a warm bath comfortably. Since they had been out on the journey, she had only been using a Cleaning spell to clean her body up hastily and of course, how could it compare to lying comfortably in a hot bath?

And since Tisdale was a generous person, it was natural for her to share such a good thing with her other sisters. At first, Undine was opposed to the idea as it was indeed improper to relax in a hot bath in such a dangerous place. Still, not being able to resist the temptation of the hot bath, she decided to join in for a while. Well, nobody could blame her after all. In the period of time when she was kept in captivity by the barbarians, her shower method was being splashed with a cold bucket of water everyday from her head to her toes. Adding on to the rolling and tossing by Baiyi, she was fully covered in grass and debris. Of course she would want to wash all of those away.

Since there seems to be no movements in the surrounding, there should be no problem if I take a quick bath, right? Undine, who had just gotten her freedom back, thought to herself.

In order to save time, she dragged the petite little Mia to join her in the bath as well. Knowing that the other men, their bodyguards, would never dare to even think about peeping at Mia’s naked body, bringing her is the best method to prevent them from peeping at her.

As for the hammerhead shark plushie? Well, Mia had followed Baiyi’s order and kept it by her side every second of the day. Since Undine happened to like the plushie as well, she might as well bring it together with her to the bath to use as a bath cloth to wipe her chest.

Who would have ever thought that Baiyi would activate the spell at such a time... Anyway, it reallywas a misunderstanding!

I hope they’d be fast! At least finish their bath before the enemy finds them. Still, I really hope that they will cover their bodies properly before they come out from the bath. Otherwise, that three iron trio will turn blind and the three Zhang brothers will become the three BLIND brothers!

Baiyi cursed under his breath. In truth, he was not that worried about them. As long as Mia had the hammerhead shark plushie with her, their safety would not be a problem. As a matter of fact, he was more worried that his wome.. errr, students , might be seen by other people.

Cutting off the connection between the doll and himself, he hissed at the Void, We should install a communication magic on the doll!

“Are you making a puppet or building a battleship?” The Blacksmith chuckled.

Before Baiyi could answer them, the Void was suddenly filled with immense vibrations, as if somebody was feeling furious. Not long after, a few voices could be heard.

“Sigh, I can’t believe that a dignified holy paladin such as myself would get a subpar treatment compared to a hammerhead shark plushie! It’s enjoying its bath with cute little girls while I’m squatting at a black prison...”

“Sir Hope! Please activate that spell again! Even if it’s just for a little while! PLEASEEEE! You can ban me for as long as you like after that!”

“Even though you’ve just gotten your hand on a delicious beautiful tanned girl, I still think Mia is the best!”

“Please let me become the hammerhead shark doll!”

Looks like the Silence Spell on these Hentai Walkers have just lifted in time! Baiyi thought but decided not to ban them again, Let them just say whatever they want, I’ll just ignore them. Then, he turned his body sideways and looked at Attie who was riding on a goat behind while keeping a fixed distance from him.

Before Baiyi could open his mouth to ask her, she already guessed what he was going to ask so swiftly, she explained, “They should be the scouting team that the other clans have dispatched early in the morning today. I think they probably guessed that somebody would be waiting for that beautiful woman after her escape. After the scouting team has left, nobody has managed to notify them in time so they’re still on the move.”

“It’s alright, they will be fine,” Baiyi casually replied.

“Y-You’re not worried about your comrades?” Attie asked tentatively.

“There’s nothing to be worried about, they can take care of themselves,” Baiyi announced calmly. The reason why he was not worried at all was because first, he knew the hammerhead shark doll was with them at that moment and second, he wanted to let Mia and Tisdale fight their own battles a few more times so that they could hone their combat skills.

Shortly after they continued on their slow journey, Baiyi felt uneasy all of a sudden. The hammerhead shark doll is actually unleashing the Aurora’s Mercy now? What’s going on? There’s only a dozen of the enemy, right? How is it possible for those people to back the strong rescue team into a corner?

Without wasting any time, he quickly linked himself to the hammerhead shark doll again before cutting of the communication within seconds. Turning towards Zar’Zar, he asked anxiously, “Brother Zar’Zar, you told me that only a dozen people are making their way to my men right?”

“Yeah, around there, Cuckoo told me,” Lying on the goat’s back comfortably while chewing a grass root in his mouth, he casually answered.

Baiyi slapped his forehead hard. How could he believe the mathematical skills of a bird and a barbarian?

In truth, there were about 200 people from the cavalry who were locked in battle with the rescue team. Before, when he tried to survey the condition, he had chosen the wrong time and found himself in an awkward position watching the two girls bathe so he decided to stop. In the end, he decided to just take Zar’Zar’s word for what it was.

It was either the Alpine hawk-eagle did not know how to count, or perhaps it had myopia or perhaps it had a problem in communication, thus resulting in the rescue team being stuck in an arduous battle.

After Baiyi had cut off the his link with the hammerhead shark doll the first time, Undine had also finished her bath just in time. Swiftly, she changed into the knightwear that Tisdale had prepared for her— a short lacy skirt, black stockings and a deep V-neck top that went all the way down to her navel. Mia changed back into her previous clothes that covered her up fully. Mimicking Baiyi, she used her Mana to extract the water out from her beloved doll.

As for the other men, they were looking around at their surrounding but somehow, they appeared to be slacking. The long journey had made them tired and after Undine was rescued, their mission had already been accomplished. What was left to do was to wait for Baiyi to come meet them at the meeting point. Even the goats thought it was safe, added to the fact that they did not like those group of foreigners very much, they went on their on to look for food.

And that was the exact time the barbarians cavalry was making their ways towards them. The youngest Zhang brother was the first person to discover the cavalry. Just as he was about to issue an alert to the rest of the rescue team, he was shot at his thigh by an arrow. Lifting up his dragon dagger, he wanted to fight them with all his might but unfortunately, he was kicked hard in the chest by one of the horses and fainted immediately on the spot.

The rest of the Zhang brothers wanted to save him so they refused to flee. Seeing that, Undine did not want to give up on those people who had travelled for thousands and thousands of miles just to save her so she refused to escape as well. Just like that, a battle broke out on the spot.

By the time the defense fighter had managed to snatch the youngest Zhang brother back from the enemy with the help of the sorcerer and the chaplain, the rescue team had already been surrounded by the cavalry regiment. The few war goats who were on their way back had their attention diverted by several other cavalries who led them to other places

It was fortunate that Mia and Tisdale performed quite well in the battle. Using the scrolls that Baiyi had prepared beforehand, they managed to inflict a lot of damage on the barbarians. At the same time, Undine had also regained some of her strength and by virtue of those three beautiful girls, the rescue team was able to defend themselves from the enemy who outnumbered them.

Still, it was a strenous battle for them. After a round of fierce battle, the three Zhang brothers had suffered major injuries and could no longer continue to fight, the sorcerer and the chaplain were both as pale as ghosts as their had fully exhausted their Mana, the defense fighter were fully covered in injuries, gasping hard for breath as he leaned on his Tower Shield. Undine and Tisdale had also used up all of their Chi prowess and Mana, clinging at each other trying to gulp down more potions to recover their strength. Mia was the only one left standing, although she was like a spent arrow whose energy had been fully depleted.

The barbarians more or less met with the same fate as them, too. More than half of the people had died and only a few dozens were left standing, slowly approaching little Mia till refused to give up.

Without warning, Mia lifted her hammerhead shark doll high up and shouted angrily, “Bite them, Sharkie!”

Once again, the hammerhead’s fury reappeared and the overwhelming offense took at least a dozen barbarians out in just a flash. The rest of the barbarians were startled, rooted to the ground not daring to make any rash move at all.

In truth, Mia’s lack of combat experience could be clearly seen. The timing of the spell and the choice of target was not that appropriate. Had she calmed down and waited a few moments more, the Aurora’s Mercy could finish off the remaining barbarians in a go.

Because her final deathblow was not able to defeat her enemy, Mia was once again plunged into a critical situation. Those barbarians seemed to know that such powerful magic was not able to be launched continuously so they came out from their hiding spots and slowly made their way to Mia.

In such a critical moment, Mia who was torn in confusion made a surprising decision — hugging her hammerhead shark doll tightly, she suddenly sprang into a quick run towards another direction. Iit turned out that she actually wanted to divert the enemy’s attention and give the others an opportunity to escape.

“Catch that little girl first! Don’t give her another chance to cast her spell!” An order was given from the barbarian side. Soon, the sound of hooves could be heard coming hastily behind her.

“Sob... M-Mr. Hope! W-Where are you, M-Mr. Hope?” Mia choked out in a low voice. She was very scared that she would trip and fall on the ground, and lose her hammerhead shark doll in the process.

— and Baiyi who witnessed the whole scene through the eyes of the hammerhead shark plushie asked the Void in a voice so quiet that would make people shudder in fear, Now, whose turn is it to have a go right now?

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