Abyss Domination

Chapter 238 - Set-up Overseas

Port Tylon.

In a rather remote pub, Soran sat in the corner and waited. Outside, there were pirates acting as guards. There were three to five well-dressed hostess near the bar. From time to time, they tried to attract Soran’s attention. When one’s strength was sufficient, along with fame, wealth would start to accumulate naturally, and the subordinates under him would increase as well. Soran was not the kind of person who liked to order people around, but his current identity made subordinates necessary.

The owner of this pub was “Sturgeon”, a chubby middle-aged man.

He looked like a businessman, and undoubtedly he was a businessman. But behind that, he was only a leader of a small group of Pirates. He went to Sauron in advance to seek asylum first, and now this pub was Soran’s territory. He did not plunder nor take any assets from his men because that would be digging his own grave. However, he did demand that everyone must obey his transfer. The little wealth in Port Tylon was negligible. As long as he could get through to the Overseas Islands and occupy a mountain of gold and silver mine, his wealth would increase tremendously.

There were rules in this world.

Many places did not require their actual names and liked to use aliases to do things.

Just like Soran’s “Throat Cutter”. Not many people knew that his real name was Soran. Most of them just called him “His Excellency, Throat Cutter”.

There were times when real names were even taboos.

Soran had no interest in the hostesses with heavy make-up. He sat in the corner smoking quite expensive tobacco coming from the Halfling’s area.

It might have been that there were too many murders recently. Soran felt that the pressure on himself was much greater than in the past. Even when he was used to bloody massacres, he still felt a little tired. He needed to relax and numb his consciousness a little. After all, it was really hard for people to be too uptight. Even the most powerful men would have moments feeling tired.

Soran was not a drinker—he could only smoke tobacco.

No one nearby dared to disturb him. The thugs outside drove away those who wanted to enter the pub. There were thousands of pirates under Soran’s command, but there were only roughly 300 who were completely followed his commands. After all, there were those small-time pirates who came to join him. He could not just completely break them up nor form them, which would easily cause a rebound effect. Soran just accepted the loyalty of those small pirates. Simply said, Soran was just the anchor for the whole of the South Coast, and there were many other small leaders who decided to pledge to him.

He ordered those smaller leaders to control their minions. It was too difficult to control them too strictly too. After all, pirates themselves were a little unique.

The other Pirate Kings were also the same.

They could influence a lot of people, but only their trusted aids were willing to die for them.

Time was ticking away.

Soran seemed to be waiting for someone. He was quite patient and did not show any signs of anxiousness at all.

After about half an hour or so, a young man, obviously half Elven, came in. He was the first mate promoted by Soran, and now he alone commanded a pirate ship. Behind him was a guy in his thirties, who looked a little bit thievish, but his glare was very witty. This guy’s fingers moved from time to time, and his wrists and fingers were very agile. With a glance, Soran could tell that he was a Rogue, and a specialized one at that.

These sort of people were smarter!

“Your Excellency.”

The first mate bowed slightly and said: “It’s him.”

Soran nodded and looked at the thief in front of him. The other party was a little afraid of his stare. He quickly bowed his head and said: “Your Excellency Throat Cutter. How may I be of service for you!... ”

Soran narrowed his eyes, and there was a sense of killing intent, along with a form of unique pressure.

That was the effect of Fear Gaze.

The wretched-looking thief seemed a little scared. Cold sweat was forming on his forehead, but he reinforced himself and was still standing in front of him. This guy was still considered a little brave.

Soran slightly nodded, and said in a deep voice: “What is your name?”

The shrewd looking man anxiously lowered his head and said: “I’m Chronos, and they all like to call me Skinny Monkey.”

Soran slightly frowned, and said: “From today onwards.”

“You are responsible for collecting useful information on all continents, and I will especially mobilize people and resources for you. It doesn’t matter if it’s useful or useless news, as long as there are any major rumors on the mainland, you will send them all to me. The manpower would be mainly distributed in the Shipwreck Bay, the City of Wealth and Port Tylon. These are core areas connecting the mainland and the Gulf Islands. A lot of information will flow from here up north and down south. ”

“Your job is to spread the people out and then deliver important messages on a regular basis.”

“There shouldn’t be any problems right?”

The wretched guy in front of him could not help showing a surprise on his face. He seemed excited and murmured: “I... I will not disappoint your Excellency’s expectations! ”

Even if he was an idiot, he would have understood. He was being nurtured by his Excellency Throat Cutter in front of him.

It might not be a very important position, but just by his Excellency’s command, he would be able to manage quite a lot of people in the future. From Shipwreck Bay to the City of Wealth, and to Port Tylon. His Excellency’s intention was to let him establish a simple intelligence network. As for why his Excellency was interested in those rumors, rather than collecting information about those fat sheep out at sea.

At this time, who would have cared that much?

The wretched man knew of a point very clearly. It was that he would be a close confidant of his Excellency Throat Cutter if he did his job properly this time. It was known that the pirates who were getting nurtured now were mostly those who have followed him in the battle before. Especially the survivors who have participated in the battle of the Swamp King. Now almost all of them were at least at a level of a small-time leader. In terms of reward, his Excellency was very generous. Many of the small leaders already have control over one or two ships.

Soran said a few words to the first mate next to him, and had him lead the Skinny Monkey leave.

Some things were just this mysterious.

Before the battle of the Swamp King, Soran had little to no trustworthy men and not to even mention any loyal ones. But after the battle of the Swamp King, he was able to mobilise a lot more people, especially those who had survived. These guys would have thought that they helped Soran to defeat the Swamp King. They were the kind of trusted hands with established credit. Hence, their degree of loyalty would have risen automatically.

Many of their minds have changed in this way.

At first, they were afraid of Soran and thought that his Excellency was a terrifying existence, not to even mention their degree of loyalty.

They were mainly controlled by fear.

But after the battle of the Swamp King, their thoughts changed. Alas, I also had some contribution. I risked my life for his Excellency. Even if his Excellency was cruel, he would not be cruel enough to punish those who have laid their lives on the line for him. Would he? I have fought for him. I’m sure there will be a chance for me to be promoted in the future right? His Excellency seemed like someone who was very logical. Since I have risked my life for his Excellency, I am definitely more trustable than those guys right?

Things were that simple.

Those who had experienced the battle of the Swamp King had automatically changed their mentality to become Soran’s trusted aides.

Then, the degree of loyalty would naturally soar by itself!

Why did this happen? Maybe this was the power of human nature and the power of strength! It was as if you had done something for a leader, and it’s very important. You would think that you have got bonus credits in the eyes of the leader, and you will start to think that your status was more important than before. Their hearts were less afraid, more respectful, and their thoughts began to change. Then, they would think that it was natural that they would be promoted. These guys soon changed their minds to become Soran’s confidants.

A lot of things were that interesting. Sometimes, it was better to give more opportunities to subordinates to risk their lives!

After risking their lives, they automatically feel that they were more recognized.

For example, the first mate that was promoted by Soran from the start was awed at most. But after the battle against the Swamp King, his loyalty was the firmest among the rest, and there were even a little fanaticism and a form of worship in his eyes. He believed that he had contributed to the defeat of the Swamp King and that he should be Soran’s top subordinate, even higher than Adele-Isabella, the red-haired pirate who first followed Soran.

I helped his Excellency defeat the Swamp King. I proved my loyalty to his Excellency, so I should rank above that woman. Even if it was temporarily lower than her, just give me a chance to show my strength and prove my loyalty. Sooner or later I will replace that woman as his Excellency’s most trusted confidante.

This kind of mentality was very common amongst Soran’s subordinates.

Because the rise of a new Pirate King meant that there would be many vacant positions. The Pirate King was not a commander of an army of one. Most of them controlled a lot of trade within territories amongst the seas, among which the positions for promotion could number at least 100 people. Now, many of them were ready to show their worth. The most obvious of which was the pirates who survived. They had strength. They all thought that they had the qualifications and abilities to fight for a leadership position, and were all looking for opportunities to further showcase their abilities.

Soon it was noon.

Soran put his pipe away and was tapping his fingers on the table as if he was still waiting for someone to come.

Next to him, a hostess carefully brought him a plate of exquisite food. When she was putting down the food, she deliberately displayed her fair and deep cleavage on her chest in front of Soran. However, Soran only glanced at it slightly, then pinched a bit of bread and ate it. Power was the best partner for men. With strength, women would not necessarily flock over like moths flying into flames. But with power, many women would always try to seduce him. It was not because Soran did not have any desire. It was because he thought that it was not the right time yet. Especially not to relax nor enjoy now.

About an hour later.

A red-haired female pirate in tight leather came in.

She quickly came in front of Soran and bowed slightly, revealing a pair of full and fair bosoms, and whispered: “Your Excellency. Your orders are ready. We have prepared enough food, medicine, weapons and so on. At the same time, we have used our influence to borrow some cargo ships from other Chambers of Commerce. The representatives of the six Chambers of Commerce said that as long as your Excellency takes care of them in the future, they are willing to collect these materials for free and then send them to the places your Excellency wants to deliver to. ”

Soran was a Pirate King—a person who specialized in plundering these merchants or collecting protection fees!

These Chambers of Commerce were not without strength. However, their guards were basically unable to defeat these fierce pirates at sea. The guards of the Chamber of Commerce needed to be compensated when they died, and there were not many who were willing to fight with their lives on the line. Hence, most of the time, they ended up spending money to buy peace. Almost every Pirate King had a certain influence on the trade in the sea territories nearby, and the Pirate King also controlled the whole market for the sale of stolen goods within the sea territories. Naturally, the reason that they flattered Soran was not only for protection, but also to fight against competitors using Soran’s power, or buy stolen goods at a low price and reselling them.

Not many of these merchants doing trade across the seas were clean people!

Soran reached for the list and looked at it. Then he nodded slightly and said: “Not bad. Have them get all the supplies ready. I’ll use them soon. ”

“By the way.”

“What about those slaves that I needed? How’re the preparations going?”

The face of the gorgeous red-haired female pirate could not help but showed a trace of embarrassment. She spoke softly: “At present, only a small part has been gathered. Some time ago, the City of Wealth’s mines collapsed, making the market demand for slaves higher. Because your Excellency needs a strong labor force, we can’t gather enough people at the moment. ”

“But just give me a moment, and I promise I’ll finish your Excellency’s task!”


They were a crucial part of Soran’s plans.

Since he decided to expand in the Overseas Islands, he needed cheap labor.

Moreover, because of the feudalistic economy on the South Coast, as well as the demand for various mines, the slave trade in this area had become more vigorous than other places. Due to the noble’s tyranny, the mines they controlled were absolutely unwilling to hire civilians to work. They would try their best to get enslaved criminals to work instead, which greatly reduced the personnel costs. In these mines, it was an absolutely dark and bloody place. There were almost no laws to speak of. When there was a lack of labor, let alone slaves, even civilians might have been captured to work to their deaths.

It was needless to say.

Because even in the 21st Century, the mines were still largely pitch black.

Soran frowned a little when he heard the explanation. He looked at Adele in front of him and noticed that she seemed nervous. Because she did not take part in the battle to defeat the Swamp King, many people were eager to challenge her position in front of Soran during this period of time. They were ready to prove that their value exceeded that of the woman in front of him, so she was also a little nervous. The woman had now regained the strength her father had, and she was a pirate leader with a name. She obviously did not want to lose her value in Soran’s eyes.

She was now second only to Soran, and this woman was not willing to be pulled down by others. So now, she kept thinking of ways to improve her disposition in Soran’s eyes and had even used some little means as well.

The most obvious point was.

It was that she had barely used make-up in the past. But now, every time she saw Soran, she had some make-up done on her face.

The meaning was evident!

Soran frowned and pondered a while then said: “Finish this as soon as possible. At most, a week and I’ll have new arrangements made. Let them deliver the goods to Snake Island. Leave a group of them to guard the place, and then recruit people from the coastal areas.”

He paused then continued: “Use the name of the Chamber of Commerce. We don’t need any combat power, just adult labor.”

Adult labor?

Adele did not dare to think about it too much. So, she quickly said: “Yes. I’ll arrange it right away.”

Before the red-haired pirate left, she hesitated a little and looked back at Soran. She did not know what she was thinking, but she actually blushed a little.

Sea Temple.

The Naga Siren frowned and sat at the back of the great hall, looking at a man in front of her, she questioned: “So many goods? And still preparing slaves? Is he preparing to expand overseas?”

The man in front of her did not answer and just stayed quietly in place.

The Naga Siren waved lightly and said, “You’re dismissed. Continue to take note of his movements. I’m more and more curious about what he intends to do. ”

Explore overseas.

In the beginning, not many wanted to do this. But the indigenous people in the overseas areas were very exclusive. In addition to the poor living environment and all kinds of dangerous creatures, most of the pioneers failed in the end. Because it was very difficult to survive in the overseas islands, and population transfer was a big problem. There were various diseases, monsters, and enemies. Even the professions were defeated. It would be even harder for ordinary people to survive there. Without ordinary people as the foundation, it was basically futile to even talk about expanding overseas.

Not to mention, there were still the covetous Amazonian people, as well as the indigenous people with a strong sense of territory.

She was curious about how Soran would establish his foothold!

Inside the room.

Soran spread out a nautical map and observed that the area of the Overseas Islands was huge. But there were only a few places suitable for development. Because there were too many monsters, enemies, dangerous environments, and more. All in all required a lot and greatly increasing the difficulty of development. But Soran had an advantage. He knew which area had been developed into a port town. These locations had been selected through countless trials by humans and their resources prior. Basically, they had natural ports, advantages of various terrains, and factors of the surrounding environment.

For example, whether there was a strong enemy, whether there were any resources, whether it was suitable for farming crops and so on.

In the past, many people who explored overseas have all failed!

But there were also some successful people who had found some good geographical locations.

Soran was now trying to remember the best piece of land from his memories.

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