Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 859 - Vol V Chapter 219

The frontline individual was of course Leon as he was the best skilled. He was of a much higher level than the other legendary peak individuals. Most of the others only had advanced level magical tools or certain legendary objects. As long as they possessed one or the other, they considered themselves lucky. On the other hand, Leon’s armor and tools were fully magical.

The truth was that any god who saw his attire would be jealous as he was using only advanced, magical items and was very well-equipped for danger.

It was a pity that most of these items were too powerful for most people and would bring upon them unnecessary burdens. Sui Xiong had efficiently compacted the powers in this armor for Leon to use it comfortably. If these objects really showcased their full power, the dragon would mean nothing to Leon. Even so, with this limited armor, Leon could still face the dragon well.

The dragon’s attacks were shockingly powerful, and the armor was not enough to completely prevent Leon from taking hits. However, Leon was more skilled in martial arts, and in exchanging blows, the dragon took more hits while Leon only got hit occasionally. With the help of the armor, he was able to withstand these rare hits. If he got hit more than he could stand, others on the team would help to distract the dragon and reduce the burden on Leon. This was a common tactic in games where the assistants would help out the leader and allow the leader to rest. It was just that Leon, as the leader here, was extremely powerful and could mostly take care of himself.

As a legendary peak swordsman and a mid-legendary level pontifex, Leon was very skilled in healing. As long as you gave him the time it took to sing a few lines of a song, he could demonstrate strong healing abilities. He was able to allow one to go from lying on the floor in a pool of blood to a healthy individual who could hop around freely.

For example, he did so on a berserker. This berserker was one who had been hit earlier on. Berserkers’ attack powers were undoubted, but defense had always been their weakness. Towards a seemingly immortal dragon, they were definitely disadvantaged. This berserker had just found his chance to activate his explosive powers and had raised his own attack power to three times of that of the original. He had nearly used an axe to cut off the dragon’s leg. However, he had been too close to the dragon and was sprayed by toxic fumes that burned him from head to toe. If he had not run away fast enough, he definitely would have disintegrated on the spot.

Although he escaped in time, he was badly injured, and Leon quickly tried to heal him. The healing was not very helpful, however. Although his burns were healed, the evil powers were still trapped inside him and were not defused. Leon was helpless here as he was short of time. If he had more time, say, the length of a song, he would be able to clear this as well. However, he had to continue defending himself against the dragon and could not afford any more time.

Luckily, there was a mid-legendary level priest who was able to heal the berserker because he was not on the frontline like Leon. To prevent the dragon from coming up with more tactics, Leon increased his attacks to force the dragon to concentrate on him. With the clash of sword and toxic fire, the two continued to fight to their deaths. The dragon fought tooth, claw and nail against Leon’s sword, bringing gusts of wind and used Dragon language spells to increase his power. Its power continued rising, especially that of his healing abilities. Its leg, which had been sliced earlier, was almost as good as new now. Its throat, which had first been attacked at the start, was also fully healed.

With the help of Dragon language spells, its attacking abilities also increased. If Leon had not improved as well, the battle would have been over.

Leon was fully focused, and he did not dare to lose his attention on the dragon for a second. His entire being was shrouded by a shadow, and he was agile in front of the dragon. If he could escape, he did. If he could not hide in time, he used his armor to deflect the attack. At the same time, he maintained his balance and speed to prevent himself from being bound by the attacks. Currently, to Leon, these two factors were key. If he could pace himself, he would not lose. As for winning... Unless he could suddenly be inspired and enter the Demigod Realm, that would be tough. He could already feel the changes in the dragon even though it was small and gradual, and they made him anxious.

This was of course the dragon’s process of completing his soul’s creation and its dispelling of the original Holy Spirits’ powers. Although this power was not as complete as before, the leftovers were still that of the demigod level. The advantage of demigods over the legendary peak was easy to see. One could see this evidently through the example of a faraway paladin and mage’s attacks. These two professionals had originally successfully pierced through the dragon’s defense and inflicted significant damage. However, with the dragon’s changes, their attacks slowly decreased in effect.

Theoretically, legendary-level power was still effective even unto gods, but the level of effectiveness was questionable. Even the weakest demigod could use their own skills to decrease and control the level of harm inflicted on them, and even magic used by legendary peak masters would be discounted. For greater gods, even if legendary peak masters fought to the best of their abilities, they would not be able to hurt the gods faster than the gods healed themselves. It was lucky that the dragon was not that powerful.

After being hit yet another time, Leon took a few frantic steps back and hid. At the same time, he prayed. White light shone onto him and healed some of his wounds.

He intended to rush up again but suddenly felt his ear twitch and heard a message from Master Satan.

Master Satan, who had arrived a while ago, had been preparing a strong hand to attack the dragon. Now, he was done with his preparations and was connecting with Leon to ask him to lure the dragon into the trap Satan had set.

Great! At the end of the day, friends still have your back, Leon thought to himself happily.

Leon felt happy but did not show it on his face. Actually, even if he had, it would not have made a difference as his helmet hid his face. He waved his long sword around, and this sword emitted a blinding light as if the sun had entered the ground. He heavily sliced down on the dragon’s swishing tail.

With a loud crash, the dragon drew back its tail. Leon followed suit by taking a few steps back, acting as if he could not continue the battle any longer and ran towards a random new direction.

The dragon was fully consumed with a vengeance and chased Leon in pursuit without further thought.

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