Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 375 Fat?

" They have a witness?" Jane was surprised when she heard it.

" That\'s is obvious with how persistent Mason has been these past few days." Steve sighed. This could be a problem.

" But how can they find a witness under our noses? The boss even asked his intelligence network to act; it impossible for them to miss it." She knew what type of person the mysterious Zero was.

They had been receiving substantial intel from them over the years, but she had never met him; hell, she didn\'t even know if he was a man or a woman? But one thing was sure the power he held was immense!

" This equipment is also suspicious; why would it be here? And who planted it?"

She involuntarily moved a little back, but Steve caught her hurriedly.

" Wait! Your butt will be exposed!" He held her closer, signaling toward the camera planted in the dark tunnel. They were piggybacking signals from the planted bug in Mason\'s office.

It was already there when they arrived, but it was heavily guarded by several hidden cameras that surveyed this dingy underground tunnel. It was the work of an unknown force like the one that was responsible for the earlier cyber attack. 

" Are you implying that I have gained weight?" Jane stared at him from below. It was a trap question, no matter how one put it.

" I never said you are fat!" And Steve fell right into it! He realized his mistake as soon as those words left his mouth.

" You said it! You are definitely saying that I am fat!" She said furiously; thankfully, there were no listening surveillance devices, or they would be instantly exposed.

" No, baby, you have a perfect ass... I mean, figure... I mean, you are perfect?" Steve blabbered on, piling on top of his messes.

" I agree."

" I second that; it\'s really magnificent." Drac and Cho commented over the open channel. Steve and Jane seemed to forget they were still connected over the radio.

" What?" Steve roared.

" What can I say? I like it when they jiggle?" Cho was only following what Drac was telling him to say.

" Yes, yes, especially in those yoga pants-" Drac never got the finish of that sentence.

" Fuck you! That\'s my girlfriend you are talking about." Steve reprimed them again, but all he heard was their laughter.

" Hey, it\'s not me who called her fat," Drac replied.

" Jane, I am sorry. It was Drac who told me to say those things." Cho apologized immediately. It was fun and games, but when she returned, Drac would have to pay a massive prize for his indiscretions. 

" It\'s alright. I know you didn\'t mean it like that, but I can\'t say the same about the other idiot." Jane sighed.

" It\'s lucky you have Jane. Who else would be with a dunce like you!" Meanwhile, Drac kept nagging Steve.

" Oh yeah? That\'s it; we will have an emergency session when we return. It looks like you forgot who is the leader of this group!" Steve declared it seemed like he was too lenient with them lately!

" A session, you say? You mean like sparring, right?" Drac was not fazed by it, asking brazenly.

" Yeah!"I think you should take a look at

" It\'s three against one; even a gorilla-like you couldn\'t pull that off! hahaha"

" Hey man, I don\'t want to do it, but who is the third one? Ze?" Cho asked curiously.

" It\'s Jane! Not Ze; we will pin him down while she delivers divine justice on your ball sack. Hahaha," He chuckled.

" Jane? I could help if she is in." Cho turned on his best friend seeing the tides shifting.

" That\'s not a bad idea. I am in!" Jane, too, liked the sound of it. She would deal with Drac, too, but Steve was the main culprit!

" Fine, but I never said I will be your opponent! Mr. Arthur will be overseeing the \'session\' and teaching you personally." Steve dropped the bomb on them out of nowhere. There was silence for a few seconds before Drac started cursing!

" Fuck! You are lying! No!"

" Shit! Not that crazy old man again! My body still aches when I think about our earlier sessions!" Cho was petrified.

" Right! How can that weak, frail man be that vicious? He beat me senseless last time with a small stick? Can you believe it? With a fucking twig!"

" Why are you laughing? You will be joining them too!" Steve say Jane giggled and directly ruined her day!

" But I have things to do with Adrian, you know, computer and stuff?" She forced a smile when saying that.

" I believe, He could handle besides old man requested you specifically saying he sees something in you; I bet that will be fun to watch! Hahaha," Steve loved the look of despair on her face. Although she was his girlfriend, everything was fair in love and war!

They exited the tunnel, and Steve hung behind to make an important call. He started racking his brain to think how he would convince Arthur to join them. He lied through his teeth until now, but if they knew about it, he would become a laughingstock for months!

Thankfully, Arthur had already wrapped up the Bailey case and was happy to help him out. It\'s not like he had Samuel to care for, as he was away to meet the Reyes family.




Meanwhile, in the Reyes residence, Samuel and Liliana were currently being ambushed by her family members.

" That\'s a nice scarf; I don\'t think it\'s that chilly outside?" Isabella, Liliana\'s older sister, asked after the usual greetings.

" Thanks, it\'s just something we picked up on the way," Samuel said with a smile; there were already some sweat beads on his forehead, but he played it cool.

" Are you sure, kid? Those flower patterns don\'t really scream a man to me. Hahaha," Enrique chimed in with a snide remark.

" I said the same thing when I first saw them, but I guess younglings are into weird stuff these days." Mateo laughed smugly.

" Don\'t say that. It\'s obviously a couple\'s scarf; I think it\'s romantic." Isabella looked at them lovingly.

She always feared no one would be enough for his little sister because of her temperament. But unexpectedly, she found someone, but her father\'s crude remark could put a wedge in their relationship.

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