The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 77 Viral Video

Since the bodyguards of the Davis Family picked up Tristan from the airport, Matthew and Tristan were not able to talk about today\'s issue. Tristan was still clueless why Grandpa Lu ordered him to return today and wanted to see him.",

Tristan just heaved a deep sigh as he leaned back on his seat. He was sitting on the back passenger seat alone. Two guards were on the front- one was driving while the other one was sitting on the front passenger seat. The other two bodyguards were following them behind using another black car.",

"Jeez, why did he send four bodyguards? Seriously? Do they really think that I will run away and flee?" Tristan sneered at that thought, placing one hand on the top of his forehead as he closed his eyes.",

He decided not to ask Matthew anymore since he would still be able to find out what happened once he arrived at the Davis Family Mansion.",

The moment they reached the family mansion, the guard instructed him to proceed at Grandpa Lu\'s mini office. They told him that Grandpa Lu and his parents were already there, waiting for him.",

Tristan didn\'t waste more time as he headed straight to Grandpa Lu\'s mini office. The moment he entered the room, Tristan was surprised to see the presence of Andrew and Hannah together with Mr. and Mrs. Miller.",

Tristan automatically knitted his brows into a deep drown upon seeing them.",

\'I thought I would be meeting only my Grandpa and my parents. Why are they also here? What is this? Family reunion or family meeting for the upcoming union of these two families once Andrew and Hannah will get married to each other.\' Tristan complained to himself inwardly.",

Grandpa Lu was sitting on a single couch in the middle while his parents and Hannah\'s parents were sitting on a longer sofa facing Andrew and Hannah who were also sitting on a long sofa.",

Tristan could either sit beside Andrew or to the vacant single couch which was facing Grandpa Lu. Tristan chose the latter.",

Then after a while, Assistant Twig also entered the room holding a tablet in his hand. He stood up beside Grandpa Lu\'s side.",

"What\'s wrong with this gloomy atmosphere around this room? What happened?" Tristan asked them with a smile, trying to ease the heavy tension in the air.",

But instead of lightening the mood, Tristan\'s smile and nonchalant behavior made the atmosphere become worse. Grandpa Lu was now wearing an ugly expression while looking at Tristan with his glaring eyes. Hannah\'s parents also had dark expressions on their faces.",

Meanwhile, Hannah and Andrew remained silent on the sides, not even looking at Tristan\'s direction. On the other hand, Lucas and Isabelle were just staring at their son with their worried and concerned look.",

Grandpa Lu finally broke his silence. "Congratulations, grandson. You just become more famous now. Your nice video just went viral last night! You already have million views. You never fail to amaze me, my dear grandson." Grandpa Lu said, his voice filled with sarcasm.",

"Video? What video?" Tristan asked, clueless about the video Grandpa Lu was talking about.",

Grandpa Lu narrowed his eyes at his grandson, his lips already formed a thin line on his aged face. He signaled Assistant Twig to hand the tablet over to Tristan.",

"SEE IT FOR YOURSELF, GRANDSON." Grandpa Lu stated firmly with his angry voice.",

Assistant Twig approached Tristan as he gave him the tablet. Tristan accepted it, feeling intrigued.",

His attention was now focused on the video playing on the tablet\'s screen. Astonishment was reflected in his eyes the moment he saw his own self in the video.",

Tristan was totally wasted. If he could remember correctly this event happened during the Family Dinner last week.",

He cursed himself inwardly. He almost didn\'t recognize himself. He was totally drunk and spouting nonsense. His twin cousins were trying  to control and stop him, but instead he went wild, throwing a fit while screaming and telling them things which he was not supposed to say.",

Tristan\'s face immediately became pale after hearing his words in that video. His grip on the tablet tightened. He felt like his brain had just received a shockwave. His heart was now racing rapidly on his chest.",

​ [ "I love Hannah! She\'s the only woman I love! The only woman I wanted! Why is it she had to be with Andrew? My own brother? ]",

[ "I liked her first even before Andrew began liking her. Why is life so unfair? Andrew is just my half brother! Everything changed the moment he came to my life! He even stole Hannah from me. Why did Hannah choose to love him instead of me?? Why?" ]",

Tristan was pouring his heart out. Blake and Jake didn\'t know what to do with him. In the end, they just let him rant at them, allowing him to speak what\'s on his mind.",

[ "What should I do now? They are about to get married. Should I break them apart before their wedding?" ]",

After saying that, Tristan\'s laughter was heard. He was crying and at the same time laughing. He looked very pathetic. He turned into a madman.",

[ "Should I find a very beautiful woman to seduce Andrew?" ]",

The video stopped and was cut at that moment. The video had an interesting and eye-catching title that would attract viewers.",

[ The Handsome CEO of Heavenly Star Enterprise, Tristan Davis was madly in love with his Brother\'s Fiancee ]",

At the bottom part for Video detail, there was a statement saying:",

[ Evil Brother is planning to ruin his Brother\'s relationship with his fiancee. Scheming to break the couple apart. ]",

Tristan wished that the ground would open up right now and swallow him whole. He just wanted to hide from them because of this embarrassing video.",

He never imagined that he would confess his love for Hannah this way. Now, everyone knew that he had feelings for her. Not only Hannah but everyone who watched this video including Grandpa Lu, Andrew, his parents and Hannah\'s parents.",

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