500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 513 Spoil Me

"Yes, but if you are ever bored, we are both interested in that growth of yours," Renna said, and then both of them turned and left as I shook my head and turned back to Elder Lily.

"It has indeed. I was just in the area, and I wanted to stop by and say hello," I said, and The old woman ushered me inside.

"So, you have been very busy since the last time that we talked. Trina has come to visit a few times and told me that you two have gotten to spend a good amount of time together," Lily said as she gestured for a pillow for me to take.

"Yes, Trina and I have done some baking together. She is a nice girl. How have things been going out here? As far as I can tell, Renna and Cindy are the only ones that have really changed," I said, and Lily nodded.

"Things are even safer now, thanks to you and the wall, so most of us see no reason to change. If anything, we have become even more relaxed, and our lives easier. Renna and Cindy have stepped up as the village protectors, but I think it is only a matter of time before they want to move on to bigger things. The girls have been training two other women to take their places, so I am not that worried," Lily explained as she set some pots on a heating stone to heat up some water.

"That is good to hear. If they want to move on, then I will do what I can to help them. I know a few people in the city that would be more than willing to help," I said, and Lily smiled.

"I am sure that you do. You seem to know everyone in the city. I had better get this tea done, so you can be on your way. I am sure that you have much to do, and I do not want to keep you," Lily said, and I smiled as I stood up.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have a few more stops to make before I head back. It was nice to see you, and I will tell Trina that I saw you," I said, and Lily smiled.

"Good. Tell her that I love her," Lily said, and I nodded.

"I will," I said before heading out of the tent and then stretched out, looking around the village.

This place really hadn\'t changed, but all the women looked happy, making me think about what cancer said about my duties. I didn\'t have to help everyone; I just had to take care of the major problem. Strangely enough, all the major problems seemed to be linked to me.

The Lich Queen was forced to attack the south and the cultists in the north. Both of them were directly linked to me with the Blood Witches and the mysterious Black King of the Underworld. This meant that they were my problems, to begin with, and if I got rid of them, the world would naturally gain some sort of order back. The thing was that I was not just trying to achieve order; I needed to create Unity between the denizens of this realm.

I opened a portal to the Golden Egg Repository and stepped through, letting it close behind me.

"Another visit so soon? You really do spoil me! How do you like the newly crafted bodies?" Kadeon asked as I turned around to face him.

I sighed and shook my head. "They are fine. I came to ask you something. Nothing complicated, just a basic question," I said, and Kadeon frowned at me, putting his chin into the crook of his hand.

"You are acting suspicious. Ask your question, and then I will decide if I want to answer your question, or if I even can," Kadeon said in a flat voice, and I nodded. I assumed that I would get this response, but he is much more guarded than I expected.

"How many Blood Witches in total did you make for this Realm?" I asked, and Kadeon blinked and then laughed.

"Wow! You really had me going there! Thought you were going to grill me about the Guides!" Kadeon laughed uneasily.

"I am not stupid. If mother wouldn\'t tell me, there was no chance that you would," I said, and Kadeon shrugged.

"Think that you want, but I am only trying to do what is best for everyone and everything. While Nemoria\'s intentions may seem pure, her need to constantly disrupt you and send others to attack must get tiresome. I might not be as forthcoming, but I always have your and others\' best interests at heart. As for your question, since I have already done you a favor," Kadeon said, but I put my hand up.

"Fuck off," I said in a flat voice. "I never once asked for you to do that, and you volunteered to help me. If you want something done for the info, fine, but you are not getting any more out of me, then that info is worth it," I said, and then added, "If you try to ask for more, I will just get the info out of my mother. The only reason I asked you is that you would be more subjective and most likely give me the full list."

The truth was that I was going to deny what he asked of me because I didn\'t really care. I would just get the info from my mother and make sure the Blood Witches were taken care of. I was done with their games, and at this point, I just wanted them gone.

Kadeon chuckled. "I see your point. In total, there are currently twenty-seven Blood Witches in the realm. They range from the young to the ancient, and each has its own agenda. The best advice I can give you is to not get involved. It could mean death or worse."

"Really? Not get involved?" I asked. "How am I supposed to bring unity while leaving all of them?"

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