500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 59 Your What?

Listenia, I made it back to the shop, and luckily, Breya hadn\'t sold anything for cake. She was sitting on the counter with a wet cloth and Claire on her lap as she washed her golden eyes stalks.

"Breya, you should watch over Claire while Galio is out. He is making your cake and teaching you about it, right?" Listenia asked almost when she walked into the shop after she glanced around the room.

"Me? I mean, I guess so. I don\'t really have anything to do since Galio is taking care of watching the wall and defending it," Breya said with a sweet smile, but Claire started to struggle.

"You can\'t leave me here! I will not be mothered by this Guardian Angel! I…" Claire complained but trailed off when she remembered that she didn\'t really have a choice.

"I will come to pick you up after, and then we will go get something to eat. Try not to act like a brat, and I might treat you," I said, and Claire slumped forward in defeat.

"This is ridiculous. How am I supposed to get my place back if I am just being doted on?" Claire complained, and I laughed.

"You know, if you want to work so much, I am sure Listenia has some cleaning you could do. I could always just take you home quickly, and then I can get Trina to put you to work cleaning the house up. That actually isn\'t a bad idea! Ha! You will look cute in a maids outfit!" I laughed, and Claire grabbed onto Breya suddenly.

"Umm, I think I have some more dirty spots that Breya can clean, and I think she is a wonderful person!" Claire yelped, and I nodded.

"Sure, for today, but enjoy your time. Tomorrow you will be working with the girls. You destroyed Eliza\'s backyard and almost her city, so you are going to start helping to slowly repay that. If you can do what is needed and what is asked of you without complaint, that will be a step in the right direction. If you want your place as Holy Beholder back, you are going to have to work for it," I explained, and Claire sighed but nodded.

"I can\'t argue, but I still don\'t like it!" Claire complained.

"Good. You\'re not supposed to like it, or it would be a piss poor punishment to give you," I said and then looked at Breya. "If she is good, and you don\'t have a lot of trouble, I will let you come back with us to make a cake. Deal?"

"Make a cake? But she has to be good for me? What kind of game is this?" Breya complained, and I smiled.

"It\'s called a balancing act. The two of you need to work together," I explained, but Breya frowned.

"Why am I part of the game? I thought I was just watching her, right?" Breya asked.

"Sure, but I also don\'t want you intentionally antagonizing her either. This way, I know that she isn\'t just going to keep getting worse when I am not around. I am trusting you and offering you both a reward to hopefully get the best results," I said, and Breya sighed.

"You walk a very thin line between different and indifferent with your tactics of dealing with people," Breya complained.

"You just don\'t like it because it makes perfectly good sense. Unlike you, this one takes commitments seriously. Galio is covering all of his bases to make sure that he keeps moving forward, and I can appreciate that," Listenia said, looking at me with a small smile that I returned.

"Oh! I forgot to ask! How did things go?!" Breya asked, turning to Listenia, who was now behind her counter that the angels were sitting on.

"It was good if a bit violent, but I learned a lot. I will be looking forward to tonight when he sleeps in my bed," Listenia said, but Breya frowned.

"Aren\'t you sleeping at the manor?" Breya asked, turning back to me.

"Not tonight. I will be going back there later before I come to get Listenia to take her to eat," I explained, and Breya nodded.

"Alright, well, you had better get going. I am sure that Gwenth is waiting for you," Breya said, and I nodded, about to leave, but then I stopped.

"Hey, can I have my lunch back?" I asked.

"Your what?" Breya asked.

"My lunch?"

"What do you have a hunch about?" Breya asked with a straight face.

"No, my lunch. Remember, I gave it to you?"

"I think I would remember if I was invited to brunch, Galio, don\'t be silly!" Breya laughed.

"You ate it, didn\'t you!"

"I don\'t know what you are talking about!"

"You are a golden turd, you know that? Trina packed me that lunch!"

"You should get her to pack you another and tell her to put more pepper on the tomatoes!"

"Bah! I am leaving!" I growled.

"Don\'t let the door hit you on your way out!" Breya called as I stormed out of Listenia\'s shop.

As if that damn Angel ate my lunch!

I thumped off but then stopped after about a block. Where was Gwenth\'s shop?

I thought about going back to the shop, but I didn\'t want to see Breya\'s smug face, so I just headed back to the Barracks. There should be someone that knows…

"Hey, you look lost! Who are you looking for, stranger?"

The voice came from behind me, but when I turned around, there was no one there.

"Down here, Miss Giant!"

I looked down, and there was a Dwarf.

"Sorry, umm, yes, I am looking for another Dwarf," I said, but then something clicked from what Gwenth said, and without much thought, I grabbed her under both arms and brought the squirming creature up to my face.

"I was just trying to help you! Put me down, you monster!" The dwarf cried, but I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you a spy?"

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