Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 722 Lilith Snow - Arbiters

"Lilith, where are you going?" Avar said, her gaze locked on me.

A smile spread across my lips as I gazed over the spiraling black hole and then back to Avar, who stood at the forefront of Freya, Ezra, Zan, Ren, and Rey Nala.

"You guys head to Arsene. I had been waiting for this."

"You knew of this?" Freya said, the blame evident in her tone.

I didn\'t answer, not because I didn\'t want to, but rather because I couldn\'t. I\'d promised Zariel not to get involved. My being here was already pushing it.

"He is an hour journey from here. I\'ll be back in about an hour, maybe less." I informed, and Abyssal Qi coiled around me like flames and, with a flick of my wrist, I was transported back to where Izavith resided.

"Your Grace," She greeted with a loving grin, but weariness slowly came over me as I yawned and stretched my arms over her shoulders, resting my head on hers.

"Sorry, Izavith, I\'m just tired. This child is eating me up." I explained, "Without Sene to share his Heavenly Qi. I am stuck to feed the little bun."

Izaviths hand slowly made their way onto my stomach, and a tremor ran through her body into mine. "I hope it\'s a baby girl!"

My expression dipped but quickly recovered. I pursed my lips and pushed off. "Never. It\'s got to be a boy! Can you not imagine an abyssal chibi Arsene running around? My god!" Drool slipped from my lips, "He would be so perfect. so pristine!"

Clenching my chest as my heart hammered away, Izavith patted my head, " Calm, my queen. Calm down."

I sucked in a deep breath and giggled, shaking my head. I then grew serious. "How many Arbiters made it? I know I couldn\'t get them all."


"Out of?"

Izavith didn\'t answer, but I figured it was for the best.

Everything came with a price, and we were stepping on the line with this endeavor, and no one had known how the Horseman gates would react, nor that it would explode and suck everyone in. Only Arsene and I knew the exact details of what would happen, which was why he requested that I leave most of his army behind. He had entrusted conquering the Bed of Chaos and possibly other Plane, although unlikely to Mimir.

My eyes closed as I thought of everything that had happened. "How is that Monster doing?" I asked, and I knew Izavith understood what I was talking about. Zariel truly had despicable means of tormenting his enemies. It makes me wonder if he had ever visited hell to experience its embrace.

"Still in Iliah, and I don\'t think it will leave. Arsene is a few thousand years away, so he has time to grow, not that it will do him much." She said and merely chuckled.

"Then you are blind." I peered deeply into her. There was no changing Izaviths mind, not really. All first-generation Abyssal Fiends were like so. The loyalty to me was so revered even I felt off-put at times in how they spoke about Sene. There was no hate in their voice towards him, but they didn\'t like him. Contempt was evident, but it was so much more.

Izavith frowned, " My lady, I meant no—"

"Tell me. If my child is a boy, will you hate—"

"My lord, he will be our Prince!" She hastily said, bowing her head, "There is no question of that! While I may hope for a daughter, its gender will be irrelevant in the end, my lady. It will have my loyalty and love."

Her words made me smile. "So your Contempt will not transfer to this child?"

"Never, not one abyssal fiend will ever. Ever. And I mean. EVER look down on your child." Izavith promised, her gaze rising to meet mine, and I could see that burning determination.

"Good. Now, tell me what these Arbiters are talking about," I requested with a bright smile, watching the relief spread across Izaviths enchanting features. "I got to go see sene. I am hungry!"

"Just between us," She warned so that I would not informer Sene. "The Arbiters—"

"No. No. No." That rat bastard\'s voice etched out from the shadows. " Izavith, a word if you will?" Zariel said, and the two were gone before I could chime in.

"Oh, screw you! Just you wait! Mr. Absolution God or whatever they call you! Wait till Aurelia here\'s of this! She\'s gonna castrate you! ZARIEL!"

I stomped my foot down, and a bitterness clung in between my brow, and I hung my head low for a couple of minutes before Izavith appeared. She peered at me for a few moments and frowned.

"Ummm, let\'s see," she muttered, trying to find the words, " I can only say that the Arbiters have indeed instigated the Angels to strike."

"This is about Zantar, isn\'t it." Izaviths shoulders stiffened, but she neither confirmed nor denied my words, but I took it as a confirmation. That had to be the only possibility.

"I should have expected this. I did invite Arsene to judge and regulate." I muttered, breathing in a breath. I sighed. "So too much power comes at a price, huh." Izaviths starry eyes dimmed as she said nothing.

Not bothering to press for an answer, I settled myself around the table and took a seat, feeling weaker than before. Noticing Zariel materialize and Izavith drawing closer, I frowned as he took my wrist.

"Send her to Arsene. You two shouldn\'t say apart for too long. I\'ll be damn if the Father loses something as precious as your child." he said, and before I could voice my opinion, Izavith waved her hands, and everything cut to black.

I snapped my eyes open, and my gaze slowly met with the scarlet glow of Sene smiling peacefully at me with two thick bags under his eye. I instantly felt his life force running low, but he was still smiling.

"It\'s been a week. When did you get so lazy?"

Tears filled my eyes as a pang of pain pinched my heart. But he merely chuckled, wiping the tears away " I got the infernal heritage. I\'ll recover in a few seconds. So relax, and let\'s get Cleo to cook us something. You should have seen her when she found out you were pregnant. The bitch went crazy!"

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