The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 246 Arcsarah

Currently near the borders from the deserts of Azu´rah.

On the Northwest side was one of the closed villages which could potentially be called a city in a few years.

Since on the spot of the village, they had fewer frequent disasters such as sandstorms or monsters making their presence known to the people of Arcsarah.

That allowed the Arcsarah village to have a nice foundation which not only allowed buildings to be made of more durable materials but was also a hot stop for all merchants of the like to gather.

Every single compensated merchant knew the place of Arcsarah as it was a vital point for such merchants to resupply before they go back and sell it for profit in the vast desert where people were desperate for either food or water.

Bread that could be sold for the petty price of a few copper coins, could suddenly turn into a few silver coins instead.

For such reasons, people flocked to Arcsarah.

Be it merchants, explorers, magic casters, or warriors, they were there.

And among those people, a merchant wasn´t having the best day...

"What do you mean by that!" One man yelled as he hit the table full of wares.

"S-Sir...I already explained that any lower will be"

"Is that how you talk to one of your customers, huh!? Are you taking us for fools!? Is that it!? Maybe getting a little rough would change your mind!"

Of course, Arcsarah wasn´t a perfect place.

As no leading figure was there to uphold some sort of law, the rule of the strong rule the weak was still present there.

Most wouldn´t go for such methods to deal with people as it would sour the connection of the merchant and make the people look negatively at you.

But the merchant holding his shop in the streets had sadly met a group of 3 bad apples, that didn´t care about the outcome of their actions.

`Curse those fools! I knew I should have gone deeper to the center instead of out of the village. If I had done so I wouldn´t have to deal with those fools´ The merchant scolded himself for his bad decision-making.

He thought he could make some coin if he wait for new arrivers.

But instead of new arrivers, he found himself dealing with some unreasonable people who threaten him instead.

"Haha~it seems like my joke went too far sir, its actual cost is only 14 copper coins." The merchant with a smile that was only for the look.

Internally he grimaced as if he eat 5 whole lemons at once.

`Though I won´t make a profit if I sell it that low, as long as those guys leave everything will be fine.´

Unfortunately for his expectations, the next thing he heart made his heart freeze.

"Huh!? 14! Don´t you see that all 3 need one!? At least make it half of its price!" The man in the middle said with an evil grin on his face and eyes of the crescent moon.


"Hahah! That´s right, right!"

"As expected of our brother, as generous as always."

Seeing how the two other men played along with the plant bullsh*t of the middle man, the merchant glanced at his hand so much that it started bleeding.

While the three men were laughing as if they heard the best joke of their life, a sudden shadow eclipsed them, followed by a cold voice.

"You, are you a merchant?" The cold voice said, taking the notice of the three men and merchant.

"Hah!? Don´t you see that we-" Before the man in the middle could finish his sentence, once he turned his back, his whole body froze.

Having gathered the attention of everyone nearby and being the one responsible for casting the shadow of the three-man, was an over 5-meter beast who had its body covered by a piece of cloth. Not only was it big, but the claws showing out of the cloth seemed like that of metal while its head was that of a skull without a hint of flesh to see.

Most who saw that beast became scared thinking that a monster found its place inside the village, but by the few words of the nearby who knew of its race and saw that it had a poorly made bridle tight around his fang, they calmed down in the belief of being the amount of someone.

Though unusual, many types of mounts resembled that of monsters, such as big lizards.

What made the man truly freeze though was the giant of a man that was behind him.

Since he was wearing a cloak he couldn´t see much of his face, but based on his height and build, he unconsciously let an oppressive feeling out.

One that made others feel that he was dangerous.

"Hey, I asked you a question." The cloaked figure said as he turned in the merchant\'s direction.

Realizing that the suspicious figure was talking to him, the merchant nodded his head.

"Y-Yeah, I am indeed a merchant. What could I do for you, dear sir?"

"Good, you see, I wanted to ask-"

Being in the middle of the cloaked figures and the merchants that were their target, the fact that those three were ignored didn´t sit too well on their nerves.

And the middle man who was taking the part of their leader walked one step toward the cloaked figure with a knife in his hand.

"Bastard...are you blind or something!? We were first here! If you care for your life then piss off!" The man said as he pressed the dagger gently on the figure\'s cloak.

The two other men who saw this grinned with malice and pulled their respective daggers out.

The merchant who saw this started to sweat bullets out of his back.

The cloaked figure in response didn´t even look at the man pointing the dagger in his chest or behaved to be scared.

If of anything, behind that cloaked the figure was simple.


"Piss off."

As soon as his cold words ended, his hand moved at such speed that the people nearby could be mistaken that it disappeared and then reappeared like teleportation.

Only when the sound of the hand hitting something could the others see where the hand moved.


Being the middle man\'s face that the hand hit directly on his jaws, the man was catapulted like a piece of rag through the air, his whole body circling mid-air until it hit a nearby house.


Seeing what happened to their brother, the two men had their jaws dropped in shock while they became pale.

It all happened without even being able to see what happened, in a matter of a few seconds.

The man who received the hit didn´t show any kind of response, making the atmosphere around the street much worse than before.

"That man is just unconscious." The cloaked figure said to everyone present.

Hearing those words, many turned a blind eye to the man who was hit. As most didn´t want to get involved with the cloaked figure or the three other men, they all decided to believe the cloaked figure.

"So? What were you planning to do with those daggers?" The cloaked figure said towards the two men.

Hearing that, the men\'s faces immediately became pale in horror.


Dropping their daggers to the ground, the two started to make a run of it, while leaving their supposed brother behind.

Leaving those two escape, the cloaked figure turned his gazing eyes towards the merchant who was slowly also moving away.


The next second he saw that he disappeared from his place and reappeared in front of the merchant by his seer speed.

"Where are you going." The cloaked figure said while blocking the merchant\'s path and revealing a hilt of a sword hidden in his cloak.


Forcing his saliva back in his throat, the merchant cursed to himself for finding a much more troublesome guy that those 3 combined.

"I remember that I have an important date with someone, so..." The merchant said while trying to make his best fake smile come out. Which he failed as his fear of the cloaked figure made him too restless.

"Don´t worry, I won´t be holding you for long. I am just seeking information about...this place. Nothing more."

Without letting his words sink into the merchant, 2 big bags were dragged by two dark green hands from the back of the huge beast.

"As for the can have that stuff for yourself."

Seeing the bags and then turning to look at the cloaked figure, the merchants made a frowned while a small interest grew inside of him.

Opening the bags to see what was inside, they were various useless stuff while some like the tools and weapons got him interested.

"As long it´s something I know, I will answer any of your questions." The merchant said.

Hearing those words, the cloaked figure lower his hood which revealed a helmet made out of black metal which the merchant didn´t recognize where it was from.

"You see, I heard that there is a group that is being led by a Necromancer in this village..." The figure, who was none other than Danzel said in his cold voice.

"I wanted to ask where I can find them," Danzel said.

While ignoring the XP notification that appeared moments ago.

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