Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 307 305- Erza and Aria

He didn’t want Aria to find out about that from another source that could possibly damage their well-going relationship.

However, never in his wildest dream had he imagined Aria to know about it.

”You… knew…?” Zach asked while stuttering.

”I have had my suspicions.”

”Since how long? And what do you know?” Zach asked with a curious and anxious look on his face.

His heart was beating so fast that even Aria could hear it clearly. It was as though he was standing in front of a god and getting his judgment, although his current situation was quite similar to that.

”After we met again and you welcomed me by stabbing me to death,” she remarked and continued, “We continued living together, and I got to know more about you. But it wasn’t until we went to the Sea Realm.”

”About what, though?”

”My feelings for you!” she yelled with a flustered face.


”But I noticed how you purposely kept your distance from me even though I was trying to open up to you. And I knew you weren’t a shy boy since you flirted all the time with Aurora,” she commented.

”That wasn’t really necessary to say…” Zach muttered.

”However, I assumed you wanted to be loyal to Aurora, and I was completely okay with that.”

Aria lied about that. She wasn’t okay at all, and her jealousy was at its peak when they were in the Sea Realm.

”But then the marriage proposal from the king and all that made me conflicted. And after you discussed the harem with Aurora, I realized that wasn’t the case. I was happy, to be honest. I thought even if it took months, something would happen between us. And we were spending time together, so I wasn’t worried.”

”…” Zach had already predicted where the conversation was going.

”But then I found out that you slept with Aquarius’ aunt. I was so disappointed in you that I don’t have words to describe it. But Aurora and even Aquarius didn’t seem to mind it, so I thought I was the odd one.”

”Uhh… sorry to disappoint you, but can you skip to the part about… well, Erza.”

”I was getting there, so don’t interrupt me,” Erza glared at Zach and continued, “You got close with Aquarius, but you never bothered to make moves on me. Not to mention, I am your servant, and you can literally make me do anything. Yet, you never used your authority on me.”


Aria was taking out all the pent-up frustration she had been holding all this time.

”Do you have any idea how sad I was? I thought I lacked the charm required to make you notice me. Sure, you had kissed me before, but that wasn’t a romantic kiss. But… I was happy when you stood up for me at the after-party. You even called me your wife…”

”Please tell me you know the reason why I was doing that.”

Aria nodded and said, “You are Erza’s son, or rather, son of Erza’s reincarnation. Am I right? And that would make you my nephew and me your aunt. I know that sounds so immoral, and why you did what you did. But—”

”Wait, wait, wait. Hold on.” Zach inserted his finger in Aria’s mouth and said, “It’s true that Erza is my mother, but we are in no way related to each other. She is my father’s wife, his harem member. And well, the one who raised me.”

”I have never thought my sister would agree to be a part of someone’s harem.” Aria sighed in disbelief. “But I am not the one to talk to. Actually, I am even worse. Not only am I also a harem member, I am the harem member of her foster son, which makes her— my sister— my mother-in-law.”


Zach facepalmed himself and rubbed his face as he muttered, “I didn’t want to hear that. There is a reason why I was trying to stop you earlier.”

”But it’s the truth!”

”Okay. I already said Erza is not my mother, and we are not related by any means. My birth mother is a demon, whom I had only met once when I was three, or so I have been told. I don’t know how she looks. I only know her name,” Zach asserted in a solemn voice.

After a brief pause, he turned to Aria and asked, “Now, you tell me. What exactly is your relationship with mother?”

”Which mother are you talking about? Your real mother, Erza, or…”

”I consider Erza as my mother rather than my real mother or any of my other members— aka, my father’s harem members,” Zach stated calmly.

”Oh, okay. You already know I am the Goddess of death and destruction, so Erza was the Goddess of life and prosperity— the exact opposite of me.”

”I already know that. I was asking about your relationship with her. Like… are you two truly sisters?”

”Yeah. We both were born and raised in the heavens. And when we grew older, we were given our own heaven and—”

”Wait…” Zach raised his brow and asked, “Born? As in… you two were given birth by someone?”

”Yeah, we have parents. Did Erza never tell you this before?”

”No. That’s news to me. So wait a damn minute…” Zach took a few seconds to comprehend everything and asked, “You two are blood-related?”

”Well, we were. Now Erza has reincarnated, so I am not sure how that works,” Aria replied with a shoulder shrug.

”Okay. So what about the other gods in the heavens who exiled you two? How did they come into existence?” Zach asked curiously.


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