A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 270: Tournament perp (11) - Flaming Hearts leaders

Chapter 270: Tournament perp (11) - Flaming Heart\'s leaders

In the end, Eldrian failed to actually reach out to this feeling, this essence, inside of him. However, he could feel it was still there, waiting for him to move deeper into himself. Sighing he came back to reality only to see everyone staring at him in wonder.

"What?" He asked, causing everyone to jump.

"You\'re finally back," Flavia said, the first to recover.


"You were just sitting there motionless for over fifteen minutes now. It was truly strange." Joren interrupted, "Don\'t use the chair again until I can confirm the system isn\'t going to pull any more tricks."

Eldrian didn\'t need to be told twice, while having grasped that strange essence in the darkroom, he did not wish for that pain again. He was not that insane, to go through that for just a feeling. Maybe if he knew what was really going on, but not just to try and grasp onto that essence again.

"Right, I have confirmed that the headset is still safe, it seems the system needs the added functions of the chair. And I am going to make it tell me why." Joren nearly growled the latter, furious that the AI they were closest to had suddenly destroyed the bridge of trust they had.

With that said Joren led the other two out of the room, leaving Eldrian alone to ponder his thoughts. He did not log in until the next day where he needed to join the team fights. In these fights Eldrian acutely realized the lack of pain, contrasting so sharply to his experience. Making him wonder just what was actually going on.

Much like before, the fights were tough. With them only managing to win four out of ten. This left everyone despondent, as time passed Eldrian wondered if he should share what Joren and Gengxin had told him, he found that he needn\'t. Seeing the announcement he quickly told everyone to take a look.

"Thank goodness. Now we have time to cover for our weaknesses." Erik said upon coming to the end of the announcement, he had realized that even if he didn\'t want to participate in fights. He needed to at least be proficient with spells on the level under his actual Tier.

That way the time spent on these would not be comparable to what he spent trying to actually master healing. Yet it would be good enough to both defend himself and help the others out more. He might even try learning one offensive or defensive spell of his Tier for a trump card.

Many of the others had similar feelings, though most of them wanted to try and rush Tier 3. Naturally, all of them also wanted to gather better armor and weapons. Having keenly learned how important that was when they were evenly matched against their opponents.

On the last day before the game world would come back online, Erik paused and pondered. Finally, he could no longer keep it in and said, "I know we don\'t really know each other all that well, but..."

As soon as Eldrian heard this he knew what Erik was going to ask, realizing that the month between the tournament and now was not all good.

"I would like to ask if you can help me gather gold." Erik finally managed to say this after a long pause.

"Why, what for?" Elizabeth asked with a slight frown, wondering just how much.

"I am not in the same kingdom as you guys, in fact, the kingdom I am in has recently lost its border cities to the invasion. I need to get out of the kingdom, and that requires gold."

"How much gold?" Elizabeth asked, all of them left speechless once they heard that it was at least a hundred coins.

"Naturally I will do my best to gather as much as I can. But..."

Maybe I can also ask those I know in the game.? Eldrian pondered, he did not know if anyone would actually gift him so much. But any bit would help, he certainly could also sell all the extra weapons he had. Though that would just come to a few gold coins at best.

As Erik paused, everyone knew what he left unsaid. They also felt the same, it was simply too much. Even if they could afford that, it would be much better spent equipping them all in full Tier 6 normal grade armor. And even being able to get everyone a magical grade weapon. The usefulness of which had clearly been shown to them in these last fights.

"The timing..." Elizabeth started saying and then paused. Biting her lip in contemplation, she knew they couldn\'t gather that much even if everyone in her guild gave her all they had. Naturally, no one would do that. Most were already bothered by the fact that they had to help the guild with maintaining the monthly cost.

"Let\'s see what happens. In any case getting the gold isn\'t the only constraint." Eldrian said, to which Erik nodded solemnly. The best he could hope for was that not much changed in Vruntis by the time the tournament prized were to be handed out.

With that settled they all queue for their next match. Their aim having changed from trying to gather points, to gathering information on the other teams instead. Yet after a few matched they met an unexpected team.

"Ah Elizabeth, what a surprise. I was shocked to see your team taking the top in the rankings so soon." The two teams not having rushed each other as they actually knew each other. The person who had spoken was an elf with flowing brown hair.

"Guild master, what a surprise," Elizabeth replied, her voice containing excitement but her frown indicating a different feeling.

"Now Elizabeth, be so kinds as to forfeit." The elf said, causing everyone in the team Pheonix(Eldrian\'s team) to look at him and each other in other confusion.

"Are you dumb, this is a tournament why would we surrender?" Judith asked, her opinion of the guild leader quickly dropping.

"Come now, naturally the strongest team in the guild must be supported by the rest of the guild," The elf said with condemnation.

"Ha, and who are you to claim yourself the strongest. We have never met, nor clashed!" Judith countered.

"Elizabeth, is this how you lead? Why do those behind you speak against me?" A different man stepped forward with anger written over his face.

"Because they are my friends, not my servants! Kenwyn, if you want us to surrender forget it. You know I didn\'t agree to that when we last spoke, why would you think I have changed my mind?" Elizabeth countered, for once truly disappointed that she could not fight well enough to challenge Kenwyn to a one-on-one duel.

"Ridiculous!" Kenwyn shouted and those behind him quickly tried adding more flames to the fire. Only for Eldrian and Judith to suddenly rush forward and attack. This caught them all by surprise, "Do you have no honor!?" They shouted.

"This is a tournament! Fight if you think you have the right to win!" Judith shouted, slashing straight at Kenwyn who fell onto the ground to not end up severed in half. Much like those in team Pheonix, Kenwyn\'s team didn\'t have the best equipment. They were certainly slightly better off, but not to such a degree that the equipment could determine the outcome.

In his charged Eldrian had aimed for those at the back, while sending his spear to the warriors defending the mages, he also sent Frost Needle and killed one of the mages. Shock by the message of a teammate\'s death, Therdul and Nikki broke through their line. Ilmadia and Zyviss quickly killing those who dared turn and try to help the mages behind them.

"What was that about?" Ilmadia asked as soon as they returned from the match. Confused beyond words.

"I had hoped to keep this from you guys, as I believe the guild leader just doesn\'t understand the situation well enough yet," Elizabeth replied, having much longer actually been a guild leader in this game than most other players.

While the cost for that had been high, with 50 silvers needing to be paid each month, it had given her the opportunity to learn much. Their guild had even been slowly becoming know by the NPCs they worked within the army. Though they were far from famous.

"Keep what from us?" Therdul pressured.

"You guys know why we named our guild a division of Flaming Heart, right?" Elizabeth asked, to which everyone nodded. "Well the guild leader has been sour since we keep seemingly beating him to things. We were the first to make a guild. We were the first to get a Tier 2, and then later a Tier 3 player and even two Tier 3 players."

"So?" Everyone asked in near unison.

"He felt frustrated by this, and has started trying to pressure me to stop trying so hard. For example in the tournament he wants us to give him the win, to showcase that he is still the core of the guild."

"That\'s ridiculous!" Judith shouted, and everyone agreed.

"Let\'s show them that while he might be our leader in name, that is all he is," Therdul added. The others quickly started questioning Elizabeth of what else had been going on. Shocked when they found out that the leaders hadn\'t even wanted to allow Elizabeth to make their guild.

"That\'s absolutely ridiculous. What does our past ranking in the guild matter? You were the highest-ranked person here! You did your best, and besides... What did they expect us to do?" Nikki could not believe what she was hearing.

"They had wanted us to wait for them, though we all know now that that is simply insane. This game isn\'t like others, we are still stuck as a level 1 guild, limited to a hundred players. It is likely going to take years before we can actually be in one guild again." Elizabeth said, keenly aware that more than half the guild\'s members had already fractured off and joined others who were stronger in the empire they were in.

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