The Ancients World

Chapter 105: A Monster III

Chapter 105: A Monster III

{Read Authors note}

Many of the best players are looking at the leaderboard in disbelief, a lot of players died trying to kill as many as they could. In the end it doesn\'t hold a candle to the 106,000 that the son took out all by himself, many of the leaders and powerful parties are now more interested than ever before. This solidifies the power that a divine class wielder has, and its all the more reason to try and find the son. While all this is happening many players with high kills are getting fantastic rewards, while not as great as what the top 10 get. Its still something that will help in the end, many of the top 10 are familiar classes or names. Stubbed Toe being one of them, he ranked second on the leaderboard. Of course the name everyone sees is his class Abyss Walker. Many are impressed with the kill count that Stubbed Toe has as well, but the difference in kill count shows the gap in power between a divine class and a legendary class.

Stubbed Toe got a whopping 55,358 individual kills, and that is a huge gap between Cera. Third place, and wielder of the Archer legacy class has 21,644 kills. The name of the class is called Hunter of Artemis, many don\'t know this is in fact Wilted Rose. As conversations and regrouping begins, a storm that is ravaging a forest continues. Cera is sound asleep as the storm continues its downpour, and lightning lights the sky. Angelus decides to visit the sleeping warrior, now that his fight is over. The new body of Angelus materializes and many simpletons would kneel to her beauty, her looks could make the prettiest of flowers shamed to bloom in front of her. She walks up to the sleeping angel and looks at him with calculation.

Now that I have him in front of me I can finally do what I always wanted to try, I reach out my hand and play with his dark hair. I grab some of his cheek and pull on it, he is the one I\'ve been watching this entire time. He didn\'t disappoint in his special test either, if he failed I was going to severely punish him. "You weren\'t supposed to win this battle... Yet you did anyway, even after I did all I was allowed to do to weaken you... A true example of human will..." I don\'t know how long he is going to be asleep, but leaving him here in the middle of this storm doesn\'t seem fitting. Not after he worked so hard, I snap my fingers and the storm instantly dissipates. I look around and see the carnage he laid upon his enemies.

If others see this they would claim him monster, not angel. I\'ve already spent to much time here, so I must be on my way. I have other things to work on, his health is low and his body is broken in many places. He\'ll heal though, he has proven that it takes much to kill him. I would heal him and recover his injures, but I feel he needs to learn how his new body works. Pain will be a sensation that he\'ll have to get used to, and this is a great start. I snap my fingers and I\'m instantly back in my personal space, lets look at the requests of the top 10. I scan the custom requests fast and easily, and I make them in an instant and send them to their new owners. However, this guild leader Wilted Rose has asked for something I cant give her. She\'ll be upset, but I\'m sure that she\'ll get over it fast. She is a smart girl.

As Angelus tends to the needs of the players, Wilted Rose has just received a strange response from the system. I figured that if I asked I\'d get an answer, but if his identity is being kept in this manner I can say for certain that he is getting special treatment. His class permits it after all, but still to have this kind of protection is ridiculous. All I asked was the true identity of the son and now I\'m having to find a different reward to think of. The next best thing would be something that my guild will need once we are reunited, so I want a guild token. I ask for the reward and one instantly appears in my inventory. This will prove to be a tremendous help once we are off this continent and back to the continent my guild is from. As Wilted Rose makes plans the hours pass fast and noon soon arrives, shining sunlight and heat onto Cera.

I feel a nice warmth envelop me, and I can feel the pounding of injures all over my body. I\'ve never been in this much pain in my entire life, multiple bones are broken and I have many wounds that have already healed over. My body probably wont keep scars, but I don\'t know for sure. I\'m not sure I can even move right now, and whenever I try my body screams. Instead of trying to move I look at my surroundings, I see a whole mess of gore. Talk about a battle that they wouldn\'t show on movies or T.V. I open my map and see that most of the area is littered with bodies, but I notice a little area with water. I zoom in on the map with a mental command and it says its a hot spring.

If I could move my body I would go there and heal, at least to see if it helps me heal. A nice hot shower or bath after a hard day is always a nice thing, why cant it help in this situation. I try and move my wings, I get them to work just fine. They are the only things on my body that aren\'t broken or cut. I use them to lift my lifeless body up and I use them to walk towards the hot spring. After a couple minutes I make it to the little slice of hot water in the middle of no where, I wont question why its here. I\'m just glad that it is, I struggle to undress myself and once fully unclothed I use my wings to bring me closer to the hot spring. I dip my foot in and enjoy the heat, its the perfect kind of hot. Add that to the cool shade the trees are providing and you got a nice spot.

I submerge my whole body wings included, at first it stings a little. I get used to it after a couple seconds and take a deep sigh. I don\'t know how long it will take my body to heal, but this is sure to help. I notice I have some notifications, and not a single one is about a level up. This must have been the same as the orc camp when I didn\'t get exp for killing the orcs. Really sucks cause I killed lots of monsters, don\'t know how many though. I look up through the cracks in the leaves and take a content sigh, while I\'m still in massive pain I\'m much happier. I wonder how many players died during these huge fights, if they faced the same number as me then I don\'t think they lasted long. The only reason I\'m here is because of my powerful skills and class, so I shouldn\'t think like that. I open the first notification with a mental command and start reading it.

[Congratulations! You have placed first on the individual kills leaderboard! You can have a custom item or request from the system of legacy quality or lower! You only have one use! So don\'t waste it!]

That is a great reward, I\'m sure many would get a great weapon or class, but I know exactly what I\'m asking for. If I can get the location of my family then the less dungeon diving I have to do. I enter my request and I don\'t get a response right away, I wait for a little longer and now I\'m suspicious of what\'s going on. If it doesn\'t tell me I\'m going to be so mad, this is a great chance to meet up with my family. I soon get a response and my ease is lifted, the system sure does act strange now.

[You will find your family 2000 miles west of here, I marked the location on your map. When you get close enough to the area, the marker will appear.]

I wouldn\'t have found it for a long time, 2000 miles is a lot of distance. I\'m in no condition to travel as well, so for now I\'ll need to focus on healing my damaged body. I have some other notifications I can read, but I brush them away with a thought and sink my body into the hot spring. I go all the way to just below my nose so I can breathe, I close my eyes and find myself drifting off to sleep. Hopefully mom and dad are doing alright, I know they will do everything to protect Hailey and Marcus. I lose consciousness and fall into a deep sleep.

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