Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 169 Cat Dad Escapes Siren City

Chapter 169 – Cat Dad Escapes Siren City

Xiaomao paused to think. He still remembered the descriptions of Instinct-Senpai’s abilities. There was one part that was related to his eyebrow.


- Your right eyebrow always twitches whenever a crisis approaches. The rhythm and the severity of twitching reflect the level of incoming danger.


Although Xiaomao didn’t understand how the skill managed to predict or sense the danger, he had faith in it. Xiaomao closed his mouth and opened the text messenger menu.

In this game, players could do more than just type texts or chat with friends. The messenger offered a feature for intermediate players, whose levels surpassed a certain threshold – High-leveled players could send texts or communicate by using their thoughts instead of manually typing on the virtual keyboard.

Xiaomao opened the menu in his mind and sent talked to Mimir via messenger.

‘This is an emergency. Can you help me break out of this place?’

Mimir raised one of his eyebrows in amusement. He glanced at Yuan Shaoqing while he was stroking his long beard.

‘I just read Yuan Shaoqing’s mind. Indeed, he is up to no good. Your sense is sharp, young friend.’

‘This is not the time to praise me. Help us outta here, please! Nian is about to arrive!’

‘I know.’

Mimir lightly snorted and kicked the ground. He blinked and reappeared behind Shepherd and Lucky. Grabbing both of them by the waists, the old man lifted them up.

As if Xiaomao had predicted Mimir’s movement, he jumped toward Lucky and latched onto her. However, as Xiaomao didn’t aim well, his tentacles caught on her chest armor.

Instead of being surprised, Lucky brightly smiled. Using the advantage of her big body, she grabbed Xiaomao and shoved half of his body in her chest armor, carrying him around in her private gap.

Getting squeezed by two huge mountains felt strange, but Xiaomao didn’t resist.


Yuan Shaoqing didn’t expect Mimir to make a move first. He yelled at the old archbishop.

“I’m so sorry, your majesty. Since you’re obviously not going to submit to any god or chaos demon, our cooperation ends here.”

“What are you talking about?! We’re going to evacuate from here and fight Nian together!”

“Your Majesty, when an immortal manages to condense at least five stellar stars, we can see things that ordinary people couldn’t see with naked eyes. We can also hear things that we’re not supposed to hear, such as people’s thoughts.”

Yuan Shaoqing’s face was ashen. His lips trembled, “Y-You can read my mind?!”

“I always read everybody’s thoughts whenever I feel like it, your majesty. And I must say – You’re quite despicable.”

“But that is not my intention!”

“I’m so sorry, but I cannot work with a dishonest and greedy emperor. I’d rather work with honest and trustworthy imps, such as these youngsters.”

Yuan Shaoqing was flabbergasted, yet his expression turned dark and sinister. His mouth moved, but no voice came out.

Still, the lips said voiceless words that Mimir, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Tian Feng could understand.


Yan Liang and Wen Chou’s halberds shone while their feet glowed in red light. A trail of fire came after Mimir, Lucky, and Shepherd.

Mimir leisurely leaped toward the wall to his left side. Lucky, Shepherd, Xiaomao, and Mimir’s bodies turned into smoke.

Tian Feng suddenly extended his hand and shouted.


A thousand giant spider-like creatures emerged from the walls, ceiling, and floor. Their entire skin and bodies were transparent as if they were invisible. However, all of them had eight white dots as eyes, gleaming teeth, and creepy smiles.


The spiders laughed as if they understood Tian Feng’s intention. They rushed toward the wall where Mimir and others had vanished.

The next moment, Mimir and Xiaomao reappeared in front of the sealed gate.

The old priest bitterly laughed, “You have been collecting sinister pets, Tian Feng.”

Xiaomao peeked out from Lucky’s bosom. He clearly saw a thousand red-named monsters in the throne room. Each of them was at least 3 meters tall, judging from the size of the position of their eyes and mouths.

Grinning Spiders, Dimensional Beast, Level 999

The cat gulped. He was never afraid of high-leveled monsters, but dealing with invisible monsters like grinning spiders was troublesome.

These creatures were infamous for their speed, intelligence, and strange constitution. They usually lurked in the dark and waited for careless prey while avoiding strong foes. However, they could be annoying during the daytime as their bodies became invisible when their skin absorbed enough sunlight. Only when they were in the dark, their body outlines could be barely visible. Still, their natural black skin and dark hair color blended with the environment, which made them difficult to spot in the dark.

Xiaomao wondered how Tian Feng managed to catch and tame so many grinning spiders, but he didn’t have the opportunity to ask.

A white wormhole appeared under Mimir’s feet and he sank into it. A hundred spiders tried to follow after him into the hole, but the white hole suddenly flashed.

The grinning spiders closed their eyes and screeched. A hundred spiders near the hole kicked the ground and became invisible again.

By the time the spiders reopened their eyes, Mimir and Xiaomao’s party was gone.


Yuan Shaoqing clicked his tongue and glared at Tian Feng. The latter bit his lower lips.

“I’m sorry, your majesty. My pets are no match against him.”

The emperor was still frustrated. He groaned, “It doesn’t matter. We got what we need. Let’s get out of here before Nian shows up. MEN! WE’RE LEAVING THE CASTLE THROUGH THE EMERGENCY PASSAGE! NIAN WILL BE HERE SHORTLY!”

Hearing that Nian was about to come here, many former followers rejoiced. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Tian Feng, on the other hand, ran toward the hidden door behind the curtain.



A wormhole’s portal appeared in the sky over Wellerboy Frigate. Mimir came out, carrying Lucky and Shepherd with him.

The old priest slowly descended and landed on the ship. He put everybody down. However, he turned around, and his expression grimaced.

Xiaomao slipped out of Lucky’s cloth and took deeply inhaled the fresh air. He looked at Mimir next, “So, what now, munya?”

“I’m so sorry, young friend, but I won’t be traveling with you for the time being.”

“Eh?” Xiaomao was disappointed, “Why?”

Mimir pointed at the sky, “That.”

Xiaomao looked up. Then, he saw something falling from the sky.

At glance, it looked like a burning giant meteor, breaking through the atmosphere levels. Trails of light and green smoke followed after the sinister object.

Xiaomao narrowed his eyes to see further. As if his vision could zoom in, the cat caught a glimpse of a giant cat’s face instead of a giant meteor.

It was the green caracal cat with three eyes, and it was staring at Xiaomao!


Xiaomao shrieked. His fur and tail straightened.

Mimir also looked at the incoming cat god, “I’m going to erase your presence and divert its attention. You and your friends need to get out of this city, NOW!”

Xiaomao widened his eyes, snapping back to his senses. Without saying anything, he rushed to the anchor machine.

Fortunately, the crews were all here. John and James already pulled the anchor while Andrew and Peter released the sail clothes. Shepherd dashed to the wheel and pulled the engine lever, ordering the ship to go reverse. As for Magdalene, she summoned a strong gale to push the frigate backward.

Mimir was satisfied with their teamwork. He patted Xiaomao’s head.

“If fate allows it, we will meet again. Farewell, little fate bearer.”

Mimir jumped off the ship. Then, he cast something on Xiaomao and the crew.

A large magic circle with 12 sub-circles appeared. They shone in silver light and fired a beam at Wellerboy.

As soon as the beam landed on the ship, Wellerboy and her crew became invisible. Their scent, aura, and names disappeared.

Mimir looked at the vanished ship. He let out a long sigh and turned to the falling meteor.



Suddenly, a large Taotie Godzilla emerged from the shallow water. The blood lion turned into a colossus monster again.

“Taotie, bad timing,” Mimir complained.

Taotie turned around. He chewed some sea worms in his mouth in glee.

“Wassup, dawg? You’re alive?”

“Obviously, I’m alive. Where have you been?”

“Surviving, eating, shitting, and eating. What else do you think I did?”

Mimir snickered, “Well, do you want to hear the good news first or the bad news first?”

Taotie snorted and looked up. He didn’t look surprised when he saw the giant green cat in the sky.

“I’m afraid both news is bad.”

“Yeah, terribly bad. We’re doomed.”

Taotie transformed his arms to be longer. He cracked his knuckles as if he was anticipating a good fight.

“Finally a worthy opponent! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!”



Mimir shook his head, “Could you stop memeing in our last moment? We might be killed here in a few seconds.”


Taotie raised his hands toward the sky and created a massive red portal over his head. A surge of burning blood gushed out and jetted toward the incoming meteor.

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