The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 402 - 402 [BABY’S DAY-OFF] (IV)

No, before that, he should ask Livi first if he wanted to go the places mentioned. Just like what the other did earlier, he stealthily wrote his question on Livi’s small palm.

[Do you want to go to those places?]

Livi seemed surprise that he would ask. But his expression quickly turned back to normal and then answered him the same way.

[I don’t know. I just want to go to a place where I can have fun.]

Astrid felt a deep meaning from those words. He suddenly felt the responsibility in making that happened. So, he asked the other again;

[Can you tell me the name of those places?]

Livi didn’t think much of the question and just answered. After Astrid received the boy’s answer, he searched the two places on his Terminal. He was a bit surprised when he saw that both places were pretty high-end. Like a place only rich people would go to.

Under normal circumstance, it would definitely be hard for a newly established variety program to even get permission to film at such places. But it seemed that Livi’s parents did some of their ‘rich people’ magic that’s why the program was given permission. That’s the only reason Astrid could think of.


He shook his head. That’s hardly the point right now. After he saw where those two places were located, he also searched for other establishments around the two. Once he found what he’s looking for, a smile crossed his lips.

“Don’t worry, young master. I’ll make sure you will have fun today,” he said to Livi.

To others who didn’t know about their ‘secret’ conversation, they would only think that Astrid was responding to what Livi said earlier. But to the both of them, it completely had a different meaning.

Livi showed a surprised expression. And then, as if he understood what Astrid was trying to convey by saying those words, that surprised look turned into a bright smile.

“Then, I’ll look forward to it!”


The first place they went to was the cafe. It’s a very high-end cafe. As evidence of the sophisticated design and interior, as well as it’s location. It was located at a shopping district famous for being frequented by rich people. Most nobles even do their shopping in this place.

Because of that, none of the people they met along the way flocked towards Astrid like what happened at the spaceport when he shoot for the ad. There were still those who stared rather rudely. But that was all. Maybe it’s their way of preserving their noble honor. Not that it mattered since that’s not really what’s important right now.

The name of the cafe was Oasis. The atmosphere inside was very... peaceful? That’s the best way Astrid could describe it. It almost seemed like a library because of how quiet it was. Not that there weren’t any customers inside. It’s just that, these customers were all very quiet and just enjoying their coffee.

That’s probably great for those who just wanted to relax and have their favorite coffee. But for a kid? It’s definitely not. Just looking at Livi’s expression right now was already enough proof of that.

“What do you want to drink, young master?” Astrid asked once they were seated on their table.

“I’m fine with anything,” Livi said with that slightly furrowed brows that showed his displeasure.

He turned on the virtual menu and a virtual screen appeared on the table, showing all the items available in the cafe. As he was about to make an order, he heard Kara clearing her throat as if trying to get his attention.

He looked at the other who was just sitting at a table besides them. “Yes?”

“Please don’t order anything with too much sugar,” Kara said in that same business-like tone of hers.

Astrid was about to frown when he heard that but when he saw Livi frowning faster than him, he felt like sighing more instead. Really, was this woman hired to make his employers look bad? Because her constantly saying these things would only put a bad light on Livi’s parents.

The audience who would watch this episode would think that Livi wasn’t allowed to even eat anything sweet. Add that to the tasteless breakfast the kid had earlier and people would think that he’s being ‘abused’ via bad food.

Unless, of course, those parts that showed that would all get cut. But if it was edited out, then wouldn’t it seem that he’s the reason why Livi was showing dissatisfaction?

Because that’s how it would look like if they edited the scenes that showed Kara. It’s like Astrid was the reason why Livi was not happy. He had no doubt that that would indeed happen, especially if the kid’s parents ordered the program team to edit out anything that might make them look bad.

Which, in turn, would be a total disaster for Astrid.

Maybe that’s why this bodyguard was not afraid to spout those nonsense even though there’s cameras hovering around them. Now, Astrid was even more determined to make Livi happy. At least for this day.

He just sighed inwardly. If he wanted to make this a fun day for Livi, he should get Kara out of the way first.

And so, after he ordered drinks for him and the kid, he used his mental strength to make Kara faint.

Soon, the drinks he ordered came. A green matcha latte for Astrid and a berry delight parfait for Livi.

When the kid saw the glass of parfait, his eyes widened. He looked up at Astrid. “This—why?”

Astrid only smiled. “Because I want to make the young master smile.”

At that answer, a bright grin appeared on Livi’s face.

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