Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1123 To War (8)

He could see from the faces of his guards and Angela\'s subordinates that they had spent a good two days resting.

After all, they had family that were living in the capital and this might be the last time they would see them. So they had spent as much time as they could with their families.

Lin Fan didn\'t mind since he knew that this would also be a good form of motivation for them.

After all, when he saw them now, he could see the firm and determined looks that were in their eyes.

After seeing their families and spending time with them, they knew what they were fighting for. That made them even more determined and even more focused, which would make them even more deadly on the battlefield.

As they were setting off, there were plenty of people that came to see them off.

This included the families of the people heading out, but as well as many of the common citizens. They had been gathered at the port and were being held back by the guards of the Lin Astral Family, but they were allowed to cheer as Lin Fan\'s ship headed off.

Of course, for a gathering of this size, it was impossible for them all to gather without the permission of the Lin Astral Emperor.

He had given permission and even gathered more people since he knew that this was what they needed.

He knew that it was impossible to hide this information of Lin Fan setting off forever, so it was better to use this as an opportunity.

This crowd that had gathered would let the crew of Lin Fan\'s ship know what they were fighting for. At the same time, it was a chance to raise the morale of the Lin Astral Empire by giving them a hero that they could count on.

As they had been slowly pushed back by the Beast Race troops, the morale in the capital had also sunk.

They had been worried about being overwhelmed by the Beast Race and that had caused quite a few riots in the capital.

But now, they would be able to relieve the people of the capital since Lin Fan was someone who had proven that he could beat the Beast Race and their strange laws. By making Lin Fan out to be a hero, they could bring hope to the people of the Lin Astral Empire.

It certainly was showing with how much they cheered for Lin Fan\'s ship as they headed off.

After leaving the capital, Lin Fan\'s ship took the transport gate all the way to the border.

Beyond this was some open space that wasn\'t a part of either the Lu Astral Empire or the Lin Astral Empire\'s territory. So there were no transport gates for them to take through this space and they could only travel with the ship.

As they flew through this empty space, all of the crew were completely focused.

After all, this would be the perfect place to set an ambush if they wanted to deal with Lin Fan\'s ship.

They had set out with such fanfare, there was no doubt that the Beast Race knew of their departure.

It shouldn\'t be hard for the Beast Race to find where they were going, so they should be setting up ambushes for them. That was what they were worried about the most and what they were trying to keep an eye out for.

But Lin Fan seemed very relaxed as they traveled through this dangerous space.

It was as if he wasn\'t worried about the possibility of an ambush at all.

In the end…they were still ambushed by the Beast Race after all.

Since it was such a perfect opportunity, it wasn\'t as if the Beast Race would give up this chance.

In an instant, Lin Fan\'s ship was surrounded by the Beast Race\'s flying beasts.

The Beast Race didn\'t use ships, but rather special flying beasts as transport through space.

There were pros and cons to this, but they were much more flexible when it came to fighting in space compared to humans who used ships.

Seeing that they were surrounded, Lin Fan\'s guards and Angela\'s subordinates all prepared for a battle.

But before they could go out to fight, Lin Fan had called them all back before giving the order for the crew to fire the cannons.

When they heard this, the crew followed the orders even though they didn\'t seem to have much hope that it would work. After all, they had seen how the Beast Race had used those strange Outer laws to block all cannon shots fired at them.

But to their surprise, they found that the shots of Lin Fan\'s ship…worked.

The only ones that had believed in the ship in the first place were Lin Fan and the space engineers that worked to build the ship.

The Outer spatial laws formed distortions in space and formed a wall in front of the Beast Race troops, but the shots from the cannon just tore through those spatial law walls.

It was as if they didn\'t exist with the way that they were torn to pieces by the shots from the cannon.

Everyone couldn\'t help looking at the cannons of the ship, but all they saw was another round of shots being fired out at the Beast Race troops.

This time, there was no spatial law wall in front of the Beast Race troops, so they took the full brunt of this attack.

The moment that the shells were about to make contact with the flying demon beasts, there were cracks that appeared in front of them. These cracks were just like the cracks formed by the spatial laws, but there was something different about them.

After the cracks formed, the space that they formed in quickly collapsed and there was a black hole that formed.

In these spaces, it ripped apart any matter that was there, which included the flesh of the flying demon beasts. At the same time, the more matter that it absorbed, the bigger these black holes became.

The Beast Race troops were all shocked by these black holes that appeared.

There were some that roared and released attacks at these black holes, but all that happened was that these black holes absorbed the energy of these attacks and they disappeared without a trace.

It was as if their attacks hadn\'t existed at all…

No, the attacks did exist since there was something that happened to the black holes after absorbing these attacks.

The black holes suddenly became larger.

As it became larger, it swallowed more and more of the flying demon beast and it soon found that it wasn\'t able to escape the grasp of this black hole anymore. Unless it cut off the piece of itself that was stuck inside that black hole, this flying demon beast wouldn\'t be able to escape.

There were many Beast Race troops that tried many different laws to counter this black hole, but in the end…they couldn\'t do anything.

After all, every attack that they threw at the black hole was just absorbed by it without any consequences.

In the end, all they did was make the black holes bigger and bigger until they were forced to escape from the flying demon beasts. They all had to abandon the flying demon beasts to their own fate.

The flying demon beasts had also wanted to retreat, but they weren\'t able to do so because of the pull of these black holes.

With how they were stuck, it was almost as if they had become a part of the black holes.

Once it was over, there were few flying demon beasts that were left.

Many of the Beast Race troops were also exhausted because they had spent most of their energy trying to deal with the black holes that had appeared.

This was a very bad situation for them…but at the very least, they outnumbered the enemy.

The enemy only had a single ship and there were so many of them here, so it shouldn\'t be a problem for them to deal with the enemy.

As for the black holes that had been created…they didn\'t believe that the enemy would have anything like this again. This kind of powerful attack should be very hard to use, so they should only be able to use it once.

But as the Beast Race troops were preparing to attack Lin Fan\'s ship, they found…that the cannons of the ship had lit up again.

These were the same cannons that had fired those attacks that had turned into the black holes that had laid devastation to them. So could it be that there was another round of those black holes coming at them?

When this thought passed through their minds, there were many Beast Race troops that had wanted to run away.

But they were forced to stay because of the suppression from the leaders of their tribes.

The absolute submission between the leaders and their followers forced these Beast Race troops to stay.

The leaders thought about it more and didn\'t think that it was possible for there to be another wave of these black hole attacks. So they stood firm and waited for the ship to finish its attack.

Their plan was to smash through these attacks and then surround the ship, bombarding it with their own attacks.

With the numbers advantage, they would surely be able to hurt it greatly.

But it was just too bad that they had underestimated Lin Fan\'s ship.

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