The Great Demon System

Chapter 314 - VR

Chapter 314: VR

Moby thoroughly read what was written on the pamphlet carefully placed to the right of the capsule and began to learn precisely what this VR machine was all about.

"Welcome, dear Elite school student to a new project released by the military! And you will be the beta/prototype testers before its official debut!" Moby slowly nodded as he continued reading the introductory statements until he arrived at exactly what the machine did and how to use it.

"In its current state, this machine will grant the user a safe arena in virtual space where they will be able to train with a designated layout provided by the military. The user will have access to unlimited mana and stamina toggles. This will allow the user to experiment with their mana and develop new techniques that will be able to be translated to the real world, that along with martial arts techniques. Sadly, the time flow in the space will correspond to that of the outside world, but experiments with time crystals are in the works! And, student vs student combat will be implemented at a later time. The major downside to all of this is that one\'s actual body will not be at all affected by any of this. It is all mental and virtual. Hence, if one expects to go in to train their body or to strengthen their abilities, it will not be of use."

Moby continued reading until he finally reached the instructions, which were much smaller than he expected considering all the complex machinery he saw in front of him.

"Step 1: Press the indicated massive red button to the side of the capsule…

Step 2: Enter the capsule and when you are ready, close the door behind you by pressing the same red button from the inside. The area around you will then be filled with purple liquid. Do not panic, that is as it is intended, (The liquid will not stain your clothes so, DO NOT go in naked.)

Step 3: Enjoy! Once the liquid enters your system, the VR machine will take over and you will be transported to your new reality! Once you have finished, and to access any other service such as the time, please say "Menu" and you will be able to safely navigate your way out.

We hope you enjoy this experience and don\'t hesitate to send us any suggestions once you have tested!"

From what Moby read, this seemed to be exceptional! But, the only problem was if it also worked with demon energy, which part of him really doubted.

He also did not worry about the military spying on him whilst inside. That would go against military laws on so many levels and parents would have immediately been outraged. They wanted to protect their secrets after all, and what would be an easier way of stealing them than spying on them whilst they trained.

As instructed, he pressed the red button indicated and the capsule was immediately opened like automatic doors at the supermarket, only these ones released white, smoke-like air from inside of it that for some odd reason, smelled like that of minty toothpaste.

There, as he entered, he noticed the intricate design of the previously hidden insides. It was fairly plane with metal and glass all around him, and two odd tubes from above where he assumed all the purple liquid would pour.

And, before he pressed the red button once more to enter his new reality, he heard a sudden, unexpected voice in his head that made him instinctively raise an eyebrow.

\'Hey, what do you think will happen to me when you\'re in this thing?\'

This was one of the only times Moby could ever remember Avilia asking him a serious question. It was always the other way around where he had to rely on her for knowledge and wisdom.

\'I\'m not sure… Is this something to worry about? Wouldn\'t it be similar to when I sleep? I\'m not sure we will be able to communicate with each other but it shouldn\'t be bad. Right?\'

\'I know it won\'t have any lasting effect but this machine might be doing something to your soul, almost like putting you in a dead state and using that to their advantage by transferring your consciousness elsewhere.\'

\'Wait, how do you know this?\'

\'Well, I analyzed the inner workings of this machine,\'

\'What the hell? How? What kind of demon magic is that? And why haven\'t you taught me!?\'

\'It\'s advanced stuff okay! I\'ll teach you later but that\'s not important now!\'

\'I still don\'t understand why this is a big deal? You scared I\'ll be ripped away from you or something?\'

\'NO! Well… Kinda… For a really long time, I had your soul and consciousness so close to me so it might feel kinda odd if it\'s away…\'

Avilia\'s voice was low and Moby could not help but chuckle and smirk.

\'I didn\'t know you had a crush on me! You would really miss me that much?\'

\'Dickhead! You wish! It\'s not like that! UUggghhh! How do I explain this without it coming off as weird!\'

\'Eh, don\'t worry about it… I\'m just messing around. I know exactly what you mean and I don\'t really have a response… Maybe just take a nap or something… If my consciousness my drift elsewhere momentarily, my half-alive body might seem colder than usual but I\'m sure you\'ll manage!\'

\'Eh! Whatever! It\'s gonna be okay! Let\'s just get this over with! You\'re right! It\'s been a while since my last good nap!\'

Moby chuckled once more at Avilia\'s behaviour. He could not remember the last time he saw her like that but it was certainly refreshing. It was a reminder that Avilia was also a normal person and had her very own emotions, it was just that she rarely ever showed that side of her.

He put his hands on his face and shook his smiling figure back to normality, taking a deep breath and pressing the red button.




Sounds and red lights began to echo all around him as the open doors in front of him were closed shut.

Soon after, purple, glowing and sparkling liquid began to slowly yet quickly gush in the capsule but Moby kept his calm. As the liquid reached his knees, that was when he truly noticed that his clothes were not wet.

So, he decided to take a small sample of the liquid and store it inside of his inventory for later experimenting and use.

Before he knew it, the liquid had reached all the way up to his neck, and slowly made its way up to his nose.

He was no longer able to breathe the normal air but as a demon, the air was not exactly necessary. He was not going to go unconscious by simply running out of air and drowning.

So, he closed his eyes and shut down his senses, not before opening his mouth and nose so the liquid could enter his body.

He let his mind wander and drift. Several images popped up in his mind of a soothing purple river. He imagined his consciousness falling into the river and moving freely through the beautiful cherry blossom forest until it reached the end… And, the end was an ornate pod encircled with gray, pointy rocks, flower petals in the water with a thunderous waterfall crashing down.

That was when he opened his eyes…

There, in front of him, he noticed he was not where he once was… It looked exactly like the arena where he and his class trained the day before— wide, broad, and empty. It was almost an exact replica, even down to how the barrier around him and the stands looked. He could not help but marvel, it looked all too realistic.

That was when he looked down towards his own body and moved like he normally did. He was unmistakably naked and touching his skin felt identical to real life to the point that he doubted it was virtual reality, even his measurements were true to size.

But, at the same time, he could not help but feel like it was different. A specific thing that made him know for certain that he was in VR but he was not able to immediately identify it. That was until he pinched himself, and he found there to be absolutely no pain. That then led to him punching himself in the face, and once again he felt nothing, not even a spec of blood despite the force he used in that punch. However, this time a certain sound arrived in his head.


That was when he noticed above him…

[ HP: 91/100 ]

[Mana: 100/100]

"An HP bar!? And a mana bar!?"

It was exactly like a video game. It felt both odd to see yet firmly at home at the same time.

What was next for him to test was how the movement was like, and after that he decided to check how demon energy functioned in this space, if it functioned at all.

He was not able to have this level of privacy in a long time. He felt free and like he could let loose. So much so that he didn\'t even bother to see if there was an option to put on some clothes.

Almost like a little child in a playground, with a wide smile on his face, he sped naked around the entire arena, trying his best to utilize every muscle group along with certain moves and techniques he normally used in battle to see how they translated in this new space.

However, his moment of freedom was interrupted by a certain sound that echoed wide and hard around the entire arena and inside his virtual skull. The voice felt familiar, and was unmistakably female…

"Hey! You naked ape! You seem to be having fun without me arent ya? Didn\'t think you were like this when I was away!"

Moby felt an odd feeling in his non-existent stomach and a bewilderment in his mind as he gulped in his empty saliva and turned around to face the voice.


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