The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 174 - Caught

Alyssa couldn\'t bring herself to just stand there and watch Elias get beat to a pulp. She had to help somehow! She looked around, trying to find some sort of weapon.

That was how she beat that other vampire back in the hospital, but she didn\'t have a pen to jab in this vampire\'s eye.

She had to find something else. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area until she spotted a stone plaque by a nearby bench. It had some person\'s name engraved.

She felt bad about this, but she picked up the heavy plaque off the ground. She felt her arms threaten to shake, but she gripped the plaque tighter as she stumbled over toward the vampire and Elias.

She lifted the plaque above her head as high as she could before bringing it down on top of the vampire\'s head.

A shout of pain rang from the vampire as he tumbled to the ground, grabbing his bleeding head as he curled up in agony.

Alyssa rushed over to Elias\' side. She inspected his face, seeing a few cuts that were bleeding slightly.

He had taken a bit of a beating, but he wasn\'t out of the fight yet. Neither was she. She was terrified of fighting a vampire, but she would if that meant keeping Elias and her safe.

"Are you okay?" she asked him as she helped him sit up. She had to get him to his feet soon because the vampire wouldn\'t be down for long.

Elias seemed a little dazed, but he nodded. He put his arm around her shoulders, letting her help him to his feet.

He swayed a little at first, but he eventually grounded himself, glaring at the vampire as he got to his feet too.

Alyssa hurried out of the way as the two lunged at each other again. They were both stunned from head trauma, so it was still an even fight.

She was glad that she had been able to help, but there were only so many stone plaques that she could drop on this vampire\'s head.

She hoped that Elias could finish off the fight soon so that they could get some information out of this guy.

Elias punched the vampire in the stomach and then in the face, dodging out of the way of the vampire\'s strikes.

He was light on his face, moving around quickly to deal blows and then dodge some. He landed a heavy uppercut that made the vampire sprawl out on the ground.

"Don\'t get up. I promise that you\'ll regret it," Elias snapped at the vampire as he hovered over him.

He reached down to grab the vampire\'s collar, forcing him to sit up slightly. "Who are you?"

Elias asked because he could sense the vampire wasn\'t a pure one. Someone had created him to do his bedding.

When the vampire didn\'t answer, Elias gave him a rough shake.

"Who are you?" he asked again in a more demanding tone.

"Eric," the vampire finally broke down and said. He grimaced as pain shot through him.

Elias pointed at Alyssa.

"Why are you trying to attack her?" he asked Eric.

Eric glanced over at Alyssa before looking back down at the ground, remaining quiet.

"Oh, no. You\'re not going to give me the silent treatment," Elias said sternly. He gave Eric another violent shake. "Why are you attacking her?"

Eric grunted in pain, squeezing his eyes shut.

Alyssa grimaced at the sight. She hated this. She wished that Eric would just talk. She needed some answers because this didn\'t make any sense. She hadn\'t seen Eric ever before.

"Now!" Elias shouted in Eric\'s face.

"I was ordered to attack her!" Eric finally shouted. His shoulders slumped afterwards as he looked completely defeated.

Alyssa\'s eyes widened as she stared at Eric. Now, that made sense. Someone else was pulling the strings for this whole situation, which meant that anyone could be behind this.

All of the vampires and shadows that she had seen were Eric or someone else that was ordered to attack her.

"Who ordered you?" she asked Eric as she approached him. She wasn\'t afraid of him any longer. Elias had him under control.

Eric shook his head.

"I can\'t say," he said, sounding firm.

"No, you will say. You owe us a complete explanation," Elias demanded, refusing to step down now that they had a chance at actual information. Information was power, and they were ready to stop being so powerless.

Eric kept his mouth in a straight line. He wasn\'t budging either.

Alyssa sighed as she placed her hands on her hips. She didn\'t understand why Eric wouldn\'t give up his boss. He had already been caught and exposed.

There was nothing left to do but to tell the truth about what was going on, and she was ready to finally hear it after all of this time.

"Talk! Your boss can\'t protect you now," Elias snapped at Eric, burying both of his hands in Eric\'s shirt to shake him around. He glared down at Eric, looking like he was about to snap Eric in half.

"I\'ll get killed," Eric growled out.

"You should\'ve thought about that before you started tormenting her," Elias replied, sounding incredibly angry.

Alyssa hadn\'t ever heard him act so angry before. He was so protective over her, which made her feel warm inside.

Eric lowered his eyes, avoiding Elias\' gaze.

"Look, I didn\'t want to do this at first, but I couldn\'t say no to the money. It\'s the only way for me to be able to afford blood from the black market.,"

Eric said, trying to explain his side of the story that Elias had no interest in.

Elias shook his head, looking disappointed and disgusted.

"You agreed to torment someone for money? How sick are you?" Elias asked Eric.

Eric glanced away from Elias, almost looking ashamed. He sighed and shook his head.

"Everyone has to do things that they\'ll later regret. This is my one thing. Just let go!" Eric said. "I won\'t do it again!"

Elias scoffed.

"How can I trust you not to lie?" he replied.

Eric didn\'t have an answer for Elias.

Alyssa looked between them, feeling impatient and confused. She was more confused now than she was before the plan even started.

Every single time that they took one step forward, it felt like they always took two steps back. She was tired of not moving forward.

"You need to tell me! I\'ve been enduring this hell for weeks!" she snapped at Eric, letting her own frustrations show.

She didn\'t like being angry or yelling at people, but she had gotten to the end of her patience. She couldn\'t do it anymore.

Eric actually flinched at her loud voice, not expecting her to yell. He looked around nervously, seeming on edge.

"You can\'t say anything. You can\'t," he said in a hushed voice.

Alyssa and Elias leaned closer, feeling more ready than ever to finally find out who was behind all of the attacks and break-ins.

Eric swallowed hard before finally saying one word that changed everything.

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