The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra

Chapter 144

“Is it?”

“Isn’t Madame Tanpet de Neju a high-ranking noble? It’s amazing that she taught you beauty techniques herself!”

“Oh, Dione, there are things you don’t know. My grandmother was originally a maid of the Tanpet de Neju family. She got a job sewing in the mansion, and when the count’s wife passed away, he married her. Not long after, the count passed away.”

Dione’s pale sky blue eyes shimmered as she listened to a rare gossip. Noticing her response, Cel continued her story.

Marie was the illegitimate child of a nobleman, but she was always well-dressed and, with her mysterious indigo hair and silver eyes, possessed incredible beauty. The young countess joined the king after taking command of Carolinger’s social circles before the revolution.

At this point, Dione was trembling and holding her breath with excitement. Cel laughed as she noticed it. She put down her scissors and picked up the razor.

“Because she was with the king, she was in charge of many hidden properties of the Etensel family.”

“This might be the most exciting story I’ve ever heard of as a socialite.”

“It’s an honor. Now, look. I’m done.”

Cel handed Isiel a hand mirror to take a look, then produced another square mirror from her toolbox so that she could see the back of her head.

“You always took great care.”

“I’m always happy to be able to trim your hair. Those strands are as beautiful as rose petals.”

She organized her decorative scissors and combs back into her toolbox before brushing off Isiel’s hair and removing the silk gown she wore to keep the hair off. Dione observed her as she gently scratched Behemoth’s fur.

“I want to try a shorter haircut next time, I think.”

Knights used swords, so women in uniform often had short hair, but it was rare to see one. Until the reign of Queen Carmela, who was a knight herself, women with etheric sensitivity usually became wizards. But now in Albion, that distinction was fading.

“Even in the Violet Club now, I often see girls with short hair. I think any style would suit you.”

The Violet Club was a group that Cel had joined, an organization for women and working students. They collected membership fees to help each other, producing brochures and weekly magazines to contribute to the campaign to expand their suffrage.

“Haha, how flattering. Cel, have you always had short hair like that?”

“From the age of seven.”

As she spoke to Dione and thought of the past, Cel recalled the day she had her first haircut. Katarina had fought with her for a long time, angry that she hated dresses, ribbons, and long hair. Marie ended the conflict, cutting her granddaughter’s hair short with her own hands and giving her matching black shoes and pants. Marie Tanpet de Neju handed down two legacies to Cel. One was her wealth, and the other was teaching her to live how she wanted.

“Oh, so Isiel, you too enjoy a life of doing what you want to do, huh? Don’t get stuck in studying, training, and Arthur!”

“I’m living my way enough. Rather, Cel needs to live her life a little less adventurously. Like the other day, she jumped into a reckless flight. Even a good swordswoman like Professor Rosa would’ve been seriously injured…”

“Oh, stop preaching~.”

Cel had joined the flight club last year, which only admitted adults with ether that could use [Enhance]. At the club, she rode a wooden glider, a machine with poor safety standards. It would crash once every three flights. That would result in a life-threatening accident for someone without ether sensitivity. Even with [Reinforcement], falling from a high altitude could result in an injury. Last month, Cel had received a wound that stretched across her scapula. Although magic had healed it, the scar remained.

“But thanks to that, I went up to level 5! Isn’t that a great achievement?”


Sensing Isiel’s sermon was about to begin in earnest, Behemoth’s ears sharply rose before it sprinted from Dione’s arms.




Arthur and Kleio approached the entrance of the research student’s lab. While Arthur placed his bike aside, Kleio used his ether to unlock the door.

“[Praise Behemoth, the great cat.]”

Jingle. Click.

“The magic lock works great… Can’t you change the mantra?”

“It’s already been decided, so we can’t change it.”

The voice recognition lock, which used Albion magic science, was made with 80% of Behemoth’s wisdom, 15% of his skill, and 5% of Kleio’s ideas. Thus, the mantra that opened favored its main contributor. Arthur grunted every time he opened the door, dissatisfied that he was being treated as of a lower rank than Behemoth.

‘Arthur seems like a child whenever he complains about that.’

“Meooow! (What took you so long?)”

Behemoth, running at full force, leaped at Kleio, nearly bowling him over. He seemed resentful they had left him here while they went out to grab the champagne. Arthur clicked his tongue.

“No, no. Hush it.”

“Meow! (Shut it!)”

“What, why do I feel like this cat is cursing at me?”

Dione had known from the beginning, but Arthur and the others seemed to be understanding Behemoth more and more. Kleio quickly deflected the subject.

“I’m sure it’s just in your head. Grab the alcohol and get in quickly.”




After Arthur had received his share, he laid out a tablecloth on a simple table as Kleio arranged the bottles and chilled them in his circle with [Cold]. More than a year after he reached level 5, Kleio’s ability to control ether had developed endlessly, getting a level where he could adjust the temperature differently for each type of alcohol.

‘Since Riognan has the sweetness of a Demi-Sec, it’s better off a little colder.’

All of the people gathered there knew well that he, who was called the future Archmage, felt most satisfied using his magic in such things.

The twins arrived after Arthur and Kleio, bringing the snack basket prepared by Mrs. Charlotte. It held bite-sized sandwiches with duck breast, orange and pistachio pate en croute, sliced meats, egg and truffle, aged Conte cheese, onion chutney, olives, and pickles. Cel and Isiel arranged the simple outdoor chairs according to the number of people there as Behemoth quickly settled on the sunbed. The warm sun shone on the spring courtyard upon the lilacs stretched out to collect the light. The twins wandered around, looking down at the little purple petals with champagne glasses in hand.

“I didn’t know this lunch would be so good. No wonder Lei drinks like that.”

“A glass of champagne in the middle of the day is great.”

After hearing the twins’ conversation, Cel smiled meaningfully.

“Ugh, our Angellium ladies have grown up.”

“Would it be okay? As a former guardian, my conscience seems a bit bitter as I think he’s been badly educated.”

“It’s okay, Lady Dione. We’ll only have one drink at a time.”

“Yes. Lippi and I won’t drink like Arthur and Lei under some wisteria arches.”

“No, what’s that? I’ve never heard of it.”

Kleio tried to turn the topic slightly as he topped off their glasses.

“Lady Dione, it’s a rare opportunity to enjoy this wine, so let’s drink. It’s my birthday.”

“Hey, are you getting less cute as you grow up? I’ll let it go for today.”

Dione smiled as Kleio brought up his own birthday in defense. Mrs. Canton had said that he had never been properly congratulated on his birthday, as the day after marked his mother’s death. So, last year, Dione had tricked him into holding a birthday party in the lab. Everyone had enjoyed it, and it was now an annual event.

Happy birthday greetings, gifts, and toasts were passed around. Dione had prepared a white cake from one of the most popular bakeries in Lundane, with lemon cream sandwiched between light sponges with icing on top. Dione slightly blushed as she sipped at her champagne.

“I think the master will grow up well. This Dione Grayer is thrilled.”

“Hahaha. Did you hear that, Lippi?”

“Yep. But now he’s not like that at all. Will he grow up well?”

“Oh my, don’t tell me the Angellium ladies don’t know. The young master is very similar to Baronet Asel. His eyes and hair color are a little lighter, so he looks a little fragile, but… he’s as tall as Arthur.”

It goes without saying that Cel, Lippi, and Leticia sternly refuted Dione’s opinion.

“Huh, doesn’t he look awkward because he’s so tall? He was smaller than me before.”

Cel brought that up, clearly not appreciating that she had to look up at him now.

“What does it matter if he’s tall? It’s like he’s a long piece of paper.”

“No, Leticia, more like cardboard.”

“Well, before, he looked malnourished, but now he only looks skinny.”

The twins spoke only the brutal truth. Arthur, who quickly emptied two glasses of champagne, intervened between them.

“It seems like our friends have officially recognized Lei’s health. I’ve been taking him out to morning training.”

“Yes, since there are five of us, we can do it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.”

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