How To Survive as a Villain

Chapter 96: Are You Wounded? It Was Arranged.

In the village, the only medicinal shop looked quaint and simple. As soon as people got close to it, they could smell the bitter aroma of herbal medicine. Zhang Changsong, who was over 50 years old, was taking a nap on a bamboo chair outside the door of the building; and beside him, was a pot of boiling medicine. The boiling soup lifted the lid of the pot with steam and bubbles.

Two merchants who were passing by, heading towards the exit of the village, were also loudly talking to each other: “This Southern Yan Kingdom is very remarkable, it conquered the Northern Kingdom just a year ago, and now they’re sending troops to attack the Eastern Wu Kingdom?”

“You don’t know that when the Southern Yan was first conquered by the Northern Kingdom, the Eastern Wu Kingdom used the opportunity to take a piece of their territory? So, do you really think that now that the Southern Yan Kingdom has finally risen, they won’t dare to fight the Eastern Wu Kingdom?”

“Hey, that’s not what I meant. I was just saying, why the Southern Yan Kingdom doesn’t take a break for two or more years? Instead, they’re fighting like it’s an everyday thing?”

“The Monarch of the Southern Yan Kingdom is one of a kind, the first of his generation in becoming a powerful, bright ruler. He’s still so young, and has been in power for only one year; but look at him, his achievements are remarkable.”

“I’ve heard that the Monarch of the Southern Yan Kingdom not only knows how to govern the Country, but he also knows how to fight a war. What’s more, it’s said that you’ll be astonished after seeing how handsome he is! Is that even true?”

“Ha! How would I know about that?! I haven’t even seen him!”

As the voices of the two merchants faded away, Zhang Changsong opened his eyes and looked at the boiling pot of medicine. He then shook the large fan in his hand and continued his nap.

Taoyuan Village is a magical place that is located at the border of the Four Kingdoms… well, that’s what it used to be called, now it’s “The border of the Three Kingdoms”.

At the border, it’s natural that the surrounding area is the place where the battles are fought. However, Taoyuan Village has never been invaded by war. It was a safe and secure place, for generations after generations, as if there was a divine providence protecting it from the shadows.

Taoyuan Village doesn’t belong to any Country, the people living here are in peace, they’re hardworking and self-sufficient. And even though some merchants and tourists often pass by, none of the natives had ever left and no one new moved to the village. It was obvious that this village didn’t intend to hide away, but it really seemed like paradise on earth.

Until two years ago.

Two years ago, two good-looking youths came here. They bought a mansion, and settled down.

For the first time, the villagers met outsiders that wanted to live in the village, and at first, they were very wary of them. Later on, they found that the two young men were very helpful, warm and kind, so they gradually accepted them.

After the two youths settled down, one became a salt trader and the other was in charge of the house. The two of them at first had very little family background3

, but after working hard for half a year, their family became more and more prosperous.

The simple minded people of the village were getting used to the fact that there were two more young people there. Apart from the matchmaker living on the West side of the village, who wanted to find good husbands for the eldest daughters of the village, it didn’t seem like much had changed.

Until another year ago.

A year ago, the two young men received some news, although no one knew what it was about. They hurriedly packed their bags and left, leaving the large mansion to the care of a lonely aunt.

More than half a month later, the two youths returned to the village.

They brought two teenagers back with them. One was a handsome young man, unfortunately, he was also a bit bad in the head.

The other one was extremely beautiful, he acts and laughs like an immortal. Someone who once visited the Imperial City of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, shouts at everyone he meets, that even the top girls in the Drunken Flower Building can’t compare to him!

When Zhang Changsong first saw Xiao YuAn, he, like everyone else, thought that he was a rich Young Master who had to live in seclusion for some reason; and since he had to live like that, he was too shy to speak with people.

Now, Zhang Changsong just wants to go back in time and slap himself in the face: Zhang Changsong, ah Zhang Changsong, you’re only over 50 years old, you can’t be blind this early on, right?

The red sun was hanging over the hill. After taking a nap, Zhang Changsong picked up an old piece of cloth, folded it in half, and placed it on top of the boiling pot of medicine. Like this, he lifted the lid of the pot. The aroma of the bitter herbal medicine was overwhelming.

Zhang Changsong nodded his head with satisfaction. He stroked his beard, raised his head and squinted at the view. The village was enveloped in the glow of the setting sun, such sight was very peaceful, comforting, and… What the fuck!

In the distance, there was a man running towards him in a hurry, on his back was a soldier with blood all over his body. The man shouted as he got closer: “Shifu4!!!! Save him!!!!”

Zhang Changsong put his hand on his forehead and slowed down for a long time. When the man came closer, he was so angry that he knocked on his shoulder: “Xiao YuAn! You’re giving me trouble again! Sooner or later, my little medical shop is going to be ruined by you!”

Even though Zhang Changsong was scolding him, he didn’t stop Xiao YuAn, even letting him carry the wounded person into the medical shop to treat him.

Xiao YuAn replied with a smile: “Shifu, I’ll pay for the medicine.”

Zhang Changsong glared at him, his nose was scornfully out of breath: “Hmph!”

A head poked out from behind the medicine cabinet, it was a young man with decent features: “Hey! Another one? That’s eight this month! It’s because the Southern Yan Kingdom and the Eastern Wu Kingdom are at war?”

Xiao YuAn eased his breath and nodded: “I just went to pick up medicinal herbs, and found him by chance.”

“I think you’re really fated with these soldiers. Usually, when I go to pick up medicinal herbs, I never meet them.” Zhang Baizhu threw a clean white cloth to Xiao YuAn. “Clean yourself. Look at you, you’re covered in blood. If you go out, you’ll frighten Aunt Ma across the street to death.”

Xiao YuAn smiled and replied: “It will be good for her to be scared to death. Every time I run into her, she asks me if LiuAn and Fengyue have married some girl, and then says how nice Xiao-yu’er, from the West side of the village, is… Hey, Zhang Baizhu, you said I’m good-looking, but why doesn’t Aunt Ma try to play matchmaker for me?”

Zhang Baizhu looked at him from head to toe: “You? What girl would dare to marry a man that’s more beautiful than herself?”

Zhang Changsong’s forehead veins showed up, and he was at the end of his patience. He couldn’t help to curse at the two of them: “Okay! Stop with that nonsense! This man is still spitting blood, and the both of you are still calmly chatting around him! Get over here and help!”

“Dad! Don’t get angry, don’t get angry. Life is like a play, we meet each other because of fate.” Zhang Baizhu said, as he helped to apply the medicine.

“What’s the point of losing your temper over small things. Why bother?” Xiao YuAn pressed down on the bloody wound of the soldier as he shut the man’s mouth, so as to not hear him scream.

“Don’t get angry at us for not being as good as you!”

“There’s no one that can replace you when you’re sad or hurt!”

“Dad, ah!”

“Oh, Shifu!”

In unison, they both said: “Don’t get angry, okay? Don’t get angry!”

As soon as their words fell, the dying soldier violently coughed up a mouthful of blood and passed out again.

Zhang Changsong: “……..”

What the hell did he do in his past life to deserve these two sons of a bitch???

Our dear XYA is acting all silly and happy again (´;ω;`)❤ and the fact that Zhang Baizhu said that XYA is waaaay too pretty for girls ended me xDDDD but at least we all know that he’s pretty enough for a certain someone (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚

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  1. 万紫千红 wàn zǐ qiān hóng
    ; It’s a Chinese idiom, used to describe a hundred flowers in full bloom, painting the sight in colorful colors / Mostly refers to the prosperous colors of Spring. From《春日》(chūn rì), “The Spring Day”, written by (朱熹 zhū xī) Zhu Xi [1130-1200], a Confucian writer and propagandist, founder of neo-Confucianism, from the Song Dynasty [960-1279].
  2. 麻雀虽小五脏俱全 má què suī xiǎo wǔ zàng jù quán; It’s a Chinese idiom, lit translated as “A sparrow, though small, has all of its five organs”. Is an expression used to describe something that, even its small size or scale, is complete in its contents / Something small, yet it doesn’t lack a thing / Seemingly insignificant, yet comprehensive / Small yet sophisticated, and it doesn’t lack in functionality. From《围城》(wéi chéng), “The Siege of the City”, written by (钱钟书 qián zhōng shū) Qian Zhongshu [1910-1998], a literary academic and novelist.
  3. 家底 jiā dǐ; It’s often used to refer to the total amount of capital (money and valuable things) left by an individual or a group / Money saved up in the family over a long period of time.
  4. 师父 shī fu; The term “Shifu” refers to a teacher engaged in teaching, and is a term of endearment used by students for teachers who impart their skill. In ancient times, those who engaged in preaching and teaching were usually male, so shī (teacher) was compared to fu (father), and over time “Shifu” became a combined term. However, in practice, the usage isn’t limited to men only. For example: in the most common martial arts novels in which the word “Shifu” is used, those who teach are referred to as “Shifu”, regardless of their gender.

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