Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death

Chapter 27.2

How happy will it be if I can remain in this world?

It’s a question that has run through my mind countless times.

If I’m just going to return to that dim, lonely house in my original world, then staying in this world is much, much better.

In my original world, I gave up many things, with the belief that I’ll never be able to regain them.

But after I was sent to this world, to this warm and peaceful world, I was able to obtain them once again. It’s so unbelievable that it feels like a mere dream.

If I can stay in such a dream-like world, then that will be the equivalent of a miracle for me. I wonder how happy I’ll be.


“Is that impossible…?”

“That’s… If that is Osaka-sama’s wish, then…” said the Goddess, still overcome by surprise.

“So I can stay here?”


“Really?! Yayyy!!” I exclaim, not caring about how childish I sound. I even raise my fists into the air.

That just shows how happy I am. I can’t help it, okay?

Anyway, what a relief.

I got permission from the Goddess to stay here.

Now, I can spend the rest of my life in this world with peace of mind.

“I’m happy! So happy! Thank you, thank you, Goddess! Ah, that’s right. I’ve been borrowing Lian’s body, but what will happen in the future? Will I have to return it to the original Lian?”

“Ah, no, that’s not necessary. I granted one of the original Lian’s wishes in exchange for giving you a ‘place’ in that world.”


“Yes. The original Lian-sama… wanted to live a happy, rich life in a rich country far away from his original home, with a beautiful appearance and loved by tons of people. He also told me that if possible, he wanted to have an extremely rich lover… Now, he has reincarnated and become an honourable concubine of the king of a wealthy country from a far away continent, spending his days happily.”

“C-concubine?” I ask, my head starting to throb in pain. My vision’s going bleary too.

I shouldn’t have asked.

Why does the Goddess have to reveal that the original Lian became a concubine!

Also, the original Lian really has full intention to mess around in all sorts of ways, huh?!

Who would have expected him to be this hedonistic!

“The body that you currently occupy is based on your original body, prepared especially for you. Since your soul has assimilated to your current body, you can use it however you wish without any worries. I can try to put your soul into another body, but if they’re not compatible, rejection may occur. It’s very risky.”

“I see.”

So my current body is based on my original body.

It’s no wonder I could immediately accustom myself to that body. I never felt a sense of incongruity at all.

That also explains why my stomach is very weak! Because the one in my original body is just as weak!

I feel like crying now.

“That means… I can continue using this body, right? That’s a relief. Then it’s all good.”

I’ve already gotten familiar with my current body. If she were to tell me that I have to move to another body, I’d feel troubled.

“P-please wait a minute, Osaka-sama! Do you understand what will happen if you remain in that world?! After all, that village will—”

Just like me, the Goddess probably refrains from saying it out loud as much as possible.

…As if not verbalizing it will prevent it from becoming a reality.

I nod to the Goddess in understanding.

I understand her mentality. Very much so.

After all, I like the world in the game so much that I played the game four times.

Even until now, many years since I last played it, I still fully remember the storyline.

And if my current world is a re-creation of “Arcadia,” then according to the storyline of that game…

“I understand, Goddess. That’s why I’ve been making a lot of preparations. So that the village won’t be destroyed once that day arrives.”

After I said that, the mini-Goddess’ face darkens.

Why? Is it bad for me to do so, like I originally thought?

After all, my intent is essentially to change the original storyline…

“Goddess? Should I… not have done that? But—”

“No. No, it’s not that…” The mini-Goddess hangs her head in misery, not meeting my eyes. Closes hers.

Complete silence reigns over us for a few minutes.

Following that, the Goddess slowly opens her light crimson eyes. Raises her head, staring at me with resolve. “…To be honest, I have also thought of saving that village before.”


“But… In all my attempts to do so, not once did I succeed.”

Not even once?

“That… You mean…”

“As the creator of that world, I am severely restricted in my actions since it’s forbidden for Gods to directly interfere with the happenings in a world. I’m only allowed to guide the people, along with anything else that exists in a world, by ‘whispering’ to them. In this way, I can warn the people of any dangers and maintain the world order at the same time. I’ve whispered to a lot of people so that the village could prepare themselves against the demons, but… I ultimately couldn’t change its fate of being destroyed.”

I gulp.

“The pre-established harmony of that event to this world is… too powerful for me to break. That event’s powerful karma and destiny is due to its role in pushing the central characters of the world onto their destined paths. In order to fulfill this, that star is given the power needed to keep all the stars attracted to it under its control, to not let them deviate from their established orbit. And this power is enough to burn everything into nothingness. That’s why…” says the Goddess, looking up at me. “The demons will undoubtedly come to that village in the future. And because of this event’s incredibly powerful karma, it’s… almost impossible to save the village, not with any amount of ‘whispers’ I do. With this knowledge, do you still wish to remain in this world?”

I’ve long since known that it won’t be this easy.


“…You said almost impossible. Does that mean the possibility isn’t zero?

“That’s right. However, I find ‘almost impossible’ still close to zero…”

If the chance isn’t zero, then it’s worth giving it a shot.

“I’ll still try it. I’ve been desperately working hard to do that so far. I don’t want to just throw my efforts all away after reaching this far, and also…” I meet the mini-Goddess’ eyes. “…Didn’t you tell me to ‘please save the world?’ And I recognize that village is also included.”

“…Osaka-sama… But, you are—” The Goddess’ small lips quiver as she narrows her light crimson eyes.

I understand what the Goddess is trying to say.

If I continue to stay in Leis village and can’t overcome that future disaster, then Lian—I—will die.

Together with everyone else in the village.

That is the original Lian’s fate.

However… “Goddess, I like that village. It’s calm and peaceful, and I have many loved ones there. I don’t want to lose those important to me ever again. Losing more than what I’ve already lost is…”


Absolutely unthinkable to me.


“If I have the ability to protect the people important to me, then I will do my best to make it happen… Because I was unable to do the same in my original world.”

My current life reminded me of everything I had lost in my original world.

And of my inability to do anything to stop it.

But now, I can do something as Lian in my current world.

I already have a general plan so that I can achieve my goal.

I will utilize all the resources available to me, owing to my identity as Lian, to protect the village.

“But Osaka-sama!” exclaims the Goddess, still trying to convince me otherwise.

I stop her with a shake of my head.”It’s okay, Goddess. Please don’t worry. I’m doing this because I want to. No matter what the result is, I will take full responsibility for it. Also, returning to my original world just means… I’ll be alone again. Even if I don’t return, no one will mourn for me there anyway…”

I have no one waiting for me in my original world. My absence won’t make anyone sad. So it doesn’t matter if I die as Lian.

I’m the sole inhabitant of my house.

That’s why…

“Please don’t say such a sad thing! I didn’t choose you for that reason.”

“Yes, I know. Even so, I think you chose the best person for this task. I don’t have any remaining ties to my original world, which means I can focus all my attention on Arcadia. See, no one’s more suited to this role than I am, right?”

It’s somewhat weird for me to say this myself, but I really do believe that I’m the most suited for this.

Because I’m all alone. There isn’t a need to consider whether I’ll be hurting someone’s feelings. I don’t have to hesitate in taking action. Nor do I have to worry about the consequences of my actions.

That also means that no one will care about where I go. Or where I die.

I can live and die however I wish. Without a need to care about anything or anyone else.

Indeed, no one is more free of emotional liabilities than I am.

Nyahohoho, I’m back with my long trash-talking!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ Where have I been, you ask!? Well, I moles– teased Lian for being such a good boy several months ago, and I ended up getting slashed by Al… So I had to recuperate so I can make my come-back as the sadistic yet cute translator! Muahahaha!!! (*☉౪ ⊙。)ノ //killed by some readers who are looking at mii with disgust

Also Goddess, stop bullying my kitten Lian! He’s a good boi who wants to stay with his boyfriend and live happily ever after!!! I don’t get it, since Lian won’t be able to reincarnate if he dies in that world, why did Goddess send him there? As the rival of the protagonist who’ll definitely die!??? Goddess, you’re contradicting yourself! I’m coming for you!!!ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ



L-Lian, please don’t be that negative too… Come here, this onee-san will keep you and pamper you…!

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